Can your man can? Mine can!

I just have to laugh at my husband. He is so sentimental and nostalgic – which can be endearing! His sister Stephanie made him some apple fruit leather. He was taken back in time to the day his mom made it. He was immediately fixated on acquiring apples to produce some leather of his own. We located them at my friend Jamie’s house. We picked them, they sat in our garage because I just wasn’t in the mood.

Wednesday evening this past week, he took it upon himself to make the applesauce (which is what fruit leather essentially is- dried applesauce). He washed, steamed the apples, hooked up the victorio, and whirled the handle until his five gallon bucket was full. We all enjoyed the smell of our home and the taste of fresh applesauce with cinnamon.

Yesterday we processed 14 jars of applesauce and his leather is in the dehydrator as we speak.

He definitely inherited the canning gene! If it weren’t for him, I would be going to the cupboard and finding them bare. I just hate the mess of canning. I am glad that Stephen is industrious – there really isn’t a lazy bone in his body. I have to really thank his mom and dad for teaching him so many great things that benefit our family over and over again!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

It makes us have warm feelings for home just reading about it. Stephen never was much for sitting around. Once, at a general priesthood meeting, he was deeply touched by a talk by Elder Maxwell on the value of work. Probably because it was already important to him, he took the words to heart. He is a doer. Be careful what you tell him about what you think would be cool to make.
Monday, September 29, 2008 12:19:33 AM

Jana said…

Yummy I love the smell Of applesauce and the dehydrator running with that low hum it is a fun childhood memory.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:32:37 AM

Anne said…

Wow! Pretty cool! The jack of all traits. Bet it tastes yummy!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:12:30 PM

michelle said…

I’m sure thankful my man can can. I have a feeling I wouldn’t be so apt to do it if I didn’t have the great help. Thanks to good parents, our guys have some pretty great traits.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 4:32:41 PM

Stephen said…

That low hum is more like a loud roar now :-), but it still smells good.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 4:58:50 PM

Sew much Fun

Charm Packet Table RunnerMy friend Diana gave me the motivation and inspiration to tackle a few of my sewing projects that have been a long time coming. She showed me how to use the darning foot for my sewing machine and gave me the encouragement I needed. Stacie was also a phone call away to answer a few of my stippling questions.

Actually I started a new project before tackling my other ones. First, I decided to make a pumpkin table topper for the season. I went out to Stacie’s house and she showed me hers and helped me figure out how much fabric to buy, etc. She even contributed fabric that was already sewn together for my border! You can’t beat that right? You can definitely tell that it was my first time working the darning foot – but I suppose that just comes with the territory.

Next up…My sister Michelle gave me a whole entire kit of candy fabric for my birthday two years ago. Last year at Christmas I finally got around to cutting it out – not without difficulty and frustration, I must add. Anyway this was the first project I finally got to cross of my list. I am actually happy with the way it turned out, and my kids are loving it! Alexis was the first one to sleep with it.

I made a quilt top for Olivia (before she was born, yes she just turned 3) for her crib. I decided I didn’t like it enough to pay for it to be quilted. Now I am able to get that quilt out of the way as well. She thinks it is cool to have her own quilt. She has been patient with me as I am sewing a lot of these days. She likes to cut fabric scraps while I’m sewing.

Alexis and I also made Olivia and Lily shirts for sister’s day and I cut out Mason two pair of pj bottoms when we had our sewing late over. Last night I finished the pj bottoms! Mason was pretty excited. I wonder how long he will enjoy homemade clothes?

When my mom was here in August she bought me a charm pack from Porters that I thought was sooo cute. I just finished the runner for my side table Friday. Michelle (John’s wife) told me about a fun pattern she uses to make runners from charm packets.

I have to thank all of my sewing influences because I know I would not have done any of this from my own ideas…It does give a good sense of accomplishment to finish a project, doesn’t it?

Last night at the General Relief Society Broadcast President Uchtdorf talked about how people like to create things. I believe that is very true!

Thanks Stacie for the cute idea!

Candy Quilt

PJ Bottoms (I bought the fabric last summer)

Co-Sewn with Alexis

This quilt is not for a crib anymore!


Diana said…

I am so proud of you. You have created beautiful things and doesn’t it feel fantastic. I love them!
Sunday, September 28, 2008 9:58:53 PM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

Nice job, Jodi! You are teaching, by example, many valuable principles to your children. They look great.(your sewing projects as well as you children) Mason will never get tired of pajamas. Sewing is almost a lost art here in Europe.
Monday, September 29, 2008 12:12:55 AM

Mom said…

Wow! Great job Jodi! You are such an amazing little woman. A few weeks again you told me you didn’t like to sew. Well, look at these projects you have finished? Way to go girl! The projects look so fun. I love them all. You did a great job getting them all completed. It is an amazing thing when the projects are finished to look at them and know you made them. You’ve go talent, honey. Don’t be afraid to use it and show it. I’m so pleased to see what you have done. Your family is loving you for all you are doing for them. Don’t you feel special? The kids will remember your labors of love, I promise!
Monday, September 29, 2008 3:46:43 PM

Grams said…

What a sweet bunch of grandchildren!!!! I love you all, tons!!! I miss you!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008 3:58:17 PM

Whitney said…

Woman, you are simply amazing. You did so good. I can’t believe you quilted that. You’ll have to show me how. I have others do it. You should be proud. It is good to have good people around you share talents hu?
Friday, October 03, 2008 10:33:55 PM

The First Time I Met….My Brother

I went to parent/teacher’s conference this past week, are you ready for the good news? Mason got straight As and one B. The B was in writing. He just needed to turn this paper in to get an A. His teacher is nice when it comes to turning in missing assignments and gives full credit.

Kershaw Elementary has this thing called ABBIT (As and Bs because I Try). If students get As and Bs on their report cards, they earn an ABBIT card which entitles them to various free items. Alexis and I told Mason about this card and it has been working its magic since school began. He is really excited about earning the free admission to Green Canyon – I told him we could take the family if he and Alexis earned ABBIT cards. This has been such a growing year for Mason. He gets his homework done and even turns it in! All for the sake of earning that ABBIT card.

Also, the other morning he set his alarm clock for 6 am so he could practice the piano before school. Will wonders ever cease? This has been such a happy change from last year’s attitude.

Anyway, you should take the time to read his great thoughts on when he met…his little brother. It makes my heart smile :).


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

That is a great little paper, Mason. You have a fine natural ability to think do things, and now you are even writing them. Your dad was always inspired by goals too. Good luck getting your ABBIT card, and JT is surely thankful for a good big brother.
Saturday, September 27, 2008 12:09:36 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Mason, you are an amazing big brother! I’ve watched how good you are to JT. He has a great example of how to treat people. He will always be glad to have you as his big brother.
Friday, November 07, 2008 1:45:40 PM

He’s gonna blow!

Seven months old! Seems like passing months now are like what passing hours felt like when I was Lily’s age. Time is speeding up without my permission…did you ever see the show “Sabrina the Teenage Witch”? She could stop time by touching her two pointer fingers together – I wish I were her sometimes.

Anyway – Our family’s favorite thing that JT has been doing this month is playing peek a boo. He is so funny to watch giggle. He thinks it is so fun, maybe he is just laughing at how goofy we look trying to play with him? Mason wrote a great tribute to JT for a writing assignment (check out Mason’s blog). Lex is the queen babysitter now – able to babysit ALL 5 kids without too much stress. Lily wants to be the first one to hold him in the morning and the last one to give him a snuggle before bedtime. Stephen is enjoying JT’s age a little more – he likes it when babies are old enough be NOT be so fragile. I am feeling a lot more freedom as JT decided to ween himself. It’s crazy how I can feel two opposite emotions at the same time – elation and sadness. It is hard/sad knowing this is the last time I will get to do this kind of stuff, but on the other hand… I’m hoping to be diligent with holding him while he drinks his bottle so I won’t miss out on the one on one time with him (not wanting to prop it – although I’ve done it a few times already- oops). Nobody’s Perfect, isn’t that right Miley Cyrus? Olivia deserves a whole paragraph as to what’s been going on for her and JT this month.

Olivia has been fun to watch as she tells me to touch JT’s head gently and stroke it. She is also great at giving hugs and kisses and just talking cute to him or sing him songs or read him books. BUT, we have also been trying to be creative with how to keep Olivia away from JT – for safety’s sake. She has been found carrying him around and then dropping him, pulling his poor little arms, wacking toys on his head, yanking his feet as I carry him, she has even been known to sit on top of the guy. So now that he sits up he is usually on a blanket, we’ve been spreading it out with random toys scattered around so that he can pick them up and suck on them. One day I decided to tell Olivia that we were going to pretend that the blanket is hot lava and if she touches it she will melt. At first she still tried to carry on with the poking and prodding, but recently she has been reminding me about the hot lava and I see her hanging out around the edges of his blanket.

We were at our friend’s house the other day and explained the game that we play. Their little girl said, “I don’t like the hot lava.” She doesn’t think our game is very cool or fun. I told her that one of these days the volcano might erupt. If she sees this video, she’ll understand why…I was completely drenched tonight! This eruption happened not only once, but twice! Two different solid streams with lots of power…luckily I don’t think JT is sick – just didn’t settle well.

Here’s to another month with the coolest baby around!

Jail Broke my iPhone!

What a difference that makes, now I can install my own home grown apps on my iPhone as well as tons of freebies out there. I love the camcorder app I grabbed for free. Cycorder makes the iPhone a pretty nice little camcorder as well as snapture which allows you to take pics in multiple formats (sepia, bw, greens, blues, etc.) Very fun little toy, tool.

Tips and tricks:
How to apply new MobileInstallation fix:
1) Using SSH, navigate to the folder: “/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework” (winscp) NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!
2) Backup the file “MobileInstallation” file from the directory above
3) Copy the patched MobileInstallation file over to “/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework”
4) Set permissions to that new file to 775
5) Remove file : /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ else you won’t be able to see Cydia apps
5) Reboot your iPhone – IMPORTANT! Otherwise Apps will not install!
6) Restart iTunes
7) Double click IPA files so they appear in iTunes and synchronize
Enjoy the app or game


jana said…

Its sounds like a techy leatherman it has it all eh?!! Pretty sweet phone.
Friday, September 26, 2008 10:13:09 AM

Dad and Mom Parker said…

You’re way over our head!! Keep it simple for us!
Friday, September 26, 2008 2:41:48 PM

John said…

Do the Chickens have large talons????? I will just have you help me when we see each other again.

Monday, October 06, 2008 7:55:45 AM

Sister’s Day 2008

Lex made these cute flowers of all of our sisters for the centerpiece at dinner.Happy Sister’s Day to all of the sisters out there! We celebrated and had a happy time. Alexis and I had a sewing late over with a few mothers on Friday night. She decided to make Olivia and Lily a shirt for sister’s day…she had lots of fun picking out the fabric and ironing – I did most of the sewing, although she sewed the hem. It was fun to see her be excited to do something nice for her sisters.

On Saturday Lily showed me her loose tooth…she said she wished it would have come out sooner so she could get some money from the tooth fairy and then use the $ to buy Lex and Olivia something for Sister’s Day. I told her she could make them something, but she really wanted to go shopping I think. I offered to buy a gift certificate from her that she won at the drawing from our Rolling Hills Classic Run. (A movie/popcorn date coupon) She was excited and we drove off to Walmart. She was glad to find a box of goldfish crackers for Olivia and some earrings and lip gloss for Alexis. She had 3 quarters left and talked on the way home about how she should give them to Mason so he wouldn’t feel bad. You can count on her to be thoughtful like that.

Olivia loved her shirt and crackers and Mason whipped up all of the girls some origami figures out of their favorite colors. I am glad that Mason invented Brother’s and Sister’s Day…it’s nice to make people feel extra special and loved as often as you can!

My only regret is that I didn’t choreograph a number for them to do using the song from “White Christmas” entitled no other than, “Sisters“. There is always next year though.


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Sounds like a great idea. We have been learning about charity this transfer and it sounds like we have some good examples in the family. Way to go, thinking of how to make someone else happy always makes you feel good. Thanks for being great examples to us.
Monday, September 22, 2008 11:36:38 AM

Meg the Gem said…

What a fun memory. I’ve been trying to think of different ways to “set up” experiences for my kids to serve each other. This is a great one!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:13:49 PM

Jana said…

looks like another successful “sister’s day” at the Parkers!! Fun stuff.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:39:52 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Okay, where in the world do you find out about all these special days? I struggle just to celebrate birthdays and holidays, let alone these other days. You are the ultimate mom. I don’t think that your girls will be able to compete.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:32:18 PM

Fall Foliage Photos

We just couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful the fall foliage was today as we drove through Mesa Falls Scenic Byway. What a treat to get us all excited for the days ahead. Alexis, Lily, and I decided to do a little photo shoot while Stephen had his bike challenge.

It is absolutely my favorite time of the year…wearing sweaters, drinking hot chocolate, looking at beautiful foliage, pumpkin stuff!, the scents I can burn in my scensty candle warmer, making soup, cinnamon rolls, AND STILL NOT BEING TOO COLD.

Perfectly perfect.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Oh what stunning beauty! And the leaves were pretty too. It’s a great time of year. Way to seize the day.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 1:09:51 AM

Dad said…

Some good looking kids. You can clearly see they get it from their mom.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:39:34 AM

michelle said…

I love fall-what a beautiful day! We are hoping to have a photo shoot tomorrow up the canyon! I hope it is as pretty as yours!
Sunday, September 21, 2008 5:41:21 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Terrific pics- what a beautiful family. It’s definitely time to go for a drive up the canyons here. Love to all,
Sunday, September 21, 2008 6:29:16 PM

Mom Baldwin said…

I loved your photo shoot pictures!!! Thanks for sharing. It’s almost as good as being there. I just love the beautiful Fall colors! Your dad and I will be taking our annual drive up into the canyon in the next couple of weeks so we can experience the “awe” of Fall, too. My heart swells with the beauty of the earth this time of the year. We are so lucky to live in this wonderous world where God’s creations can take our breath away and we can witness His hand all around us!
Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:26:38 PM

Mom/Grandma Baldwin said…

What beautiful girls are in the photo shoot!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:39:56 PM

The AMA Challenge

The first riders of the AMA ChallengeA day late and a dollar short to host the AMA Challenge as a “real event”. We weren’t able to get the permit from the Transportation Department in time so we ended up calling it a ride with friends instead and didn’t really hit the publicity hard…there is always next year though. Mark your calendars for the third Saturday in September for next year!

It turns out that we chose the perfect name for today’s race. It was most definitely a challenge from start to finish. It all started early this morning when Jodi looked out the window and said, “It looks windy and cold out there.” Then when I opened the garage door to get ready to leave, Mason said, “It’s Raining Dad.” So that was the first challenge, bad weather. It poured the whole way to Ashton I kept thinking it has to clear up.

Jodi started the race with a classic honk of the horn in the van. And we were off, whatever part of us that wasn’t already cold and wet just became that way as we splashed through the rain at 20+ mph. I had a large rain coat on that I quickly found was more like a sail. I took it off at the base of the Ashton hill, it wouldn’t come off without a fight because of how wet it had become. That cost me some valuable time but was worth the pay off to remove my sail.

The Hill was just that, one beastly 5 mile hill. Steep and gets steeper, not to mention not being able to see because of the rain falling on us. I was now in fourth place because of my little wardrobe malfunction. I kept thinking with ever pedal of the crank that I was gaining on them. Eventually it paid off and I was able to catch and pass all but one of them before cresting the summit. From there I turned on the heat and passed the last rider. I was now in front of the pack and wasn’t about to give it up. I kept imagining that this was just like riding with the kids up the Summer’s hill. That kept me pedaling with all my might against the cold north wind and rain. Once I crossed the Osborne bridge and turned South East on the scenic route to Ashton via Mesa Falls I was ecstatic to find that the wind was now on my side not fighting me. Only 30 more miles until this challenge was over. My legs were starting to cramp up because of how cold it was and from the strain of pedaling for the last 1 1/2 hours.

Onward to Mesa Falls, this was by far the best part of the ride, gradual downhill and the rain was starting to let up. The fall colors were amazing. I was able to get up to almost 45 mph coming into bear gulch that was sure a rush. I was breaking the speed limit. 🙂 Not so fun going up the other side though steep and long. It was fun to coast down into the warm river camping area after that. Then up the last uphill challenge. 2 Miles of up hill, and to make it even more fun it started to really rain hard now. The reward was looking to my left after coming out of the canyon and seeing an amazing view of the Teton Range. Very rewarding and motivating! From there I just had to sprint the last 7 miles into Ashton. It was a great ride, and very worthy of being called “The AMA Challenge.” Can’t wait until next year when we go big with it and get 100’s of riders.

losing the second layer


Hot water girl!

almost there



Dad said…

Nice job. Next year I’ll have to follow you along with a motorcycle and a warm coat. The fall leaves are beautiful and so are the fine ladies in front of them.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 1:06:23 AM

Stephen said…

Motorcycle nothing. We are going to have you and mom on road bikes 🙂 you will love it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:41:47 AM

Aunt Susan said…

Does AMA stand for “amazing mental attitiude” because that sure seems to sum up your ride. I am just in shock-are you headed for the Olympics in 4 years? Love,
Sunday, September 21, 2008 6:34:08 PM

Jodi said…

You’re da man! I was happy to see you do so well, you worked hard for it…I really think this ride/idea/event has a lot of potential. There are a lot of steep climbs but the beautifulness is a good pay off, along with saying your body let you do that. Good luck for next year’s grand event! Cliff Bars anyone?
Monday, September 22, 2008 9:00:56 AM

Stephen said…

AMA stands for Ashton – Mesa – Ashton as that is the ride route. Challenge just fit the bill so I added it. No Olympics for me, just going for my own personal victory and to prove being a diabetic doesn’t have to limit me.
Monday, September 22, 2008 10:32:28 AM

Lance said…

Looks like fun I will try to have a road bike by then. I remember riding down the ashton hill when we were kids, I think I was on Micheles old white shwinn. Keep up the good work.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 12:41:00 PM

Stephen Baldwin said…

I finally took time to view the pictures and read the blog. The pictures make me homesick for Island Park. The route of the ride is beautiful any time of the year (if you had a snowmobile during part of the year). Thanks for your courage, Stephen.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:06:51 AM

Mom Baldwin said…

What an awesome idea you put into action. We are so proud of you and all that you do. You have proved that being a diabetic doesn’t have to limit anyone!!! Thanks for being so dedicated and committed to doing good things! We love you!
Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:15:51 PM

One of my Many Character Flaws, Now Self Exposed

To those of you who know me well, this won’t come as a surprise when you read this. But I just figured out that I am a MORALIZER. What’s that you ask? Here is the definition- Moralizer: To think about or express moral judgments or reflections. I’ll have you know it is with the noblest of intentions that I do this as I generally error on the side of “expressing moral reflections” – does that sound like I am rationalizing too? – oops. Ironically, I want to consider myself and be the kind of person who is open minded and accepting. Hopefully I’ll balance myself out once in a while?!

As I went on my daily run this morning I really noticed just how much I do moralize on given subjects. Wow – I know, I am even annoying myself now. It is amazing how I become this passion driven authority on random issues from flirty girls to how the power of positive thinking will make you happy. While these things are completely true and most people would readily agree, I feel compelled to accentuate the issue and give about 25 examples to solidify my argument when nobody even really asked. (Sorry Diana and Trisha, my current and recent running friends)

Not to pass the buck or anything but I do remember calling my mom “preachy pat” – maybe I have a strong genetic tendency in this area? If you want to know the truth, I did call her that, but 95% of the time I really liked what she taught me. Maybe Alexis will reflect back on the time when we sat at Hogi Yogi eating dinner together and I taught her that nobody likes a flirty girl and thank me? FYI – Most girls feel threatened around flirty girls and the boys can’t trust them. See what I mean, I can’t help myself. I just have to let my opinion be heard.

I just realized that this whole entry is yet another moralizing session, about moralizing! Please save me from myself…after all everybody’s opinion matters!


Stephen said…

I would agree we are all like this, some of us just don’t admit it. I heard thousands of lectures from Dad, Ed Strobel, and a few others growing up, and would laugh at the time about them, but now they are part of my governing principles in life.
Friday, September 19, 2008 9:48:10 AM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

“Moralizing” is not such a bad thing. You ponder deeply on issues that make a real difference to you and you would like to insulate yourself from personally, but we have never felt that you violated our agency or avoided us if we didn’t agree with you. I personally like to talk to people who have strong opinions and stand up for them,as long as they can disagree without being disagreeable. You are wonderful to be around. Don’t do too much changing on our part. We like you just like you are. We like your Mom too. She is delightful.
Friday, September 19, 2008 2:49:27 PM

Diana said…

I have to laugh (coming from one of your running partners). I don’t think you are moralizing at all. I think that we are having some stimulating conversation and it is great that you can express your opinion and that you are open to others expressing there’s (although I completely agreed with our conversation this morning!) You also need to remember that this is some of the only adult conversation that you get in all day long. It is fabulous to be able to talk and listen about a bunch of different topics. You’re great!
Friday, September 19, 2008 4:06:51 PM