American Girls

Wednesday night, July 2, was a big day for American Girl Doll lovers! The new movie Kit Kittredge opened in theaters. Alexis reminded us about it often (she has the Kit doll and was extra excited) and we invited our friends from Idaho Falls to join us for a girls night out. My girls were so happy to get their dolls dressed and ready for the big event.

Lex of course took Kit, Lily took Emma and Ella and Livvy got to hold Ella if she was nice – we couldn’t find Dolly. When we got to the theater a man came up to me and asked, “What’s with all of these dolls?” I explained and he just shook his head. It was a very cute movie and the girls and their dolls loved it. After the movie we had ice cream at Leatherbys. We even saw cousin Robin Staker with her girls, Ashlyn and Kali with their friends and of course their dolls!


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

The girls are as cute as their dolls. What a fun night for them. Good memories.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 3:52:46 PM

Aunt Anne said…

How fun! You will have to tell us all about it Lexi!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 2:35:32 PM

Talkin’ Trash

This is how it was when we lived in Ammon – they road on the truck and then ran to the side of the road, picked up the can and threw it in!I’ve been thinking about garbage – the stuff we accumulate day after day, the stuff that needs disposing of, disgusting stuff we don’t know what else to do with. We see garbage cans everywhere and for that I’m grateful! I am happy that I can just walk out into my garage and put my “stuff” for the garbage man to take every Thursday away from here. Have you ever missed a “garbage day”? Not fun, the garbage begins to smell as it grows out of its container. Imagine how it would be after a month, or a year!

I am also gaining more appreciation for disposing of stuff appropriately, i.e. recycling! I think a little bit goes a long way in that department. I’m not perfect, but I am way more conscience to the fact that the garbage man can only do so much – I need to do my part too. After all I do have an interest in the future of this great earth.

So basically all I’m trying to say is that I’m glad there is a place to put stuff we no longer need and that someone is willing to take it to its new home.


Anne said…

The simple things in life, make a difference! Hooray for the garbage men and women out there.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:50:32 AM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

Funny thing, as we started reading your blog, we were thinking more in terms of garbage that people accumulate in their minds and hearts as a result of negative thinking, smelly words or comments, or just not knowing how to get rid of pseudo-spiritual and psychological “junk”. Your opening paragraph was like the opening statement of a great speech on Keeping our minds and hearts clean. We also like the earth too.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 9:36:18 AM

Cute little guy

It’s all in the title!


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

That young man is really a cute little guy. Wow, he sure looks like Mason with a million dollar smile.
Monday, June 30, 2008 8:26:36 AM

Steph said…

He does look a lot like Mason. If he grows up to be a baker that will be a fun picture. He’s so cute!
Monday, June 30, 2008 9:46:53 AM

Anne said…

Cute little guy!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:52:48 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Oh! What a cute little boy. I sure do miss seeing that little smile. Hugs and kisses!
Thursday, July 03, 2008 8:28:46 PM

America – why we love her!

Happy Upcoming Independence Day from the Parkers!

“I am glad that I can go to whichever church I want to.” Lily

“America is a special place – we can do whatever we want and make our own choices.” Mason

“I have freedom of religion and I can feel safe here.” Alexis

“I love the flag and the stars.” Olivia

“I love the infrastructure we have – the nice road system & traffic laws. The quality of life and food are nice too…” Stephen

“I am happy we live in a land where there are choices. I am glad that I have possibilities at my fingertips and the chance to worship how I choose. It is nice to go to bed at night and feel safe.” Jodi


Elder and Sister Parker said…

We have so many nice things and an abundance of opportunities to enjoy the beauties of life. We are glad our founding fathers were strong men of God who set us up as a God-fearing nation who loves and fights to maintain our freedom. God bless America!
Monday, June 30, 2008 1:30:14 AM

Steph said…

Yesterday in sacrament meeting two little kids sang the National Anthem from the pulpit and I was so proud to be an American. I love the endless opportunities that we have the right to choose from.
Monday, June 30, 2008 9:37:14 AM

Anne said…

It is fun to hear your thoughts on being an American! It is SO lucky, I feel very blessed. My Grandpa Owen always used to cry when we sang the National Anthem, he saw a lot at war, he helped me better appreciate my freedoms. PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:46:02 AM

Patricia Baldwin/Mom/Grandma said…

You all have made such great comments about our country and being an American. I agree with all of them and add my love for this wonderful country. We are all so blessed to live here. “God Bless America, my home, sweet home!”
Wednesday, July 02, 2008 11:33:59 PM

Like Father Like Son…Again

Mason and I were installing a trailer jack on our trailer when it slipped off the block and landed on Masons leg. I immediately flashed back to when I was run over by the pickup by my dad. We checked his legs and saw some serious bruising and cuts but nothing broken. Poor Kid, he was in some serious pain but he stayed out to finish the job. Here is a shot a day later.


Amy Baldwin said…

Stephen, your childhood is so funny. Run over by your Dad in his pickup?
Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:33:23 PM

Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Yes, lots of fun experiences, and still alive to tell them. Way to hang in there Mason.
Sunday, June 29, 2008 12:05:29 AM

Steph said…

You should make a Mason wear a suit of bubble wrap when he is working with you. Just don’t let him drive yet.
Monday, June 30, 2008 9:44:55 AM

Anne said…

OUCH! So glad you are okay!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:51:49 AM

michelle said…

Good thing your tough! I would not have handled that very well!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 9:51:29 AM

To Bone and Back

Today was the annual run to Bone and Back. It is a 40 Mile run but we break it up into 5 miles legs. We ran it as the AMX Dev and IT team. Against the AMX HR and Sales team. It got off to a rough start when our first runner was late, we had to have our 4th leg runner run twice. I ran up the hill again this year what a mistake 5 miles up hill the entire way. That is a killer hill, it starts steep and just gets steeper. Good times though.

this is one of the flatter parts of the run

Lily the water girl




Dad and Mom Parker said…

Good job Stephen, you can do hard things. Looks like a pretty day. Your kids will want to be runners too.
Sunday, June 29, 2008 12:01:09 AM

Steph said…

I love your cheering team, they look great. Good running Stephen, I have such cool brothers.
Monday, June 30, 2008 9:41:59 AM

John said…

Nice work Bean. Good to see you are keeping in shape. You are a great man.

Monday, June 30, 2008 4:50:23 PM

Anne said…

Way to go! Glad the hill is over for you! Looks like the kids are having fun too!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:48:46 AM

Good Times for Cheap

Rick and Stacie donated a 1978 Yamaha GT80 to Mason, we went and picked it up early this morning. Mason kept asking the whole ride home can we fix it? What is wrong with it Dad? I had to remind him that we will have to look it over before we can be sure of the problem. We gave it a quick tune up and fired it up. Mason hasn’t been so happy for days. It still needs new rings so we are going to track some down and give it an overhaul. Thanks Rick and Stacie, you made Mason and Me very happy. I had to have Jodi take it for a spin to see it was safe for the kids.


Mom and dad said…

Hey, I think the army may want that cycle in Iraq for a smoke screen. Looks like it is a lot of fun. You might just run it a little and the rings might re-seat. Smoke of not, it’s fun. Jodi may ditch the bike and go into moto-cross racing.
Friday, June 27, 2008 4:35:35 AM

Anne said…

Looks like you are having fun! Be careful!
Friday, June 27, 2008 6:31:41 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

That cracks me up that you ride the motorcycle all over your grass. I’ll never forget waking up the morning after Brad and I got engaged and seeing that he had driven my car onto their lawn and was washing it. My Mom would have had a cow if we had driven anything on our lawn. As I would now. I guess things are done differently in Rexburg.
Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:28:03 PM

John said…

Looks like a blast. The smoke make it feel like you are going faster. I hope I can take her for a little spin when we come up next time.

Monday, June 30, 2008 4:52:14 PM

Indiana Jones

Mason loved the new Indiana Jones movie! He has since watched the previous three movies. He now thinks he is Indiana Jones. He even wears a coiled up rope hooked onto his belt loop and his two dart guns – always ready for a fight. EVERY DAY! He also prefers to wear socks and long pants so he can slide easier across the floor at home. He really wants to find a cool Indiana Jones hat.

I love Mason’s creative side, he doesn’t sit around waiting for something to happen – he makes it happen. He has created a following of friends that also admire his ability to have fun.

He is getting very excited to have his cousin, Matt move back into town. In fact he even said he only wants to play soccer this August if Matt will be on his team…So, Matt what do you think?


Grandma and Grandpa Paarker said…

Mason seems to be growing into a fine young man. He’ll probably b able to protect the family with all his skills and abilities. He’ll never be bored, if he can make his own fun without TV and commercial entertainment. They say the most interesting people think the most interesting things. Creativity is great!
Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:19:48 AM

Anne said…

I hope you find an Indie hat! They are pretty cool. It is always fun to hear about your adventures and fun creativity.
Friday, June 27, 2008 6:28:04 AM

Matt said…

I’ll be there for sure so save me a good number.
Friday, June 27, 2008 6:29:15 PM

Four Months Old Now!

JT will officially be four months old tomorrow and we think he is as cute as ever! It is fun to see how responsive he has become. He is still very easy going and smiles easily, he even wakes up with a smile on. He loves to talk and blow bubbles and just showed us that he can roll over from tummy to back. (He hasn’t had too much tummy time with all of the people of the house holding him) He also let out a laugh last week, but isn’t giving them out too often. He went on his first hike the other day and got his first sun burn. He is now sleeping in his big crib in his room downstairs and most generally sleeps all night long. He is most happy when someone is talking to him.

We love our Joshua Taylor Parker!


Stacie said…

He looks like a handsome little man! I love his crooked smile!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:48:55 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

We can;t wait to meet the little guy. He looks so content and cuddly. Give him a kiss for us.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:16:18 AM

Anne said…

So handsome! He is so cute! Hope you are enjoying all his simple moments!
Friday, June 27, 2008 6:22:33 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

What a cutie. We can’t wait to see him at 5 months!
Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:35:25 PM