Using Words

So my last entry about Olivia wasn’t the most optimistic, but it had been a long few months. I am happy to report that Olivia is making a great comeback. We only had to spend one day of calmly taking her to “Uh-Oh” time and explaining that it is inappropriate to scream for things. While going through this she would scream and then get in control and almost in a whisper explain in her words what she needed. This pattern only had to happen about five times before she realized it was much easier to use words to get what she needs. She has been waking up with a smile and is eager to help. She even asked Mason if she could help him unload the dishwasher, Mason thought he had struck gold!

We have had a few set backs but the future looks promising!

Last night Olivia tried to feed the turtle (who was just released back into the wild today) a little too much food by dumping half of the package in the water. Everyone had gone on a bike ride and I was really worried about the little fella. You know me, scared of any moving creature. I started explaining to Olivia that she would have to get the turtle out so he wouldn’t get sick. She tried to get him out, but was too short to bend down into the container. I was trying to visualize myself picking the turtle up and muster up the courage, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I looked around and found something I could use to get prop him on…I put it in the water and was successful in getting him out. Olivia’s job was to watch the turtle, Fred, so he wouldn’t get away while I dumped out the water. Without explaining further, it was quite a production.

I am grateful for Olivia and that she is brave around animals. She rescued me from having to touch a cat last year too! Phew!!!! One of these days I will overcome my phobia! Until then, I’m staying close to Livvy.


Stacie said…

Do they get any cuter? I love the turtle story! I am glad to hear it is back in the pond. Way to go Liv!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:47:09 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

“How will they know unless we tell them?” Nobody can really teach like Mom and dad. Olivia looks cute as button.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:11:45 AM

Anne said…

She is so much fun! If we only have fun all the time we wouldn’t enjoy it as much, so I guess some of the really fun ones are really hard to, right!?! The turtle story is great!
Friday, June 27, 2008 6:24:41 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Okay, the small animal phobia cracks me up. I never knew that! Have you ever touched Mia, or does she send you running and screaming?
Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:24:15 PM

Party with Music

As many of you know, Alexis is the star DJ at our house and car. (In fact she has considered making it a profession some day) She is often found twirling through my ipod in search of a great song to listen to. Well, it was time for her annual summer late over last Friday night. After tossing a few ideas around a music party stuck and we began our planning.

She helped make the invitations and we delivered them. They were instructed to bring two of their favorite CDs and a treat to share with everyone. It ended up being a very fun night. She had friends, Christina, Shaylynn, Kendra, Kaydee, Maddi, Emi, and Paige. They made their own pizza bombs which turned out to be gigantic. We then played a few games. Music Charades was they had to act out the name of a song…They put the name of an animal in a bowl and then took turns drawing one out and making up a dance to that animal…and of course we played name that tune and had a lip sync. Favorite songs of the night were, “Bubbly” by Colbie Caillat, “Love Song” by Sara Bareilles, and “Picture to Burn” by Taylor Swift, “With You” by Chris Brown, and “See You Again” by Miley Cyrus.

After the food and games, they watched the premier of “Camp Rock” on the Disney Channel, starring the singing Jonas Brothers. It was a hit as many of the girls really like the Jonas Brothers.

It ended up being a really fun night for the girls and stress free night for the mom. Eleven year olds are so fun, they think anything is great as long as they are together and they are also old enough to keep their own games going! Love it!!!


Stacie said…

How fun! Paige had a great time! Thanks for inviting her! These girls are just growing up too fast! i remember when they used to crawl around our feet while we played cards!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:42:05 PM

Grandpa Parker said…

I have always loved young ladies at eleven years old. The seen to have a purity and intelligence that is preparing them to enter into adolescence with strong values and a resolve to do what’s right. I think it’s a pivotal year of their lives. “How near to the angels is youth that is clean.” It’s a great time to make goals for dating and high school.
Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:05:39 AM

Kassie said…

I wish that I could have been there!! It sounds like lots of fun!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008 4:26:50 PM

Anne said…

Sounds so fun! I like the favorite songs too!
Friday, June 27, 2008 6:29:06 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Bridget would have loved being there!
Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:31:39 PM

Riley said…

wish i could have been there!!!looks like fun!!
Monday, June 30, 2008 8:19:55 PM

Musical Play

Yesterday Lily had her friend Oakley over…they had some fun in the water. I had to smile when I heard Lily over playing on the swing set breaking out in song. It was as if she were the star in a musical. She was singing to Olivia, “Dingle, dingle, dum. Twist all day and twist all night, why don’t you go down the slide? etc…” Sung to her own made up tune. She proceeded to sing her way through talking for the next 30 minutes. Oakley watched and listened for a second and then before too long, she was chiming in. Fun times!


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Lily you have a talent for being musical and creative too. You can make people happy with music. Keep up the great work, your mom has this same musical talent. She’s a great example to fallow.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:29:36 AM

Anne said…

Lily is getting so big! I can’t wait to hear some of your music at the next family get together. Keep singing and smiling!
Friday, June 27, 2008 6:26:47 AM

16 Years ago…Today

I went to the Temple for my first time as an adult. Today I was there again and had to smile at what a great place it is to be. 🙂


Paul said…

I was there today too! Maybe we crossed paths.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:49:17 PM

Steph said…

It is a great place, I can’t wait to go there with my kids when they take out there endowments. It still can’t believe there is a temple in Rexburg. I am excited to go there someday.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 9:52:18 PM

Stephen said…

I want you to start coming with me Paul, the names today were from Argentina and Peru. I just had to smile.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 10:00:59 PM

Dad and Mom said…

I remember the day that you first went to the temple. I remember that you were almost overcome with awe as we came out and you told me, “I think I just learned more about the plan of salvation in two hours than I have my whole life.” What an amazing place. We miss the temple here a lot, so go a few extra times for us.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 12:18:41 AM

Stacie said…

That is neat Stephen! I remember my first time too! All I could say is that it was not of this world! What a great place to go! Rick and I are going tomorrow at 4:00 anyone is welcome to join us! Maybe we will see you there! Bye now!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:38:06 PM

Crazy little man named, Stephen!

I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when this crazy man came into my life! He is just what I need to stay loved, humble, young, energetic, excited, worried, happy, etc…I just love him in all of his craziness, even if at times I seem an emotional wreck because of some of the things he does.

Here are some pictures of our past weekend that will prove the above items mentioned! He spontaneously joined a hike (during his lunch hour) that Tricia Galer and I took to Cress Creek with our kids. He was a welcome site and helped a ton, I was flattered that he took time to be with me. It was such a great stroll for kids – they had a great time and the trail had great information for educating along the way. It had been a while since I’d been there, glad Tricia invited us to go along. It was JT’s first official hike, he even got a little sunburn on his neck to prove he was there.

That evening during Alexis’ late over, Stephen and Mason made a go cart. Mason had been eying one up in his Bear Cub Scout Book and it came to fruition. I was happy to catch a cute picture of them finishing up.

We invited the troops over Sunday evening (Dot and Everett, Stacie, Jana, and their families, Paul and his chiccas, and the Galer family) to take a view of Paul and Stephen’s South America vacation (we missed John’s input). Looked like it was quite an adventure and an unforgettable experience. I am really glad that Stephen was able to go and that Paul and John went with him because I’m not that CRAZY! After seeing the footage I was tired…they went to 4 countries and saw amazing things in only 8 days time. They didn’t leave a minute to spare for any lolly gagging and Stephen loved it all, it is just the way he loves to travel – fit as much in as possible! I was so happy to have him back home and safe.

After the show Stephen got into his compound and dug out all of the go carts he has made over the past few years. He decided it would be so much fun to make a train out of them for the kids to ride on…it was a hit and the kids were sad to leave. Of course I was worried and bogged down with the responsibility of all of these little peoples’ safety, but all was well. He definitely knows how to show a kid a great time and my kids were pretty proud of their dad and his coolness. When all was said and done, I think Stephen had more fun pulling those kids than they had being pulled.

Just a few of the happenings from the crazy little man named, Stephen.


Dad Parker said…

Way to go! You only get one chance to experience life, so cram as much in as possible. Jodi, you’re a good sport like Sharon, just tolerate him and have patience with his excitement for crazy things and you will both have a heartful of memories to live with forever.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:23:47 AM

Steph said…

I love my brother too. He has always has an idea in his head. We should make go carts and race them for a family activity this fall. It could be part of the Pumpkin Carving party.
Trisha and her kids look great. Tell them ‘Hi’ from me. I love the people in Rexburg, what an awesome place to raise kids.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:16:05 AM

Anne said…

Looks like a fun time! Will is pretty jealous, he thinks that looks cool. We love that hike too. Tell Tricia hi for me and enjoy the summer fun!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:20:04 PM

Paulo said…

But it was so much fun!!! It made me glad to be back in Rexburg. Even if there was some drama with the chicas.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:47:45 PM

Stacie said…

The chicas, not meaning your sisters, but the TWO that you brought! It was a good time my kids loved it and hope to do it in the 4th of July parade! The best was when we were younger and the engine lit on fire and Jana is smiling and having a good time! Thanks for the entertainment Stephen! Come and get the motorbike and see if you can get it to run!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:34:20 PM

Grandpa Baldwin said…

Seeing the pictures of pullying four vehicles makes me homesick for the wide open spaces of Eastern Idaho. We love being here and serving a mission and serving in the temple but miss the exciting things the family does. We are pleased with the growth in the gospel that happens when fun family activities happen.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 8:53:07 AM

In the name of love

“(Pride) In the Name of Love,” one of my all time favorite songs by U2. So is Silver and Gold. Both songs are written about human injustice In the Name of Love was written about Martin Luther King and racial segregation and Silver and Gold particularly about apartheid in South Africa. I have had these songs rolling through my head as I’ve been reading the past few days.

I have just finished reading a life changing book, “Left to Tell” by Immaculee Ilibagiza. It is a personal account of the Rwandan Holocaust. (Genocide defined: The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.)Just like all of the other holocaust books I have read, this one was so inspiring! Immaculee found the power to forgive and find peace after witnessing such horrific tragedies! She used her faith, the power of God and positive thinking. She was confined in to hiding in a bathroom for three months (with several other women) at a pastor’s house and spent all of her hours calling upon God and fighting the negative thoughts put into her head by Satan. She overcame so much and her story is quite amazing. Please take time to add this book to your reading list and take a journey on a remarkable tale, it will help you see how great your life is. I cannot even begin to describe to you how appalling the mentality of the Hutu killers were- it is unimaginable and I found myself having to stop and cover my head when I would read. Thankfully, I have never had to go there before.

I cannot believe that this tragic piece of history went so unnoticed to me, especially at the time of its happening! (1994, the year I was married – not too long ago)

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go listen to my songs…

“One man come in the name of love
One man come and go
One come he to justify
One man to overthrow

In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love”


Dad Parker said…

There are so many human tragedies that occur as a result of evil men in high places, and it’s so hard for another government to enter into the fight. I guess we just try to keep our communities, states and country on the right path and hope world leaders have the wisdom to know the whens and hows.
Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:51:13 PM

mzb said…

I agree a life changing book. Highly recommended read. Are you ready for Pillars of the Earth next?
Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:40:03 PM

Steph said…

Wow! Thanks for sharing, I love to hear about good books. Our world is a crazy place, we are so blessed here in America.
Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:16:34 PM

Night life with JT

Ever since we have been in Utah (the last 10 days) JT has been living up the night life. I am not a fan! He has never kept me up at nights UNTIL NOW. I’m sure all of the time in the car seat during the day which promotes naptime isn’t helping. What is interesting is that he wakes up at the same time with a poopy diaper? Can’t wait to get home and on a better schedule.

This morning we experienced a first. Four previous babies and I’ve never seen this happen. Lily thought she would be a helper and started changing JT’s poopy diaper this morning. We were in a hurried frenzy to be on time for Grandpa and Grandma’s setting apart for their mission. Anyway, I walked in the room to catch Lily’s helpful deed and my blood pressure rose a few notches. This wasn’t a one wipe job, I started to take over when guess what happens? JT started urinating and it went straight into both of his eyes!!!! YIKES. Yes, I started screaming and throwing wipes like crazy. I quickly started wiping up liquids when he started doing it again, and like the first time it went in both eyes! I’m not sure about the precautions with urnine in the eye, he is still smiling at me when I talk to him so I don’t think he went blind. Hopefully that NEVER happens again.


michelle said…

crazy boy-and girl! You are a patient lady! I’m sorry about the sleep-that is no fun! Only one more night-I hope we can both make it! Thanks for your patient example!
Sunday, June 15, 2008 8:32:29 PM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

These sound like part of the great memories of Motherhood. You know you’ve really been here and had the true experiences of Motherhood. You wouldn’t have wanted to miss this one.
Monday, June 16, 2008 12:33:21 AM

Stacie said…

That is really funny! I don’t mean to laugh, but you have to admit at times like that the only thing to do is laugh! JT will thank you someday for loving him so much! Good job!
Monday, June 16, 2008 9:00:26 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

The experiences that revolved around JT’s and Livvy’s body fluids (and solids) were too, too funny while you were in Utah. I know this is mean, but I am “sooo” glad I am out of those stages!
Friday, June 20, 2008 4:28:10 PM

Trying Times

Olivia has had some “trying two” moments for let’s say about two months! She is such a cutie, but has been trained to scream for what she wants. Hope she is prepared for the winds of change that are coming. It’s time to nip this in the bud! She has had trouble pronounciating a lot of her words and I know this contributes to her craziness. It is frustrating to not be understood, we will keep trying on that end of it.

On the other hand, she can be so sweet. One morning I saw her this week laying next to JT and stroking his head and tummy so gently and humming in his ear. This morning she woke up with a big smile and said, “My daddy is here”. It didn’t last long when I had to break the news that dad won’t be here until tomorrow. She loved seeing the monkey’s at the zoo and just started laughing when she saw the monkey swinging on the poles and loved showing me the baby ducks.

Wish us luck in the months ahead…


michelle said…

Sounds familiar-with good parents like you-she’ll turn out great!
Sunday, June 15, 2008 8:36:15 PM

Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Its good to nip things before they get into full bloom. That’s part of the job discription, not just the fun things but the hard one too. Good luck. “How will they know unless we tell so”
Monday, June 16, 2008 12:28:02 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Livvy is so cute though! She is just nearing that age three stage. Definitely my favorite year! Not!
Friday, June 20, 2008 4:27:10 PM

In Heaven

Alexis is in Heaven/Utah. She just loves being here with some of her favorite people.

She kicked off her stay spending time with Emily, a cousin who is extrememly busy generally but had a free day. We took them to the church museum at temple square. It was really enjoyable and they just loved the Child of God exhibit.

Next, we went to a park where she played tennis with me and cousin Jed (Bridget was at summer camp). He even gave he a quick tennis lesson when I had to go check on Livvy and JT. She was sad that she never got to go play again.

Wednesday she got to go with Grandma Baldwin to get her hair colored. She loves spending one on one time with grandma and was feeling very special. She even got to help grandma go shopping for a new missionary outfit.

Thursday we went to her favorite thing. We went to Pioneer Village at this is the place monument with Jed, Abby, Amy, Grandma B. She had so much fun learning about the pioneers and participating in some of the fun crafts and activities. She loved taking a pony ride and even held the snake around her kneck at the petting area! (side note: I forgot my camera, so I will get a photo that Amy took soon)

Friday we got to see the Parker cousins and went to a spray park. Lex and Halely had fun together along with all of the other kids. Then Friday night Bridget got to come over to Grandma B’s for a sleep over. We made some jewel flip flops that turned out so cute!

Saturday we spent time in nature at Bridal Veil Falls and then Lex was proud to have accomplished the “Y” climb. She missed out on it last year and did a great job.

Sunday includes a BBQ at Uncle Brad’s house with more cousin time – what fun for her.

Alexis absolutely loves ALL of her cousins to death, they are definitely her most favorite and bestest friends!


michelle said…

What a week! You guys know how to enjoy summer! It was fun seeing you!
Sunday, June 15, 2008 8:40:46 PM

Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Sounds like a pretty fun-filled week, with lots of good memories. It’s good to take time to make memories, they don’t just happen, you need to plan them.
Monday, June 16, 2008 12:22:43 AM

Stacie said…

That sounds like a lot of fun! Paige is really missing you! She wants me to pick you up every tues. after the kids TBall games! I have to remind her you are not in town! Call when you get back!
Monday, June 16, 2008 8:54:02 AM

hannah said…

that sounds soooo fun i wish i were there
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:56:22 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

We all had lots of fun with Lexi, and everyone else, too!
Friday, June 20, 2008 4:25:43 PM

Making Trails

We have been running down the trail marked out for the Bear Cub this week. I hate to admit it, but I haven’t been helping Mason much in the scout department since he turned nine. I’m blaming it on JT.

Anyway, this has been a great week of checking some acheivements off the list. It is fun to see that Lex and Lily would like to participate as well. One of the acheivement that Mason had was to talk to his grandparents about what is was like when they grew up. His favorite question was, “What kind of games did you play.” Well, Grandma told him all about playing marbles and even bought him some of his own. They found a set of rules and now Mason has a new obsession. He has been sad to find that playing marbles are hard to come by, but has been happy to play with his grandparents. I’ve heard that Grandpa is a sharp shooter.

Mason also taught us about the rules of hiking, according to his Bear Book. Grandpa even provided whistles and help make the trail mix! Mason was diligent about making sure there were cashews in the mix. We attempted to go explore the Mt. Timpinogas Cave, but found that there is a waiting list and it would have been complicated. We decided to go to Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon. It was basically a stroll on a paved walk way but very beautiful and fun. Mason and I tried to climb as high as we could next to the water fall, but I bailed on him when it got too steep. He was sorely disappointed and was deflated claiming that this wasn’t a real hike, but Grandpa Baldwin has a trick up his sleeve and offered to take us to climb the “Y”.

About 20 steps on the “Y” trail he spotted a giant lizard and his eyes lit up as big as ever. He dropped his trail mix quickly so he could have two hands for catching, but that lizard was too fast. We also heard that a few snakes we slithering around, so Mason was happy the whole way and didn’t even notice how steep of a climb it was. He is truly Stephen’s son, because he was “pushing us too hard” according to Alexis when he wanted to hike to the top of the “Y” and not just the bottom.

Needless to say, it ended up being a great day for the Bear Cub!


michelle said…

looks like a great hike! It’s so pretty up there! I’m not sure I would like the snake sounds!
Sunday, June 15, 2008 8:38:41 PM

Grandma and grandpa Parker said…

We were excited to see your frolicing in the mountains. By the way, we saw a rattlesnake on the trail up to the Y one time.
Monday, June 16, 2008 12:12:39 AM

Stacie said…

We play marbles with our Grandma & pa miller! Grandpa Miller was the marble champ. back in the day! Let’s play!
Monday, June 16, 2008 8:56:29 AM

Mzb said…

Mtn. Timp hike would be fun for the reunion
Monday, June 23, 2008 12:39:36 PM