Two of my favorite Tias. Clarissa and Jenny. I ❤️ Cuenca.
Overlook at the llama museum.
The mural. Translation: you may not have my eyes or my smile, but from the very first moment you had my heart.
Well today was officially my last day in Cuenca. I miss it already as I sit in the Quito airport.
My morning shift/last shift was in Milagros. I love those boys! One of them told me I had to write him a note for later. Haha two of the boys in there are just the cutest of friends and I love to tease them and watch them tease each other.
I got to push the kids in the swings and hold the baby/3-year-old from Milagros. He is the cutest thing. I felt like it was the perfect ending to my last 3 weeks.
I had the afternoon off to pack, but I was done so I went to the culture museum with Hannah, Nicole, Madie, and Nik. It was really cool. I even got to see a real live llama! Haha After that we went home and worked on the mural. I got to write the quote and sign it. Yay!
When I was first assigned to Cuenca I was really uncomfortable and nervous. I wasn’t used to the type of atmosphere in that orphanage and I wasn’t too excited about stretching myself.
Even on my first day I was overwhelmed with the challenge I knew it would be for me. After this week I don’t know what the heck was wrong with me and I wish I hadn’t spent so much time stressing. The children at Los Pequiñitos de OSSO are the best thing to bless my life.
I have learned so much from them and I wish you could all meet them because they are my best friends. Saying goodbye to them today was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. When I took the boy his note he hugged me while I sobbed in his crippled arms. After he read my note he even hugged me again.
When I got to OSSO the two pieces of advice that stood out the most to me were from Hailey and Jacie. Jacie told me not to worry about trying to be just like the other volunteers. She said that the individuality of each volunteer is what the kids need. Hailey said that these kids are just like me and you, the only difference is that we can move and talk more.
When I took time to apply these advices into my time at OSSO I found myself growing the most. If any of you ever get the chance to serve in a similar situation as mine, I hope this advice is just as beneficial. I love you all and I can’t wait to tell you all about my life in Ecuador.
❤️The Girl with Big Plans