So this is a panoramic of the view ziplining. I know it is awful quality, but jts the best I’ve and Hannah in our gear
Hannah, Nicole, me
America’s Birthday Cake
Happy Fourth of July!! I am sad I am not in the U.S. To celebrate! Today Nicole, Hannah, and I had an off because we were in the zip lining group. So, we got up early and made crepes and eggs for everyone to eat before shift. We also decorated the house with the Fourth of July stuff mom got from te dollar store.
Zipljning was so fun! I went with Hannah, Nicole, Logan, Heather, Madie, and Shawni. The helmet there definately didn’t fit me or Nicole. At least they stayed on somewhat the entire time. The view was so AMAZING! We got to ride 7 different lines and it took around an hour.
This morning I also helped Hannah make sugar cookies for the Copa America finals today. We had a huge party at OSSO this smarter noon during shift.
I worked with Logan in Alegria, my last shift there. The kids from Alegria weren’t so interested so I missed most of the game. Esta bien.
Instead I helped clean up two pooped in underwear, courtesy of the same child. I also helped one of the boys make a bracelet and spent time with the two cute little girls in Alegria.
For dinner I helped my “Little Man” eat. He was cracking me up. He pushes the food away in the cutest way and then he would look at me and laugh. Every time I gave him a bite he would hold it in his mouth and then open it to reaves like the previous few bites as well. I had to manually make him chew. He thought it was hilarious. He also spilled his soup down my shirt while pushing it away. I found out at the end of shift that Chile won in PKs for anyone who was wondering.
Tonight we had a BBQ for the Fourth and we grilled veggies, pineapple, and hot dogs. We had so much food! We also made some United States shaped cookies for all the volunteers and Katie made a blue and white birthday cake for us. We definately sang happy birthday to America with it. Roddy bought us two fireworks that were so great because they reminded everyone of home. We also discuses all of our favorite memories/traditions for the Fourth at the dinner table, that also reminded me of home.
This week and the next three days are going to be really hard. I am working some of my last shifts in each place and it breaks my heart. These kids mean a lot to me and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to meet them. They have changed me for the better. I keep thinking of the song from the Forgotton Carols that says, “Its strange how things are changed when touched by love.” I know it is super cheesy, but it is a good explanation of how I feel about now. I had no idea what how much this experience would impact me. I love you all! See you in 3 days. 😢😳😫😊