Sorry the pictures are first…
This is he Hippie Market:
Me and Shawni with the owner of Hidden Door
Bread Knots at Fabi’s
Today my morning shift was in Alegria. I love those kids! One of the kids is one of my favorites out of all of the kids. My favorite is when he crosses on leg on his other knee or when he crosses his fingers when he eats. He is my little man!
Today I was in charge of actividad and we played Jenga. They love Jenga! I also got to do two of the little girls’ hair. The HEFY kids are here and around four of them help us out with the kids. It is nice because all of the kids get included.
While I was helping with another girl she decided that she wanted to do my hair. It is a lot thinner now. Haha the same girl gave me a hug before I even asked today and I was so excited!
Today I had an off with Logan and Shawni and they are two of my favorites! We went into town and wandered around going in and out of random souvenir shops. Don’t worry we definitely stopped for ice cream and a churro.
We met the rest of the volunteers at Fabianos, an Italian restraunt, and it was really yummy! Afterwards there was a classic rock concert that the American embasy put on in celebration of the Fourh. We had a blast! Haley I was dying for you! You would have loved it!
When we were leaving the played “Living on a Prayer” and we were dancing all over the place! In the taxi ride home we were jamming to American music, curtousey of the taxi driver. Tonight was way fun.