Wise Words to a thirsty Soul

Everybody had a job – Mason is eating cookies for his job in this photo.

I say it every year and I'll say it again. I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE. I love the inspirational thoughts and constant nourishment from the spirit. I appreciate the optimistic words for our future coupled with warnings to help us keep our spirits safe. How blessed we are to have the knowledge of the gospel and a prophet and apostles to lead and guide us on our journey. My top favorite talks today are from President Uchtdorf (simplify), President Monson (gratitude), and Larry R Lawrence (parenting). Podcasts are already available from the iTunes store – I downloaded them last night! I love to re-listen to talks as I do my laundry or clean up breakfast dishes.

I also love that I was able to relax in the comfort of my own home with my favorite people. I baked all day long (it felt), then fed my peeps, watched them smile and I loved it. Orange rolls were made for Stephen this morning and molasses cookies made for me this afternoon. We tried a fancy decorating technique that was fun. It felt so nice to be at home all together with no pressure and rush to go anywhere.

Our big project for this weekend was potty training JT (everyday is getting better and better). He has done fairly well. An outsider looking in might think we've all gone wacko when we do our potty dance and sing after a successful trip to the potty, "he did it! he did it! he did it, did it, did it!" We have also had a good chuckle over the potty movie borrowed from the library as well as some of the "interesting" books out there. JT is such a cutie and I am sooo excited to check this milestone of the list once and for all. This is the last time!!! Three cheers for Lexi who is helping me. She is so awesome and helpful. Her incentive is a new sweater waiting in my closet for her when potato harvest is over. Yes, I bribed her – but neither of us mind. I really believe she would do it without a bribe, so it makes it more fun to want to give it to her. She loves JT and he loves her right back. What would I do without my oldest daughter?

Finished Cookie Art

Nostalgic….One of my few memories of my Grandma Beattie is making molasses cookies.

It took some time to figure the frosting thing out, but we prevailed!

Potty Treats for JT – He actually ended up puking on me after 6 hours into this! I’m sure you can tell why.

Patience is a virtue is what I’m thinking in this picture…

Such a cute BIG boy!!!!

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