Luchador Party for Harry and Stephen

Here is a little invite to the Luchador Shin Dig in honor of Harry’s and Stephen’s birthday! (just in case yours doesn’t make it in the mail)


Jaun said…

Save me a piece of that corn!!! We will be there masks and tights ready. Happy Birthday!

Monday, August 11, 2008 9:34:07 PM

Jana said…

I love the invites!! Harry is so excited! Glad you two were both born.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:52:23 AM

Steph said…

Trevin’s family has a reunion this weekend so we won’t be there. I am more than sad about it. I will teach you how to make homemade beans another time. Happy Birthday.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 1:22:12 PM

Anne said…

We wish we could be there! Sounds like a fun time…everything you guys do sounds like lots of fun! Happy Birthday to you both!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:46:01 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Happy birthday Harry and Stephen. You are two happy guys. Stephen is a good boy and Harry is being a good boy. Have a fun party.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:18:15 AM

Modern FHE

What do you get when you have family that lives in Boise, Provo, Austin, Cedar Heights, Salt Lake City, and Sugar City and a few technologically minded gurus? Family Home Evening over the internet! It’s a crazy concept but really quite amazing. There is a little delay mostly noticed when trying to sing the opening and closing songs, but how great it is to hear and see my brothers and sisters in such an instant fashion – what convenience. Last night we were able to take part in another modern FHE with the Baldwin family. My brother Scott came up with a cool way for us all to see/hear each other in five windows on the computer screen. (check out the pic – I stole it off of his blog)

Last night Brad’s family hosted and Dallen gave the lesson on Pioneer heritage. It has been such a wonderful blessing to hear the testimonies of my nieces and nephews. They are some very remarkable young people. I am extremely happy that my young family get to have such stellar examples!



Stephen said…

only drawback is getting the kids to sit still for that long.

Monday, August 11, 2008 5:10:49 PM

Scott Baldwin said…

That’s the beauty of the remote FHE, you can take your kids out of the room, or mute them when the start screaming and crying.

The trick to the audio delay on the songs is for everyone except the “hosting” location to mute their skype connection.
Monday, August 11, 2008 8:57:53 PM

John said…

Looks like a lot of fun. We should give it a try sometime. It could be amusing and worthwhile. Maybe mom and dad could participate if we had it at the right time.

Monday, August 11, 2008 9:52:42 PM

jana said…

That sounds like fun.. what an amazing way to keep connected!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:54:23 AM

Anne said…

So neat…technology really is cool! What a way to do what you can with what you have and still make family memories.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:44:02 PM


The little man is just getting so grown up. He can sit up now, it is just so fun to see him making progress in his development life cycle. Can hardly wait to see him start crawling.


Alexis said…

You’re a cute little boy J.T.
Sunday, August 10, 2008 6:34:48 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

He is a sweet blend of you and Jodi. He has such happy eyes.

Monday, August 11, 2008 12:34:53 AM

Mom and Dad said…

We thought the milestone might have been that you are about 35. Happy birthday Thursday anyway and stay enthusiastic about living life to its fullest. You do a good job of that.
Monday, August 11, 2008 12:37:59 AM

Aunt Jana said…

Way to go J.T. your getting so big!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:56:32 AM

Anne said…

Cute, cute, cute…he is growing up so fast. Hope you can enjoy it all!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:47:01 PM

Parker Olympics

We had a great time with the first official Parker Olympics. Thanks to all for coming and participating. We eventually were rained out but that just makes it more fun.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Looked like a lot of fun! That’s a great way to develop neighborly and family unity and friendship. Thanks for the many pictures. We almost felt we were there. We love the Olympics.
Saturday, August 09, 2008 2:26:10 PM

michelle said…

Looks like a great time-sad we couldn’t be there! You guys are some fun parents!
Saturday, August 09, 2008 2:35:14 PM

Breaking the Law

While I was gone hiking Moran last week we received a letter from the county informing us that we were “Breaking the Law”. That is pretty good when we didn’t even know we were, I called them to see what was going on and they informed me that we could no longer rent out our apartment. Code says one house per every 2 acres and we have 3.79 acres so we are just a tad short. Rather than kick against the pricks we informed our renters that they would need to move out.

I then called the county back to tell them we had vacated the apartment, the next morning I received another call from the county informing us that we were “Breaking the Law”. Turns out they had no record of our final inspection on our home. So I called them and scheduled an inspection today. When the inspector came he was almost laughing, I could quickly see he felt my pain. He also thought we had already had our final inspection, but none the less inspected our home again, we chatted for a few minutes about life in general. He is a good guy with some not so common sense. He passed us off and went on his way. So we are now no longer “Breaking the Law”…that we know of 🙂 btw check out that cold sore to add to the fun.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

We are glad you are not living outside the law any more. That really is a fine cold sore. Uncle Dale Parker always said he put chicken pucky on his. It didn’t do anything in the way of medication, but it kept him from licking it. Love you.
Thursday, August 07, 2008 3:24:53 PM

Anne said…

Sounds like a big headache…glad you got it all worked out. As for the cold sores, unfortunately, I totally relate. Dealt with them off and on my whole life, hope it isn’t bugging you to bad. It will be better in a few days though.
Friday, August 08, 2008 11:52:24 AM

Jodi said…

You are funny partner in crime! (Nice song)
Monday, August 11, 2008 4:54:08 PM

Soccer Time

It was fun to be able to see all of our crazy little kids growing up and having fun tonight. Each cousin had a cousin on their team, made it fun for all to watch. They all played well, even Alexis as a cheerleader.

Riley found a 4 leaf clover


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Boy, the people here in Portugal like the pictures of futebol (Soccer). It is the most popular sport in the world and you kids look beautifully powerful playing together on your teams. Good Luck and Lexi, they need cheerleaders too.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008 11:41:00 AM

Anne said…

Fun…fun…fun! So fun they get to play together!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008 1:34:34 PM

Pablo said…


Nice pictures! Who’s behind that camera?
Thursday, August 07, 2008 8:23:23 AM

Aunt Jana said…

Fun… let us know when we can come see you guys in action! Carson has his last game tonight!! YIPPY, be sure you are thankful to your coaches they have to sacrifice lots of time for you guys!! (I’m his coach!)
Thursday, August 07, 2008 11:06:13 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Good job, kids! It’s fun to see you playing soccor. I like how the camera man gets such unique shots of you, leg up in the air, etc. You’re lucky to have your cousins to play with you, too.
Thursday, August 07, 2008 1:46:05 PM


Hurdles…that is what we all keep jumpin’ over and over everyday, and this past week has been no exception. I realize things could be sooo much worse and I’ll take my lot, but it doesn’t make it any more fun. Then again, life wasn’t meant to be all fun and games right? How would we have opportunities for real growth? I’ve also heard the saying that bad things come in threes, here are my three from the past week that I hope to learn from.

#1 – The washer
My washer officially met its match. I realized this when I would try and load my washer and step away with wet socks. It had a leak that found it’s way through the floor board and manifested itself in the ceiling of the guest/JTs temporary bedroom. It wasn’t too bad, but still a little of a set back that we have yet to fix. After Stephen checked things out he declared that the washer wasn’t worth trying to fix. So on Thursday during Stephen’s lunch break as he was trying to prepare for his crazy mountain climb we went to Bingham and Sons and picked out a new washer to be delivered on Friday afternoon. That part was kind of exciting, but signing the receipt wasn’t! I have successfully washed 8 loads of laundry since then and I am really grateful for modern day luxuries!

#2 Renter’s Ousted
On Friday while Stephen was on his hike I received a certified letter in the mail informing me that (short version of the story) we are in violation with the law to rent our apartment out and that we have 15 days to do come in compliance with this or pay the penalty. Of course we want NOT to violate the law so we gave our renters the bad news. They understood and took it well. I am thinking I might have to start a preschool now to utilize the space? It even sounds kind of fun to me.

#3 Broken Arm
My little/big girl Alexis broke her arm today while doing a back handspring. Wow, I wasn’t prepared for the emotions that would surface. I love that girl and hated to see her broken and I couldn’t fix it! It made my heart ache – I even had to tell her to cover it because it made me so sad. She was so tough and sweet. The doctor and nurse complimented her on what a great patient she was. She remembered to use her manners and even generated a smile through the pain. I was very proud to be her mom. I’m sure to notice a loss over the next couple of weeks because she such a great help around here. It will probably be so nice for her to have a break and get a turn to be waited on!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

It’s good to have your three over. Life sure is a lot like life. None of us will probably say, “boy that was sure easy”. Good luck this week. You are getting good grades in life. Stay tough and rugged and remember that you are surrounded by love.
Monday, August 04, 2008 12:42:31 AM

Mzb said…

Those are some hurdles, but it sounds like you are all on the mend. Good luck with everything, don’t stress yourself out to much with starting a preschool. Enjoy that baby.
Monday, August 04, 2008 8:13:50 AM

Anne said…

Jodi, Hang in there! Sounds like some craziness for you. Maybe this week will offer three good things for ya. Happy day!
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:01:02 AM


Today my dad was taking pictures of me doing round off back hand springs after Sunday dinner. On the fifth or sixth time I did it, I landed really WRONG. I ended up breaking both bones in my left arm. It was dipped and very gross. My mom was freaking out and my dad was trying to take pictures of it.

We drove to the ER and they gave me an IV with pain killer, took my xray, and popped my arm back into place. It HURT, but I didn’t cry. My mom and the nurse and doctor were said I am tough. I guess I’ll have to take a “break” from gymnastics, soccer, and piano! I am disappointed about the gymnastics and especially soccer. My first game is this Tuesday! Maybe in a few weeks I can go be in a game? Good Luck Riley. Guess I’ll be a cheerleader without the stunts.


michelle said…

Alexis-I can’t believe that! What a crazy Sunday afternoon! I can’t believe you didn’t cry-I certainly would have. Those pictures give me the eebies. I’m glad your a tough girl and hope you heal up fast!
Sunday, August 03, 2008 9:36:00 PM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Alexis, what a girl! Your are tougher that nails! I didn’t cry when I broke my ankle and big toe, but I sure wanted to. I hurt like crazy, didn’t you? Take a good break from all the work and try to “observe” things rather than ‘do’ them. Love you lots! Gram B.
Sunday, August 03, 2008 10:49:11 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

That is sad news. We about cried just seeing it. I broke my arm doing a back flip on a mini-tramp and the doctor set it wrong so I ended up having an ulnarstyloidectomy ( I only have one bone going into my wrist. It is nice to have documented truth of how tough you are. You can show those pictures to your kids if they get wimpy. You certainly are not a wimp. We love you and hope everything goes well.
Monday, August 04, 2008 12:24:50 AM

Aunt Jana said…

Wowzer girl…that is really crazy. The pictures kinda make my stomach sick! I am so proud of how tough you were- no tears what were you thinking crazy girl?! Glad you are doing fine and hoping for a speedy recovery.
Monday, August 04, 2008 9:11:49 AM

paul said…

ay carrumba! That looks like it hurt. Hope you get better quick, drink lots of milk. I broke my hand once and never went to the doctor it just healed its self because of calcium.
Monday, August 04, 2008 9:18:42 AM

Anne said…

Ouch! I am sorry you broke your arm. Hope it heals quick and you can get back to soccer and gymnastics!
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:00:17 AM

Stacie said…

OUCH! That is really grose!!! i would have been freaking out too! How long do you have to wear the cast? Is it soft or hard?
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:09:56 AM

Kate said…

I know how it feels Lexi! I have done it with both of my arms. It really hurts. I hope you get better soon!
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:15:20 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

LOL…”My mom was freaking out, and my Dad was trying to take pictures of it.” Why am I not surprised?
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:39:29 PM

Mount Moran

What a hike, climb, scramble. More details when I get my energy back, but it was a heck of a climb. My camera battery died so I had to use my cell phone. We left Rexburg at 10:00 PM and returned home at 12:20 AM the next day. We are a little tired.


Dad said…

Good work on the camera. I almost felt I was there with you guys. What a beautiful mountain and fun climb. Almost you have convinced me. It is sure different than what I thought it would be. I’ll be looking for the details. Thanks for the vicarious experience. You guys can certainly do hard things.
Saturday, August 02, 2008 12:29:39 PM

Anne said…

I can’t wait to hear more! It looks beautiful and rugged. So glad you did it, I know you were wanting to for awhile. Maybe sometime, you can take Lance and I, maybe once you forgot about all the tiredness in a few years.
Saturday, August 02, 2008 7:51:03 PM

Jana said…

You crazy boys..I still can’t believe you left to go on a hike at 11pm crazy heads!! It looks amazing though and I am glad that you all made it home safe and sound!
Sunday, August 03, 2008 2:03:37 PM

John said…

Nice Work Boys. I am pretty jealous. We need to go climb it with Dad next summer. It looks like a pretty good memory. Way to go!
Sunday, August 03, 2008 9:56:29 PM

Stacie said…

I am just happy you are all alive! I can’t believe you did it during those hours! It is always great to be on a mountain summit! Way to go! I can’t believe the snow!
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:00:32 AM

Lemonade Stand

Yesterday me and my friend Lacey had a lemonade stand at the park by her grandma’s house. We made $3.35, but we only really made $.25 from a lady that was looking for an address and needed our help finding it. The other money came from Lacey’s aunt, her friend’s family, and my family when they came to pick me up.

I was so excited to finally do a lemonade stand. I have wanted to do one since I was like 6 years old and it was so much fun! I can’t wait to do it again.


Mom said…

So happy you finally got to do it! I know it was one of your goals to have one this summer, now you can check that one off the list.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:27:11 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Fun! Fun! Fun1
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:12:29 AM

Anne said…

Oooh…if I was there I would have bought some from ya. I loved having lemonade stands when I was little. We had a lot of neighbor’s that went on walks and would buy lemonade from us. Summertime fun!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 12:03:23 PM

Aunt Susan said…

I remember doing my own lemonade stand at about your age. Didn’t make any profit, but had a whole lot of fun. You go girl!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 5:02:02 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Welcome to the world of big business. Selling makes the world go round. We all need some experience in selling a product. Even missionaries are salesmen.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:13:33 AM