I miss Grandpa and Grandma Parker

I made this card for them to read everyday….love Lily


makenzie said…

Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:36:35 AM

Haley said…

That is so cute. I do to.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:37:27 AM

hannahbrewer said…

I miss them to .

Saturday, February 09, 2008 5:48:03 PM

hannah brewer said…

I miss them to.
Saturday, February 09, 2008 5:50:27 PM

Grandpa &Grandma P. said…

Thanks for the pictures Lily. We miss all of our wonderful grandchildren, but you always do fun things and that makes us happy to see the fun you are having.
Friday, February 15, 2008 2:22:00 AM

Riley said…

I miss them too!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008 12:12:03 PM

Polar Bear Swim 2008

Rexburg holds an event “Snow Fest” the last saturday of January. There are random fun snow events – for our family the Polar Bear Swim is a favorite. This entails putting on a swimming suit, standing out in 15 degree weather to wait for your turn, jumping into a large pool of 36 degree water, then immediately sitting in a 106 degree hot tub, getting out and hurriedly putting on your snow pants, hat, and gloves. There must be some sort of rush involved that some of us just can’t understand. Anyway, after much anticipation it finally arrived. Alexis has been talking about it for awhile. Lily wanted to be on T.V. (the news) again. Mason, just like always, is up for a thrill. Stephen woke up after a long, restless night from a cold – obviously this did not deter him. When going to sign up they found out that children under 8 would not be permitted to jump. (A girl in South Dakota last year did this and her heart went into cardiac arrest – not comforting thoughts for an overprotective mother!) Needless to say, Lily had to watch – she was mostly disappointed about not getting on T.V. Alexis was over joyed when Stacie called and said she would be joining in and bringing Kate with her. They also informed us that Jana and Hannah were taking the plunge as well. Crazy Cold Fun! Another year, another hat, and membership to the prestigious Polar Bear Club. We missed Lance, Kassie and Sami (from last year).

Polar Bear Swim

I did it!Yes!Today is the Polar Bear Swim!I started the Polar Bear Swim last year.It was so fun i wanted to do it again!I told my friends to do it but they aren’t very adventurous.So far I only have one friend that would actually do it with me,and she is my cousin too it is Kassie!Kass I wish you were here cause my dad is sick!I am still doing it with Lil’ so I’ll have someone!


Pablo said…

Where are the pics? I want some evidence!
Saturday, January 26, 2008 8:59:48 PM

Riley said…

I’m doing it this year w/ ya!!!!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 4:50:06 PM

First Pine Wood Derby!!!

Tonight was Mason’s first real PWD. He was so excited while we were making the car he kept saying I am going to win for the coolest car. He made it to look like “Bumblebee” from the Transformers movie, and of course his car was given that same name. Even on the way to the church tonight he was telling Lily, “I don’t care if it is fast, I am going for the coolest”. I was proud of his optimism and not the greed to have to be the “fastest”. He ended up doing really well though, he placed 2nd out of 9 cars and was very happy. He got the award for “the car that looked the most realistic”. (a.k.a. “coolest”) Fun memory for all of us.

The pre race round up

it was a close one for second, BYU took this one


Uncle John said…

Way Cool Car Mason!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008 1:46:41 PM

Aunt Amy said…

That is fabulous Mason! Sometimes the cars that you least expect end up being the fastest. Way to go!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:52:20 PM

Showing Someone You Care

Alexis again deserves a documented brag session from her mom. She has been so helpful and sensitive to me the last few days. Tonight when we came home and I felt grouchy and tired and overwhelmed with messes downstairs, she said, “You can just go to bed mom,” while working on cleaning things up. This gave me the last shreds of energy to keep going, just knowing I had someone willing to help. Also, last night she cleaned up all of the dishes and put them in the dishwasher from dinner – plus washed the things that wouldn’t fit. She even put them away and coaxed Lily into helping her – she made it fun. I overheard her tell Lily, “Now we get to do my favorite part!” (Talking about washing the pots, etc. by hand) I am so happy that Alexis has learned to SHOW she cares. Thanks Lex – it meant a lot! I love you.


So Stephen and I have noticed a little ritual that Lily does every night. Not only does she HAVE to sleep with her hot pink polka dot teddy bear that Aunt Stacie made her, she wants to have the last say. We tuck her in, read her a story and do the usual routine and then she says, “Goodnight Dad/Mom, (whoever gets the privilege)love ya, see ya in the mornin'”. If we reply, she quickly says the same thing over, until she is finally the last to speak. This hasn’t been working as well now that Olivia has caught on. (She shares a room with Lily) Now there is an constant echo of the same thing over and over. Stephen went down last night to answer the cries of Olivia in the middle of the night. He came back up and reported that Lily sat up in bed while he was there, still asleep and began repeating her ritualistic words. Even better Olivia started saying it too, so here it is 2AM and they are in the endless loop of who gets the last word. When asked about it this morning she had no idea what we were talking about. You’ve just got to love her!


Uncle John said…

That Stuborness will be a great blessing someday. Good Nght see ya in the mornin.
Saturday, January 26, 2008 1:47:50 PM

Haley said…

That is so cute and FUNNY!!!!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:22:10 PM

Fast yet simple worm

Today was a sad day for AMX’rs, we were hit by a simple teaser instant message worm. It was sad to see how many took the bait, over half of our 250 employees clicked the link and installed the worm. Even after 3 security warnings…simply crazy. This was not on my schedule to have over 500 emails, 30 phone calls, and several IM’s in just a few minutes. I think I may have to start sending out fake worms monthly to get them used to saying “no”. If it looks phishy then it’s most likely a hook.


John said…

You know what they say. The early bird gets the worm. Thanks for the fishing pointer. We will try to learn to just say no. It does help keep your job secure. Lots of work.

Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:45:38 PM

Amy said…

Well, it looks like it’s time to get everyone a Mac! 🙂
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:33:17 PM

-25F = No School

Today the kids woke to the great news of no school. The temperature was -25F plus a wind chill that took it down to around -32F now that is a bit nippy. The kids loved doing finger painting and just lounging around all day. It was so cold that my tractor wouldn’t even start to plow the driveway. I am heating the shop now to see if that will help. As I write this it is down to -4F already so it may be another easy going day for the kids tomorrow.