The Parker Way

Stephen is more than willing to help out…he found a more efficient way to crank out the juice a few years ago – isn’t he clever?When I was married close to 14 years ago I was introduced to a new meal, macaroni and tomatoes. This consists of elbow macaroni noodles and tomato juice, yep that’s all folks. Usually always served with random condiments, cheese (my favorite), hot sauce, lots of salt and black pepper, cayenne pepper, etc. Shh, don’t tell Stephen but he likes to add a “secret” ingredient – a Tbsp of butter. If I didn’t try it myself I think I would be skeptical of all of this. Apparently this meal was served to the Bruce Parker family often, and before that the Fred Parker family. I learned that when times were plentiful, hamburger was added to the concoction. I also quickly realized, all of those years ago, that I would need to become a canner to fill my husband’s tummy with love.

Stephen has anxiously helped me introduce this food to each one of our children. He is thrilled to report that every single one of them love it and want to eat it at least one a week! (We are sure JT will follow suite) I periodically quiz them on their “favorites”. All of the kids at one time or another have dubbed this their favorite thing to eat. Alexis swears that if she eats this when she is sick, she will get better! As you can tell, it is also a comfort food. This leads me to my purpose of this entry.

Yesterday, Stephen took a trip down memory lane and had me and Olivia go out to a local tomato farmer’s garden to hand pick our tomatoes – just like his mom. By doing this, we get more bang for our buck. After loading them in the trunk of our van we were proud to report that we had three bushel.

Today, in order to sustain our food supplies, we processed 75 jars of tomato juice! It seems to be a lot, but with the army I am raising we hope to make it through until next year!


Dad and Mom Parker said…

Way to go Parkers. We are proud to see the whole family canning. It gives you such a feeling of satisfaction to see all those jars full. This winter you can make many things with tomatoes, soups casseroles, mac and tomatoes also. Where did you get the tomatoes? We love this time of year, a time for preparation.
Sunday, September 07, 2008 7:03:58 AM

Stacie said…

Way to go Jodi! Isn’t it nice to see your shelves fill up with all the colorful foods in a jar! I love this time of year! It is tiring, but very fulfilling!
Sunday, September 07, 2008 9:38:31 AM

Steph said…

I am doing mine Saturday. What a great talent. Thanks Mom! I love macaroni and tomatoes over any other meal, it’s easy, fast, and the whole family likes it. I wonder if any of my dad’s brothers and sisters still eat it like we do. Good blog!
Monday, September 08, 2008 8:47:12 PM

Meg the Gem said…

Go Jodi! I canned peaches last week and so I am expecially impressed w/the 75 jars!! I’ll try out the recipe on my tribe, sounds like a great one for food storage purposes, so simple!

Monday, September 08, 2008 11:38:00 PM

Anne said…

Way to go Jodi! You and Michelle will have to be the favorite daughter in laws! I am just not very good in the canning department with all these moves and things in storage and honestly, I am glad that Kassie gets to eat macaroni and tomatoes whenever we visit Rexburg. I have not been good to follow suit with the mac and tomatoes. It is a wonderful thing to teach the kids. What great memories they will have working along side you. When I grow up I hope to be as good as the great Parker women. So did you have macaroni and tomatoes for dinner that night? Happy Harvesting!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 12:42:16 PM

Mom Baldwin said…

Way to go Parker family! I am so pleased you have worked so hard together and accomplished such a great task. Having 75 quarts of tomatoes on one’s shelf is wonderful to see and even better to eat when you need some tomato juice. I love macroni and tomatoes, too. My grandmother Belnap fixed them a lot. We had them at our house when I was growing up, too. I do believe they are a comfort food, also. They always make me feel good inside when I eat them. Three cheers for macaroni and tomatoes!!! Long may they be with us!
Monday, September 15, 2008 11:41:50 PM

Pam said…

Canning is one of the best parts of Fall. I always feel a great sense of accomplishment after canning our tomato “crop” into salsa or speghetti sauce. I’ve never just done tomatoes, do you blanch and peel them? It also helps me justify the cost of watering the tomato plants all summer.
Friday, September 19, 2008 9:33:56 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

You are the ultimate homemaker. Hey, will you send me that recipe? Maybe it’s something that my kids would eat.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:35:02 PM

They make or break ya!

Fifteen years, 15 kids, and more than 15 moves later collectively, we commenced at Applebees in Rexburg tonight. The “we” would be some of my dearest friends from high school. (Erica, Wendy, Anna, and Whitney – Megan the gem is missing in California) It was great to catch up with each other and find out the happenings that have occurred. Anna has recently had her fourth child, Erica has moved, Wendy is happy to be living in her long time coming home, and Whitney is taking voice lessons! ALL exciting events to hear about!

Amidst the changes there is an underlying consistency of character within each of these beautiful people. These women were all once girls, my friends. Somehow they were placed in my life just when I needed them the most. They were friends that could lead me to be my best. They always chose to do what was right and it was easy to follow their lead. We had a lot of fun in the process.

There was a time in my life when I did NOT have friends that could lead me to be my best. It is sad to think of the way life could have turned out for me had I stuck around…I am grateful I was able to muster up enough courage and strength to defend the values that I was taught as a child and move on. It was definitely hard during this time of my life, but worth the lonely road of figuring out that I was just fine being who I knew I was supposed to be.

What a treat it was to discover that my friends still are good to the core. Serving, Loving, Sharing, Achieving…still the same girls!


Dad Parker said…

What a fine group of beautiful daughter of Zion! Just to see them brings back happy memories of their high school days. What a wonderful source of goodness.
Sunday, September 07, 2008 1:11:29 AM

Stacie said…

That is so fun to see those girls! I didn’t even recognize Erica! Wow! You all look great! Thanks for sharing!
Sunday, September 07, 2008 9:45:50 AM

STeph said…

How fun, they are awesome people! Friends really do make or break ya. I too had good friends, it’s interesting to see what they have done with their lives.
Monday, September 08, 2008 8:51:13 PM

Anne said…

So Fun! I am glad you had a fun night down memory lane. It is so nice to be blessed with good friends in life. They are a treasure!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 12:38:29 PM

Meg the Gem said…

Oh how fun!! I wish I could have been there! How about a girls’cruise together?? (that’s dreaming, but wouldn’t that be the best!) Thanks for letting me know.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2:23:04 PM

The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

The wolf is next to the sheep.Today I finally made a recipe I’ve been excited about trying out. I found it on the Internet and have been waiting on my garden for the missing ingredient.

Lily was so proud to bring me the first zucchini of the season from her garden! I didn’t get around to making bread yesterday and she called me on it. So today after lunch I whipped out my new recipe. It is called Chocolate Zucchini Bread. Funny how when I first heard the name my mind thought, “Cool, that sounds great and it’s healthy too!” The word Zucchini of course put the notion that it is healthy into my head and the word chocolate put the notion that is sounded great into my head. It’s all in the name.

As I scanned down the ingredients my “mother conscience” started nagging at me how this is really just a cake with zucchini in it. So I had a dialog with myself…”Would you really just start stirring up a cake for the kids to eat when they come home from school?” I answer by saying, “No, but this isn’t cake – it’s zucchini bread.” “True, so the recipe says – even though you are suppose to bake in in a bunt pan.” Basically if you are calling this Zucchini bread I’ll make it for an after school snack, but if you are calling it chocolate cake – NO WAY. Funny how a name can change the way you think, huh?

SO, when Lily came sauntering in after school today she exclaimed, “Look guys, mom made us a cake!” Guess the kids can’t be fooled as easy as me!

p.s. This “bread” was very delicious and highly recommended. I added it to the recipe search – you’ll find it under breads! 🙂


Dad and Mom Parker said…

Cake or bread its all about having a after school snack., that says welcome home and you are loved. Remember you are always teaching.
Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:58:21 PM

Anne said…

The best moms are the ones that let there kids come home to a warm and yummy treat! I am lacking in this area. I think homemade treats are way better than a handful of candy…it just says time and care. You are a great mom, Jodi. Bread or cake…wolves have there place to, in moderation. Have your “Bread” and eat it too works right?!?!
Friday, September 05, 2008 6:18:35 AM

Diana said…

I decided to write on your page even though I am not technically family, but in the gospel I am your sister. I have to say what a great mom you are. Constantly trying to let those kids know how much you love them. Great example, thanks!
Saturday, September 06, 2008 10:19:24 AM

Steph said…

Where’s the frosting?

I’d like to try it. Thanks for sharing.
Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:38:13 PM

Grown in Idaho

This little fella makes me smile … he came home from school and was more excited to show me this cute creation than tell me he got 100% on his spelling pre-test (he even got ALL of the challenge words correct)! I love this potato that says “grown in Idaho” and I’m proud to be raising a boy who can say he “grew up in Idaho.” Incidentally he just made this for fun during free time at school today?! FYI the potato has a piece of wheat in his mouth – Mason has been interested in the mechanics of wheat these days. He told Stephen he might make a wife for this little potato while the rest of the class takes the spelling test. Can’t wait to meet her.


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Sounds like you are getting a good start in school this year. It;s so fun to see people do good things of their own free will. It make teaching and learning fun. Keep it up. We’re proud of you.
Friday, September 05, 2008 12:16:51 AM

Anne said…

Cool potato head Mason! Keep on being creative and you will always be happy!
Friday, September 05, 2008 6:23:52 AM

Steph said…

Way to go IDAHO!
Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:40:04 PM

Apple Art starts with A

Ollie is getting the hang of making some of the letters in her name and is thrilled!After much anticipation, Olivia began her first experience with Playgroup this past Wednesday. A few mom’s in my neighborhood banned together to give our kiddies a little day of fun. We met at our house first so we got to talk about the letter “A” and apples. We had fun and the two hours we were together flew by quickly! The crowd favorite was making apple heads (as pictured). It is fun to see Olivia growing and learning. This playgroup will be a fun first step to many more days of learning fun. The girls are going to rotate through each other’s houses every Wednesday for this learning adventure!


Anne said…

It looks like a fun group! Fun day to look forward to for her too, since her big bro and sisters go off to school. Very cute apple heads too!
Friday, September 05, 2008 6:25:10 AM

Steph said…

How fun! I love Olivia’s apple best. Are those home grown? Have a good year in pre-school.
Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:41:09 PM

The Hands of Time

Had to get a shot of the Infant, Boy and Man hands of the Stephen Parker Household. They go from cute to just plain old tools.


Aunt Susan said…

You should enter a photo contest!
Thursday, September 04, 2008 6:26:06 PM

Jodi said…

Those are my most favorite “boy” hands ever! I really like that picture – nice work.
Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:27:23 PM

Dad and Mom Parker said…

We love those hands. They do lots of wonderful things. All the experiences you have in life can be seen on your hands. They show love too. Love the photo.
Friday, September 05, 2008 12:08:17 AM

Dad said…

Those hands have and will do many miracles in this world.
Friday, September 05, 2008 12:20:30 AM

Anne said…

That is a priceless photo! Love it!
Friday, September 05, 2008 6:16:29 AM

Steph said…

Awe, how nice. You have a domino effect with hard work. I love the picture.
Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:30:54 PM

Stacie said…

I was looking at my hands the other day and thought of what moms looked like when I was young. They look just like hers! Wow! Good blog!Dad is right, you have and will continue to do good things with those “tools”
Sunday, September 07, 2008 9:40:34 AM

My first Mac!

Today I purchased my first official Mac, I am writing this blog on it. He was asking $400 but I talked him down to $300 I almost feel bad now since he threw in a spare battery. It is a Powerbook G4, 1G RAM, 120 GB HD to be exact. It is a dinosaur in computer terms, it was built way back in 2004. Sad thing is it blows the socks of the current Windows PC’s out there. They really thought things out when they created this OS and machine. It is just so user friendly and snappy, I am feel bad to say I love it. I had to get a mac so I could write some apps for my iPhone…we’ll have to see how it goes. So far so good.


Pablo said…

Once you’ve had Mac you never go back!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:17:51 PM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

Sounds like a nice mac(chine) to us. Wow, a 2004. That is so old. Maybe we’ll have to get one someday.
Thursday, September 04, 2008 12:22:13 AM

Anne said…

I am JEALOUS! Enjoy it for all of us! Very Cool!
Thursday, September 04, 2008 9:32:50 AM


Mason is now a 9 1/2 year old fourth grader. I thought I would make note on some of the changes that I’ve noticed.

First – I decided to teach Mason piano lessons this year to save a few pennies. (now though, I have consented to trade teaching piano with my friend Diana Puzey. So that will be his official teacher.) Anyway, we had a great piano lesson last week. I found out that Mason’s favorite part of school is art. I explained how music is like art – the notes paint the picture in your mind of what the composer wants you to envision. He caught on to this and we found a song called Little Leapin’ Lizards. He loved it. Later that night after FHE was ending he asked, “Can I play my song for everyone?” Stephen and I looked at each other dumbfounded. This is not like Mason to want to volunteer to play the piano let a lone play in front of people! He did it and we were so happy and proud.

I have also noticed that Mason is being more responsible with his homework. He understands that when he works hard in class, he will have less/no work to bring home! He even tries to do it on the bus. And when he does come home with it, he has been good to just get it done!

He also admitted that he thinks that a girl is cute…

A few months ago Mason was supposed to give the scripture in Primary. I completely forgot about it. (I’m even in the presidency?!) I was sitting in Primary when all of the sudden Mason stood up and delivered his scripture flawlessly. He had picked his favorite scripture (1 Nephi 3:7) out and spoke clearly and even ended it appropriately! I was so impressed…Mason used to cry when he had to give a talk in primary and would only do it after much persuasion and bribery! He said he did not like all of the people looking at him. He has come a long way!!!

This has also been a year of growth in the soccer department. He has always been a great little player…but participated in soccer because he was, again, persuaded! (Change/not know what to expect has always been hard on him since Sunbeams)Well this year, he is excited about soccer and is trying so hard to get better. He has come close several times with scoring his own goal and has assisted in helping the team score many goals.

He plays so well with Olivia and is sweet to watch with JT. He gives Olivia piggy back rides, plays legos, jumps, makes her paper origami, reads her stories…He is gentle with JT and doesn’t complain when he is asked to help out with his brother. He also enjoys playing spies, riding bikes, and jumping on the trampoline with Lily and Alexis.

He is a good friend to have around.

Today I felt loved

Little things DO matter. Stephen invited me out to the back yard this morning to see what he had done. I saw my name mowed into the grass…It’s nice to know I’m loved.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Jodi, you certainly have our love and respect. You have always been a wonderful and lovable person. We hope you feel loved everyday.
Sunday, August 31, 2008 12:07:50 AM

Mom Baldwin said…

Stephen is so good to you!!! We appreciate all he does for you and your family. I’m glad he loves you! We love you, too!
Sunday, August 31, 2008 11:37:03 PM

Jana said…

Jodi you are a lucky gal to have such an expressive husband!! I think you are great too even if i don’t mow it in your lawn!
Monday, September 01, 2008 12:54:02 PM

Anne said…

Stephen always has done clever and thoughtful things for you! So glad you still love each other and take the time to express it. I think it gets harder to cease those little moments with the busy kids. You are loved by your hubby and me too!
Monday, September 01, 2008 10:19:48 PM

We can do hard things!

Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain…

This song came to my mind today on our bike ride through the rolling hills of wheat and potatoes as we looked east to the Teton Mountain Range. We are pretty lucky and blessed people to live in such a beautiful part of the world. It was a gift to be able to witness another day from a loving Heavenly Father.

Stephen reminded us again that when we do hard things it ends up being well worth it – I am starting to see that this is becoming a reoccurring theme in our lives in teaching our children. Lily spouted that she couldn’t wait to give a talk in church about this…Life hands us many teaching moments.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

“Work should be enthroned as a crowning principle in our lives” Pres Kimball. WE have always liked and trusted in that quote. What a blessing to be able and willing to do the hard things in life. Keep up the “good work”.
Sunday, August 31, 2008 12:03:34 AM

Aunt Susan said…

How far did your family bike together? You look amazing- Outstanding in your field:) Love to you/
Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:13:42 AM

Jana said…

You guys are awesome I am proud of your hard work …the family that plays together stays together!!
Monday, September 01, 2008 12:45:25 PM

Anne said…

Looks like you are working hard and enjoying it too! What a great family picture!
Monday, September 01, 2008 10:18:30 PM