He’s pulling the plug

All babies do it, and now it is JT’s turn! He has started pulling out his own pacifier – even if he needs it. It makes me laugh to see his troubled face when he pops it out…I know he doesn’t realize what he is doing yet, still it is a funny sight. The boy has some seriously mobile arms, even while he’s sleeping they are moving around trying to figure out what they are suppose to be doing. I gently try and hold them and sometimes they stay put. Maybe he’ll be a boxer? (I hope NOT)


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Maybe he’ll be a plumber. He’s a handsome guy.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 1:02:41 PM

Anne said…

He will probably be busy at work in his life like his mom and dad. It is fun to watch them try and figure out those simple things.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:14:49 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Or, maybe he’ll be an Olympic swimmer, or better yet the future conductor of the Tab choir! He’s beautiful. Love,
Friday, July 18, 2008 8:29:47 PM

JT Parker knows I love him

This is the name of the song that we like to sing to JT – it always produces a giant smile. He recognizes it and calms down immediately if it it sung to him. I also took a few videos of him yesterday, thought Grandpa and Grandma (Baldwin and Parker) would enjoy…I am glad JT is happy and healthy and one of us!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

We are excited to get to know JT and to play with him too. He looks so happy.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:46:23 PM

Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin said…

JT, you are the cutiest little guy. It is so fun to watch you on the video. We miss you soooo much. Thanks to your mom and dad for keeping us happy with pictures and even “voice” now. Hugs and kisses to you!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:22:22 PM

Third Day at Bear Lake

pancakes for allDay three was the Marathon on the beach. We had a great skype call with Mom and Dad in the morning then headed for the beach all day long. It was great fun, I promised Olivia that I would make her a sand castle that was taller than her. We both had a good time building it. Mason and I did most of the work. Once we got going it became a father and sons sand castle party. Good times. Just before leaving the beach for the night Mason and I made a jump in the sand and jumped his DI special bike into the lake. Water wasn’t quite deep enough to get the full effect but it was still fun.

Later that night Mason and I built a bow and arrow and had some fun with it. It was a hit and before your knew it all the little boys looked like Indians with their bows and arrows. Trevin raised the bar by making a Bat out of a piece of firewood and of course everyone wanted one once they saw it. What a fun time we all had. Paul was a hit with all the little chica’s he has he own little swarm that follows him around. Fun stuff for all of us.

Dad leading us in little old house in the middle of the woods

lets make a whistle

cowboys and indians, look out Harry is down

Monkey see Monkey do

Lily loved to jump the waves

John and Paul sailing…kinda

Olivia was our compactor

Olivia loves Tio Pablo

Making homemade ice cream…great idea Jana and Paul

Pablo con el chica’s

Home sweet home

what a party


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Boy, you guys crammed a lot of fun in a few days. I’ll bet you’re tired and full of satisfaction. What a bunch of great Mons and dads. We’ll try to keep in shape for next year. Thanks for the fine blogs to share the experience. It takes a lot of energy to raise a happy family. It’s not for the faint-hearted.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 12:24:52 AM

Stacie said…

I hear ya! I need a vacation from the vacation! It is worth all of the energy it takes though! My kids favorite bedtime stories are fun times from my childhood! Thanks for the memories! The pics are great Stephen!
Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:56:42 PM

Bear Lake Photo shoot

Here are a few of the fun shots from bear lake….


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Thanks for the great pictures. We printed them all and are showing them to everybody. You all look so beautiful. Even the boys. We enjoyed the Skype call also. Thanks for everything.
Friday, July 11, 2008 3:35:11 PM

mzb said…

Jodi how come you look so good in a camping picture.
Friday, July 11, 2008 4:24:20 PM

Stephen said…

You can’t hide Beautiful. 🙂 She always looks good to me.
Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:54:54 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Thanks for the pix! It was great to see you all together! I was having my own “fun” at girl’s camp 🙂
Sunday, July 13, 2008 8:32:21 AM

Stacie said…

Those are great! I love the goofey face one! Thanks for the fun memories! Traditions are a good thing to have!
Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:50:36 PM

Grandma Baldwin said…

What a nice looking family! By the sounds and looks of everything, all of you must of had a great time. How wonderful to all be together and enjoy one another’s company. You are a great family. Bruce and Sharon have done a lot of right things to have such a neat family. (“Hello Bruce and Sharon! I hope your mission is going great for you.”) And of course, I’m a little pleased with that cute girl, Jodi that has joined the Parkers. You have all been so good to her. Thanks! And, thanks Stephen, for sharing all of the fun times you have by putting them up on the blog.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 11:33:29 PM

Second Day at Bear Lake

We had a blast today, we went to Bloomington Lake in the morning. On the way there we met up with Ryon and Jana’s Family. We saw plenty of snow drifts on the way up which helped us get excited for how cold the water would be. We found that the rope swing had been modified and just wasn’t as cool as last year. Across the lake was a huge snow glacier that came right down into the water. I thought to myself that would be fun to slide down. then Jana yelled out lets go slide down that drift, so off we went. John and Michelle gave Paul, Jana and Myself a ride across the lake. it was a blast just check out the video footage.

After spending some fun time there we headed back to Bear Lake and had a late lunch. Played for the rest of the afternoon at the lake, then headed back to camp for dinner. Here we sit around the camp fire as I type telling stories and having a little talent show. John led us in the traditional, “Little house in the middle of the woods.” Good times, wish Mom and Dad were here to add to the fun. We plan on calling them on skype in the morning 9:30 AM MST…so be ready Mom and Dad


Dad and Mom Parker said…

Looks like you are having fun. You are getting pretty brave, no life jackets in the canoes and some are jumping in the lake without them also. We will be anxiously waiting for your call. Remember sun screen.
Friday, July 11, 2008 12:22:36 AM

John said…

The Videos are great. That was a great time. Hard to beat family, snow and ice water.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 9:35:29 PM

First Day at Bear Lake

We made it. One by one we are trickling in, we got here around 5:00PM, then Lance and Anne pulled in around 6:30PM. John and Michelle arrived next around 7:15PM, Trevin and Stephanie arrived just a few minutes ago 7:35PM. So there is the report for the first night here. We ate some dogs around the fire, we are on the east side of camp this year there is a great view of the lake. More to come, we are planning on hitting Bloomington lake in the morning. Rick and Stacie and Ryon and Jana are due to arrive in the morning sometime. We may go wade tonight in the lake…have to see. Wish Mom and Dad could be here. We are sure talking about them to make it more real.

In the meantime

What a great title for a song right? This is such a wonderful song written by Jenny Jordan Frogley for a mom to listen to when she has had a bad day! I’ve had a few and am glad I heard this song on one of them to help me remember what’s important and to stay positive.

Remember the scripture that says, “By small and simple things shall great things come to pass”? That is basically what this song is about. My favorite part of this song is when it talks about becoming sanctified – it is a process, something acquired after a lifetime of triumphs and trials. (just like the song says) I have now entered into a quest on learning more about sanctification and am very grateful for the Holy Ghost who is the sanctifier. He enables our souls to be cleansed from impurities and imperfections. Any thoughts on sanctification? I’m your student and would love to add your wisdom to my journal. Thanks. Scroll to the bottom of this blog to listen to the song.

Words to the song “In the meantime”:

In her heart she holds the dreams
That she’s carried since the day she turned 13
Of all that she would be when she was grown
Of all that she would do when she was finally on her own
She dreamed, she’d fly, and she’s still waiting for the chance to try

But in the meantime she’s a mother and a daughter and wife
Doing all she can to stay above the daily grind
She wonders when she’ll ever have more meaning in her life
She doesn’t know she’s being molded and refined…in the meantime

Someday she’ll go back to school,
When the carpools and soccer games are through
Cause deep inside she’s still the girl
Who’s always felt the fight to make a difference in the World
She dreams, she’ll soar, when she finally has the time to do more

But in the meantime she’s a sister, and a teacher, and a friend
Hours turn into days that turn to years that never end
But she wonders when she’ll ever really find herself again
She’s becoming one on who God can depend…in the meantime

Heaven feels the joy of every victory in her life
And Heaven hears her heart before she cries
Somewhere in the middle of the triumphs and the trials
She’s becoming sanctified.

But in the meantime she an answer and a blessing and a gift
To every empty aching heart that only she can lift
Still, she wonders if she’ll ever get to see where Heaven is
If she could only see her mansion waiting there,
If she could only feel how much her Father cares
She would know she’s being perfectly prepared…in the meantime.


Dad Parker said…

Wow, the words to that song are touching and true. It is such a blessing to see the transformation of all of us little by little as we choose our way through life following or rejecting the whisperings of the Spirit. I have two favorite verses on sanctification, Hel. 3:35 and Alma 12:9-11. I guess we can become “de-sanctified too by our choices.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008 12:28:12 AM

Stacie said…

Jodi that is just what I needed to hear! I love that song!Great words! Thanks for sharing! How is the mastitis?
Monday, July 14, 2008 9:42:52 PM

Jodi said…

Stacie, I’m glad you listened and enjoyed the song. AND you crack me up with the mastitis inquiry! I am definitely a believer in taking advantage of modern day medical miracles. It would have been hard to be a pioneer during times like these. Yes, I’m feeling better.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:53:39 AM

The thunder rolls…

I had a good time last night trying to get some shots of the lighting storm. I found that it is pretty tricky to get a shot of lightening, I had to just keep snapping shots hoping that it would catch the action. Lily and Mason had a good time watching with me. Lily was getting a little nervous with all the flashing of lights so I told her it was just Heavenly Father’s Fireworks.


Jana said…

That was quite a storm last night..Cool pictures! I love a rainy night especially when there is thunder and lightening involved it reminds me of watching storms with dad at 61 Aries on the front porch.
Monday, July 07, 2008 10:26:17 AM

Stephen said…

That brings back a memory or two…good old 61 Aries.
Monday, July 07, 2008 11:55:40 AM

Dad said…

I really like a good thunderstorm. It makes you feel a little more humble, but in a refreshing way. Nice pics!
Monday, July 07, 2008 3:34:05 PM

Pablo said…

Hombre! Me deberias haber llamado, siempre he querido sacar fotos de relampagos. Llamame la proxima vez. Vale!
Monday, July 07, 2008 8:52:09 PM

Jana said…

Speak English man, I don’t know what your saying Loco!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:22:21 PM

Tongue Twisted

Without trying to we have created a tongue twister! Try saying Lexi, Lily, Livvy fast, or Lex, Lil, Liv. It isn’t working out well for me especially! I had a crazy notion to start calling Olivia by a different nickname to lessen the twist on my tongue. The poor girl answers to Lex and Lil – it’s amazing she knows what her name is.

SO – I need ideas. If Olivia were in your family what would you call her? Ollie or O? I need ideas?!


Lex said…

Let’s call her Ollie O.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 1:20:14 PM

Dad and Mom Parker said…

Let’s call her “Ola”, just kidding. That’s how to say hi in Portuguese, or Spanish. We did the same thing with Stephen, Stacie, and Stephanie. But we still call Paul, John some times. It’s difficult.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 4:08:47 PM

Aunt Susan said…

How about Opa. O-pah for O. Parker. Good luck. As long as she feels your love, I’ll bet she’ll adapt to any loving moniker.
Sunday, July 06, 2008 9:31:13 AM

Stacie said…

I like olive! Like on Popeye! Olli is cute! I call Quinn, Paul all the time and Paul, Quinn! But I understand your dilema in the home! Grandma Parker just called me “twin” it worked for both of us! Good ludk with that!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 11:26:48 PM

Jana said…

I love the name ollie that is fun and olive is cute too! She is adorable so you could call her anything and it wouldn’t matter!!
Monday, July 07, 2008 10:39:46 AM

Fun that never stopped

Parade Line UpIt was a big day for our family this fourth of July. All week long we had been preparing to be in the Rexburg Parade. Stephen made a house on wheels that we decorated in American fashion on Monday night for FHE. This house was designed to be pulled behind the go cart that Mason and Stephen made the previous week. And both of these would be pulled by Stephen on his bike. While we were decorating this Paul and Stephen decided it would be fun to build a “Nacho Libre” bike.

Tuesday they began manufacturing this work of art! My old mountain bike was donated to the cause and also a couple of tires from old kid bikes. The steel used was from tractor packaging that Stephen had, and the seat was a piece of an old church pew. Yes, all of these items were found at our home. The only thing purchased was the spray paint, which Paul donated. Paul came up with the name, “Sancha”. It is a fun bike. Come over and try it out sometime! One of Paul’s friends gave Mason the idea that he could park at Broulim’s and take the college girls back and forth from their apartments – he thought that sounded great! Anything to make a buck – maybe in a few years :). Really though, you just have to laugh and smile – which is what we did! Paul looked great pushing his load, and Stephen had his work cut out for him pulling his crew! (He pulled Mason, Lily, Olivia, Harry, Quinn, Kate, and Paige) They made a good memory and had lots of fun being in the parade.

After the parade we went to the Parker/Brewer Homestead for the annual water slide. Like every year it was a blast for all that participated. Check out the photos! Jana graciously donated her dish washing soap and people were lathering up and sliding off of the plastic. It ended up being a beautiful day.

We drove to Idaho Falls to the Kirkham’s for a festive BBQ. Dana knows how to have a party and we felt privileged to be invited now that our family has increased in size, we can be overwhelming! Mason loved trying out the skim board, and did really well. Addy made everyone iccee’s after dinner and we even got to break a piniata. Lex and Ashton had fun doing what they always do, and Lily and Olivia hung out with whoever was doing the funnest thing to them.

After we sang Happy Birthday to America and had cupcakes and ice cream, we drove over by the green belt to watch the fireworks. This year they boasted they were shooting off 13,000 shells! Very cool, I am glad that I was talked into going. Surprisingly it wasn’t even too crazy getting onto the highway and home. I wish we could have gotten a good shot of ALL of the people walking to their cars – it was amazing how many people were walking along the highway!

What a day of fun times!


Dad and Mom Parker said…

It doesn’t look like you are too proud to have fun. That’s a cool bike, Sancha. Hope it’s still around for us to have a ride. It’s like the bike we rode in from the airport in Puerto Maldonado. Fun times. We love America and our family.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 4:02:24 PM

Pablo said…

Quiero a Sancha!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 12:32:23 AM

Anne said…

Looks like you had a fun time and made some fun memories! See you next week!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 2:33:27 PM

John said…

I love the nacho rig. I feel like I am back in Puno. We will have to go on a ride for old times sake.
Sunday, July 06, 2008 7:03:04 PM

Stacie said…

THanks for pulling my kids in the parade! They had a great time throwing candy! It was a great time! Even if I look like I am not having fun! Thanks ya’ll!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 9:43:02 PM

Jana said…

Good times…I love being a part of this family we have some good memories together I always look forward to making more! Thanks for deleting the pictures of me on the H2O slide those are pretty incriminating!!
Monday, July 07, 2008 10:34:29 AM