Tall Glass of Water

Conference Weekend is always like drinking a tall glass of water when you are totally thirsty! We had a great time listening and watching conference and feel lucky that we are able to watch it from the comfort of our own home and in our pajamas too, our cups are now full!

We read a talk from the October Children’s Friend about a “Reverence Tent” last week. We decided to make one too – Stephen style. (The bigger the better.)

We also made and completed a project we’ve been wanting to add to our downstairs wall in between the Saturday sessions of conference.

Most of all it was just great to have a casual weekend just being together having our conference party and celebration.


Dad and Mom Parker said…

Boy, that’s a good analogy. We had our cups filled also. We had it at our house on Sat. and had snacks and dinner in between sessions. It was good to hear words from our Prophet just for us today. We love the addition to your downstairs wall, it looks great, as does the family too.
Monday, October 06, 2008 3:08:32 PM

michelle said…

You guys are great. I love the tent and the wall. I also love the conference board. Great examples!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:29:40 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Okay, I love the reference tent. I wish we had known about it when the kids were younger. They would have loved it. It would have made conference more fun and special to them.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:25:04 PM

Mom Baldwin said…

What a great thing you did to help the kids enjoy Conference. Great memories were made for everyone. You are good parents. Your children are lucky to live in a home where they are always made to feel like they are important and included in all that you do. Carry on!
Saturday, October 11, 2008 1:53:18 PM

Silly Lily Strikes Again

She must take after her mother! Chocolate cookies for breakfast – at leat they are waffles, right?Alexis invited a couple of friends over the other night for a late over. They were going to make waffle cookies and Lily was excited to eat one. I was excited to get Olivia to bed, so I asked Lily if she would fake sleep for me so Olivia would go to sleep. I told her I would come and get her when the cookies were finished. (I also added that if she accidentally fell asleep I would save some for her)

Well Alexis and friends got distracted with other things and I went on a cleaning frenzy – before we knew it, it was 9:50 pm. I whipped out the cookies really quick and Stephen reported that Lily was asleep. True to my word, I packaged up some cookies in a baggy just for Lil.

In the darkness of the middle of the night I hear noises coming from in front of me – It was an upset Lily. I acknowledged her and she said, “I am awake and I want my cookies”. She was feeling frustrated and she made it come across that she had been awake the entire time! I had a little snicker of a smile on my face, she is sooo funny. I checked the time – it was 3:00 am. I told her it was the middle of the night and I wasn’t going to go get her cookies for her, but she could go eat them if she wanted to. She stood there in frustration, then finally consented to lay by me for the rest of the night while she waited for her cookies.

First thing she did when she popped open her eyes, was find her cookies. I guess it was worth the wait – she seemed pretty happy!


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Never, never, never give up. Good things happen to those who discover something good and never give it up. Stubbornness is not all bad. Lili is going to be a miracle worker and wonderful blessing to us all; even more than she now is.
Saturday, October 04, 2008 1:42:11 AM

Aunt Jana said…

Way to fake them out…glad you got your cookies.
Saturday, October 04, 2008 4:50:32 PM

Magan said…

Lily’s strong will reminds me of Grace. I have hope because Lily has grown to be such a wonderful girl
Sunday, October 05, 2008 4:17:01 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

What a funny girl. Beware the promises you make to her in the future…
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:44:17 PM

Darling Duo

I caught these two little darlings going to town the other morning – they were giving a concert. Olivia was very proud of this and anxious to invite all who would come to listen to hear her music. She loves to play with Lily and have the attention of a big sister. She has been so happy to have her favorite friends home for the past week during Harvest Break.

Olivia likes to go around the house humming or doo daaing songs. My favorite is when she sings “dun, dun, dun, du-dun, dun, du-dun, dun:” to the beat of the Coldplay song “Viva la Vida”. She loves to hear music in the car as well. Her top request is the “La La La” song – “I’m a New Soul…”. And you can’t beat a three year old singing “Too Cool” from “Camp Rock”.


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Oh, the wondrous magic of little girls. Don’t plan on Mason and JT playing music together. But watch out for increased snake collecting and inspection of perfectly good mechanical objects.
Saturday, October 04, 2008 1:38:09 AM

Aunt Jana said…

That is too fun, I remember putting on concerts all the time back in the day most of the time I would lip sync to Madonna or Cyndi Launder, but it was still the highlights of my youth concerts in the backyard with my sisters…good memories. Keep making em!
Saturday, October 04, 2008 4:52:13 PM


This little fella may be cute, but he knows how to mark a territory really quickly! Alexis was pretty startled. Luckily she forgave him after her shower and still likes to hold him.

We have to send out warning messages to anyone who would like to hold JT. Hold him facing outward or BEWARE!

He is pretty irresistible because of his cuteness, but when the chowder comes up he can loose friends fast.


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Jana was our champion spitter-upper. Now look how well she does. She hardly drools. This should be good preparation for Alexis.
Saturday, October 04, 2008 1:34:58 AM

Aunt Jana said…

He has the ability to soak the best of them!! He’ll grow out of it I guess I did!!
Saturday, October 04, 2008 4:55:39 PM

Spud Mania

Super SpudOne of the benefits of moving back to this neck of the woods is Potato Harvest (Spud Harvest to me, my dad calls potatoes spuds). Sugar City school district had this entire past week out for harvest break and we also get a full week next week and then the following Monday! It is nice to sleep in a little later and be more relaxed for a few weeks.

The potato truck drivers for Huskinson’s farm drive across the entrance to our driveway. There is a weigh station located there (in case you haven’t noticed). Anyway, potatoes have been falling off of the heavily loaded trucks to Mason and Lily’s delight. They gather them up.

Mason has created some pretty cute Spud Creatures with them! He used pebbles for the eyes and mouth and twigs for arms and legs. This morning I caught him cutting into some fabric in the laundry room.

Long live the Spuds! I always say, if I could only pick one food to survive on for the rest of my life it would be the potato.

What a happy potato!

Mason introduced his friend to his spud creations. His friend, Parker, made a bear.

Mason made a bull for Super Spud to ride on.


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

The people here are really amazed at the size of those potatoes in the previous blog. It’s good that Mason is not letting them go to waste.
Saturday, October 04, 2008 1:32:57 AM

HayHay said…

That’s so creative, looks fun!!

Saturday, October 04, 2008 3:09:25 PM

Aunt Jana said…

I love harvest time too!! keep making those spud men. Maybe your dad and Ryon could make a spud gun!(if that’s ok with your mom)
Saturday, October 04, 2008 4:46:27 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

Spuds are in the genes I would say. My children have those Idaho spud genes from their father.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:41:02 PM

Field Trip

Olivia was in heavenI was home watching the kids tonight and thought I bet they would like to go on a field trip across the street to see the Potatoes being harvested. We all hopped in the van and drove over to Randy’s place where Derek was harvesting like crazy. Derek’s daughter gave the kids the royal treatment, she let them climb up the huge pile of spuds to the top and help her unload the trucks. Fun times for all.


michelle said…

I am so amazed by all those potatoes. Something about the whole process of harvesting intrigues me. What lucky kids to be a part of it!
Friday, October 03, 2008 12:59:36 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

That is so crazy! Did they let you take some potatoes home? How fun to go across the street and have a field trip.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:28:12 PM

Mom Baldwin said…

How fun for the kids!!! Potato harvest time is one of my most happiest memories. I wish I could be there so I could smell the potatoes and the great smell of the (dirt) earth. It’s so awesome! I’m glad you provided the kids with this great opportunity! You’re great parents!
Saturday, October 11, 2008 2:00:27 PM

Una Vibra

The Snake whispererWe went for a little bike ride over to the nature park during my lunch hour today and within seconds of being there Mason came a running with excitement. Here is some of the excitement from my iPhone video. The little boys there called it a Vibra, Paul can translate that one for us.

Part of the crowd that loved the snake

Back to where he belongs….


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Nice little snake, Jodi seemed pretty courageous considering her feelings for animals around her. The catch and release seems the best way to go. Thanks for the blog. One of my old missionary companions told me that he could tell a lot about a man by how he treated animals.
Thursday, October 02, 2008 12:26:06 AM

Pablo said…

La vibra is a snake if you didn’t know or la serpiente. Vibra is what they say in Mexico. Hopefully Mason practico su espanol con los ninos.
Thursday, October 02, 2008 8:38:51 AM

Aunt Jana said…

Mason when I was in 2nd grade we lived out in Hibbard,and there were lots of frogs and snakes in the field so at recess I would take my purse and catch all kinds of critters to scare the other girls.I loved catching snakes and frogs too when I was your age. Fun times.
Thursday, October 02, 2008 8:53:51 AM

Profe. Parker said…

Hearing you speak Spanish reminds me of a taxi ride in Bolivia. Mucho gusto! Keep up the practice you’ll be fluent in no time. Pero se dice Como te llamas, no Como te llamo. That means What do you call me? or What did she/he call you? Instead of What is your name? Little Spanish lesson for all.
Friday, October 03, 2008 11:38:19 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Those boys are really confused. “Why is that white man speaking our language to us? Doesn’t he only know English?”
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:42:38 PM

New Blog Look

Have you noticed that I have selected new backgrounds for my family’s blogs? If so, and you’re feeling adventurous, you can do it too. They are located by clicking on the mona lisa button. After that, scroll down and click where it says “create a custom style”. The new styles are under the outer edge drop down box…LizzieGrace and then a number next to that. On the inner image drop down box, be sure to select “no image”. The font colors are easy enough to figure out I think.

Good luck!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Thanks. We could use the luck when it comes to computers.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:31:32 AM

Anne said…

Love it! Me and the girls already switched ours on sunday! Thanks for some fun new options!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:16:59 PM

Dressed in White Once More…

I took this as I exited the Temple todayToday I saw an angel! I was working in the temple as a witness for the baptisms, when I looked up and saw the most beautiful sight I have ever witnessed. There right in front of my eyes was Jodi! She had surprised me and came to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. She looked astounding! She was dressed in all white ready to work, I couldn’t stop smiling. She stepped into the font and I immediately said, “I would like to baptize her please”. Since they all know me there they hurried and found a replacement witness for me and let me enter the water with her. What an experience, it was difficult to read the names because of how big I was smiling and the wetness of my eyes.

After she was baptized for 15 people, She looked at me and said, “Thank You.” She then leaned into me and gave me a hug, I can’t remember what it feels like to be in the presence of The Savior, but it must feel something like what I felt there. The witnesses chuckled a little saying, “you can’t do that in the font.” All I can say is Thank You, Thanks You, Thank you – Jodi, for the chance to be in the temple with you today. Today I felt closer to Jodi than I ever have, like our spirits had melded together.

Violin Duet

Today Alexis and I played a violin duet in sacrament meeting. We played “Come Follow Me” and “Love at Home”. Alexis did a super job! She has really great tone when she plays and she got all of the notes right in tune. It was a real treat to stand up there next to her and perform. This experience was by far one of my favorite things I’ve ever done with Alexis. I really love music a lot – I may not be the best that I would like to be, but it makes my heart happy. I hope Alexis will be able to experience some of the same feelings with music that I have. She is certainly on the right track.

I’ll say this much – I would not have consented to playing in church if she wasn’t standing there next to me. I have become too intimidated and self-defeating for exposing myself with public violin playing. I’ve taken too many years off and it’s not like riding a bike! So, thanks Alexis for making me get out of my comfort zone and trying – I did it all for you because I want you to be better than me!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Alexis sure does have a great pattern to follow to grow up. Every since we have known you, you have been a wonderful example of talent and goodness. Alexis is a wonderful blend of cheerful and diligent all put into the body of a wonderfully lovely young lady. Keep growing together.
Monday, September 29, 2008 12:27:46 AM

Jana said…

very cool, wish we could have been a fly on the wall and be apart of your duet too! Glad that you are learning some beautiful talents that will bless the lives of others. I had a friend in high school who was an amazing violin player she was asked to play numerous times on her mission and in church. Your on the right path,keep up the good work. Thanks for your example.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:35:55 AM

HayHay said…

Great job, Lex!!!!!! You’re awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:12:14 PM

Anne said…

Good job! Hopefully next time we see you, you can play a duet for us!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:19:27 PM

michelle said…

That is so cool. I wish I had a talent like that, so keep it up Lex. I sure hope my kids find a love for music, it really is an important thing.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 4:30:19 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

Maybe you and Jed could play some violin at Thanksgiving. I’ll have to tell him to bring up his violin…and his tennis racket. 🙂
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:36:13 PM