Time well spent

Today Uncle Everett and Aunt Dot came up to visit. Everett brought all of his gardening tools to come help me get mine planted. He was so cute about it, it was raining but that didn’t deter him one bit. We set out in the rain to plant the tomatoes, as only he knows best. He was a little perplexed at my strange square foot gardening style, but said, “only one way to find out if they will grow.” He then mixed up a special brew of chemicals that are supposed to really get them growing, we planted them and then watered them with the secret brew. I could hear him sniffling a bit, as it was quite cold out, as well as raining on us. I thought to myself these are priceless moments that I hope never leave my mind. We went to lunch after we finished planting with Stacie, Rhett, Dot, Everett, Jodi, Olivia, and JT. Truly Time well spent.


Steph said…

That is a cool experience. It’s times like that that make us want to move back. I want my kids to have moments with their grandparents and aunts and uncles. I planted my garden last week, I used chicken manure for fertilizer. I think it will be hard to sell our house until the smell goes away. What kind of vegies did you plant? Did Uncle Everrett plant any cuc’s?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:06:03 PM

Anne said…

That looks great! It’s those simple moments when we work together that bonds are formed and treasured. Keep up the good work!
Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:29:54 AM

Pam said…

Del loves to grow tomatoes too. All you guys can get together and exchange tips and trials in growing tomatoes. Good Job. Priceless memory to share with Uncle Everett.
Friday, May 23, 2008 10:09:42 PM


he may think he can’t cook the perfect mellow but he is honest…mellow looks good to me though.Last night while we were at Wal-Mart Mason showed something that would have been hard for me to do the same. He was standing in line to ask the cashier the price of a Lego kit, when he noticed a $5 dollar bill on the ground. Without even thinking he picked it up and handed it to the cashier. I think the cashier thought he was paying for his Lego kit, but he quickly said, “someone lost this” it would have been so easy for him to keep just pay for the toy with it and have a free toy. He taught me that honesty is not negotioable. Way to be Mason.


Aunt Jana said…

That is cool that you didn’t even hesitate 5 dollars is a lot of money to find! way to go!
Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:37:08 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Mason, you are a good boy and good boys become good men, Keep up the good work. We sure love and respect you for your righteous actions. Ask your dad what “righteous reflexes are.

Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:51:19 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Mason, I did the same thing with a penny the other day and the clerk looked at me as if I was crazy. Mayabe I carried my righteous reflex a little far? I’m soo very proud of you. You have been taught well by truly great parents. Love you,
Monday, May 19, 2008 7:41:09 AM

Steph said…

Nice going Mason! I am proud of you, money can do crazy things, I am glad you weren’t even tempted to keep it. You ROCK MAN!
Monday, May 19, 2008 1:54:03 PM

Kindergarten Graduation 2008

Lily, the kindergartner 2007-2008!Last night Lily had a Kindergarten program to celebrate her graduation! We are so proud of her and how much she has learned this year. Not only has she gotten intellectually smarter (i.e. reading, math, etc.) she has grown socially and emotionally. She is a sweet little girl and wow did she give it her all during that program – she sang her little heart out and wasn’t timid about it, she remembered all of the dance steps and could do “Toe Knee Knows” fast as lighting! Lexi made her a banner that read, “We are ‘Toad’ally proud of you Lily. You’re a star!” It was cute. After the program we came home and ate sherbet the frog, Lily had fun helping make the treat for her family. What a happy day to celebrate Lily’s achievement.


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Congradulations Lily, we are proud of your getting so smart and becoming a fine singer and dancer. You are a pretty princes.
Friday, May 16, 2008 3:17:48 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

Wow Jodi…you are the ultimate mom when it comes to celebrations. I just go to the program and say “Good job” when it’s done.
Congratulations Lily. 1st Grade will be lots of fun!
Friday, May 16, 2008 7:42:30 PM

Steph said…

Wow Taylor still has five weeks. I love graduations, it’s fun to celebrate your success. Way to go Lil.
Friday, May 16, 2008 11:51:07 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Congratulations, Lilly- on both the graduation and the frog loving. I love amphibians too- specially frogs. Keep singing and loving life!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008 7:44:24 AM

Math for Moms

So today I was sitting around trying to figure out when Olivia will be going to kindergarten. This stems from Lily’s kindergarten graduation last night. Olivia was born the last day before the dead line so we have a few options I guess. If she goes to school when she is five she will go for the 2010-2011 school year.

So after figuring that out I started wondering more and more things and here is what I came up with (I could save some of you some math, since our kids are the same age):

JT will be going to kindergarten in 2013-2014 school year (I will be running kids to Pre-School then kindergarten for a nonstop 4 year period of time!)

When JT enters first grade it will be the year Alexis graduates from high school!!!

Lex graduates 2015 (If Mission 2018-2020?)
Mason graduates 2017 (Mission 2018-2020)
Lily graduates 2020 (If Mission 2022-2024?)
Olivia graduates 2024 (If Mission 2027-2029?)
JT graduates 2027 (Mission 2028-2030)

My life is now flashing before my eyes!!! I will be 40 years old when Lex graduates and 51 when JT graduates! I am not sure about this, I think I am in denial that things will always be what they are now. This little math session has put some things in perspective – CHERISH THE MOMENTS!

p.s. Kindergarten has got to be one of my all time favorite ages! I’m glad I have two more to go…


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Your math about tired me out. It’s a good thing we don’t have to live our lives all at once, but it is fun to plan out a few nice things a few years ahead. We’re sure you’ll enjoy the whole journey.
Friday, May 16, 2008 3:09:47 PM

Steph said…

Wow! I am right in line with your first four. That makes me feel overwhelmed. It seems far off, but the last 11 years have been quick. I remember thinking I was so old when I was a senior. I hope these kids make us all proud, no dumb choices! I love them all!
Friday, May 16, 2008 11:45:19 PM

Anne said…

Well that does put things into perspective. I think I will just Keep Moving Forward and take baby steps. Hope Lily’s graduation was fun!
Saturday, May 17, 2008 5:22:35 PM


I had a neat experience today at the temple that I had to write down. It was getting close to the end of my time there for the day when an older couple walked in. I immediately thought they were a cute sight to see, I was in the font at the time so I lost sight of them for awhile while they were being confirmed. Then they came walking into the font area, I was asked to baptize him and then let him baptize his wife. They had brought in a stack of personal names to be done, it was a struggle to baptize him as he was a little older and a little heavyset. Once I was done baptizing him I left the font to watch him baptize his wife. She reminded me of Aunt Dot a little shorter though.

The first time he tried to baptize her she didn’t go all the way under, so he had to do it again. This repeated a few times as she couldn’t quite get under the water all the way, it was cute as he would make some suggestions on how to make it work better. She would smile and say, “this time we will get it.” The best part was the name they were doing was Mary, and she would say as if she was talking to Mary, “we are going to get it right this time.” Finally after about 10 tries the got it. It was such a neat experience to see this old and tired couple putting their all in to help their ancestors. The Temple is a great place to be.


Mom said…

Thanks for sharing, that sounds like a touching experience. It’s good to write them down. Glad you have such a neat opportunity to be in the temple.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:48:21 AM

Steph said…

That is so awesome. I am glad you share your temple experiences with us. I bet Mary was so excited, she probably thought they were diligent too.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:01:26 AM

Anne said…

What a neat reminder of the blessings of the temple. I am so glad there are people that take their time to do temple work. I am sure Mary is thrilled.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4:10:36 PM

Jana said…

What a neat experience you got to have..I love to watch older couples they make me smile when they show their love for each other. They seemed to have a great love for each other to put up with that much for Mary! I would have been cursing Ryon I am bit like grandma I think! Poor guy!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:12:47 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

That is a cute story. It’s members like that who make the work successful.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:06:56 PM

Little Dude

First off, I am going to give a disclaimer! I would like to thank JT for enabling me to spend so much time on the computer…he eats often, and this is when I am able to catch up on my journaling, etc. I kind of feel like a junkie though – what a life!

Anyhow, today JT went in for his two month old check up (he will be 3 months old in a week, but oh well). I am proud to report that he is now 11 lbs 7.5 oz and is 23 inches long.

He also received his first immunizations! The cute little dude was a little startled and upset when he got them, but was easily calmed down. It just doesn’t seem right when nurses come in and make your baby smile and coo and then poke him with a needle. It tears me up inside every time, but I know it’s for the best. AH….


Mom Parker said…

We can’t believe how much JT is growing. He is soooo cute. Give him a kiss from us. You’re a great mom and I love the reciepes. Most of them we don’t have the stuff here to make them, but it’s fun to dream. Thanks
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:44:19 AM

Steph said…

I was just talking to my friends last night about immunizations. They are an evil necessity.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:11:24 AM

HANNAH said…

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:08:27 PM

Anne said…

Will just got his Kindergarten shots and we got Owen’s latest too. I hate it. It is just so sad to see them cute and happy and then crying. It is nice to keep them safe though. JT is a cutie and I am glad that I got to see him last weekend. Cute Little Dude!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4:13:19 PM

jana said…

Those immunizations are a bugger!! Glad they have them though it’s kind of a love hate thing! Good to know he is healthy and still smiling! I love that kid!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:07:33 PM

my first blog

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Grandpa Parker said…

Thanks for the nice blog Olivia. I need to find an “Oliviana” dictionary, but I know is says nice things.
Monday, May 12, 2008 12:48:26 AM

Aunt Jana said…

It’s good to see that you are inquisitive like your dad and mom! Can’t wait to read some more of your blogs maybe have your mom write what you are saying so we can understand!
Monday, May 12, 2008 1:29:50 PM

Handprints on my Heart

JT two month old hand.Being Mother’s Day and all I usually go in with the attitude of remembering my own mother – careful not to dwell on my insecurities and inadequate mothering skills. Today was a different day, possibly because I have been gone away from my children on the Parker Girl Retreat and haven’t had any recent mothering woes. As I sat listening to motherhood tributes my mind wandered to the past and I recalled some of my own personal favorite moments of being a mother.

Alexis – child of firsts! I loved brushing her newborn hair and dressing her – very careful to choose a matching blanket and burp cloth. When she was 2 1/2 years old we would sing “I’m so glad when daddy comes home” when Stephen got home from work. About this time, I was sitting with her singing at the piano and she said, “I want to go back to live with Heavenly Father.” It was a tender moment for me. Alexis has a beautiful smile and fun laugh – it is contagious and makes me happy still to watch her be silly. She has always had loads of energy and a zest for life, always ready for an adventure. She has always liked to be silly and goofy to make people laugh.

Mason – Pleasant surprise, we thought he was going to be a girl. He is passionate and inquisitive. It almost feels like you can tangibly see the wheels turning in his head. He seems to always have a question, idea, or thought. When he was in nursery Stephen was serving in a college ward bishopric so Alexis would help me retrieve him after Primary. One Sunday I asked Alexis where he was and she didn’t know, we ended up finding him outside shoveling the sidewalks of our church house. When we moved into our second house in Idaho Falls, I remember looking out my kitchen window to watch Mason walk outside to play. I stayed there watching for many moments thinking to myself that one day he will grow older and not play with his Tonka trucks and dig in the dirt. Mason loves fruit, especially strawberries. I love to see him smile whenever he gets to eat them.

Lily – intense, independent, thoughtful, sweet, helpful. A few words to describe life with Lil. When Mason started kindergarten, it was just me and Lily at home. We had lots of fun together, she always likes to work alongside me and continuously compliments me. Once, while we lived in Idaho Falls, she walked over to our neighbors house who didn’t have any kids left at home. She knocked on the door and told them she was hungry and wanted a peanut butter sandwich. Of course they just laughed and made her one. At church a few months ago (age 6) she was writing down the words to the song, I am a child of God. She had misinterpreted the word earthly as nearthly. I tried to correct her when she asked me if she had dictated it the right way. She stayed firm in her belief that it was in fact nearthly. I opened the hymn book and showed her where it said earthly to which she replied, “Whoever wrote that book is wrong!”

Olivia – sweet and funny. She endured building a house and moving during her second year of life. What a whirlwind – wish I could remember more. It was a few years in between her and Lily and we welcomed her with much love and anticipation. I love to watch her play with her older siblings, she can keep up! It is a joy to read stories with her and hold her on my lap while the other kids are at school. When she tells me a secret she puts her arm around my neck and her cheek next to my cheek and starts whispering – needless to say I don’t get to hear much of the the secret, but is always makes me smile.

JT – can’t wait to make some more memories with him. But for now it satisfies me to listen to him coo and mimic him. He also is very good natured and smiles easily. My heart swells a little bigger when I’m holding him!

As tough a job as motherhood can seem at times, the sweet and tender moments make it all worth it! Glad I get to be one and hope I do them right…

Smart little kindergartner – loves to read and write!

Alexis one month old.

Olivia 6 months old

Snuggling with my baby, JT.

Olivia Michele Parker – two years old.

Mason – strawberry lover!

“I make dirt look good!”

Sweet Lily girl – 2 1/2 years old.

Crazy Lex – do not try this at home!


Stephen said…

I am so glad you are the mother of our children. They have a great example of a loving mother.
Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:17:52 PM

Patricia Baldwin/Mom said…

Very sweet stories, Jodi. I love watching you as you are raising your children. What a great Mom you are. I believe you are enjoying your role as a Mother. There is just nothing better, is there? Your little girls will enjoy motherhood, because they see you as a great Mother in action! Your are doing a fine job. Keep up the good work. It is work, but very rewarding. I love you very much. Your mom
Sunday, May 11, 2008 10:39:16 PM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

We love it when Moms are so in love with their children and really enjoy being a Mother.
Monday, May 12, 2008 11:28:16 AM

Jana said…

I love to listen as you talk about being a mother.. It really is expressed through your words and actions that you are indeed proud to be a mom! Thanks for your example.
Monday, May 12, 2008 1:27:24 PM

Anne said…

You are a great mom Jodi. What sweet memories and thoughts of your children. Keep up the good work and loving your children.
Monday, May 12, 2008 3:22:06 PM

Stacie said…

What a great tribute to your children!
Monday, May 12, 2008 4:32:07 PM

Steph said…

You are a great example to your daughters. They will be better moms because of your teaching them. It’s great to be a mom, even with those sticky fingers, we still love them all.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:08:56 AM

Pam said…

Hi Jodi, thanks for commenting on my blog. It was nice to hear from you. The Parker family so inspire me in so many ways. I appreciate all of you. About Primary, it’s going as well as can be expected. Every week is a new challenge for a President when teachers go home sick and substitutes fail to show. Other than that, it’s been great, I love being in Primary, I’ve been in primary most of my life. I’ve had a calling in every part of Primary now except music because I can’t play the piano. I’ll let you know when I’m in need of an idea . . .I’m sure you’ve had some good ones.
Friday, May 16, 2008 1:49:31 PM

Kristy Staker said…

Jodi, you are amazing, althouh I notice you hear that a lot. I read your blogs and just hope someday I can grow up to be just like you. The reason I stopped by the blog today was just to see what Jodi was making for dinner tonight. Thanks for being such a great example.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3:57:03 PM

Digging up the Past

My mom teaching me how to be a mom. June of 1997, a few days after Alexis was born!Baldwin mother highlights revisited from five years ago –

Because its Mothers Day, I have obviously been thinking about my mother and remembered this email dialogue my family shared. I wanted to put it somewhere that would help me preserve it as it is special to me. I love my mom and am so happy that I got to come to earth and learn from her. Happy Mothers Day once again mom!

Hello all – Eric asked me to share with him some things about our mom for a talk he is giving on mother’s day in his ward. (Maybe he asked you too) I just thought I would share them with you on mother’s day so you will know how much I love our mom and the things she has personally done for me. I am grateful to be a part of our family. All of my siblings are extremely wonderful examples, and have taught me many good things.
Top ten reasons why I love my mom –
1. She always places our needs and comforts before her own.
2. She is a hard worker.
3. She is compassionate and caring of others.
4. She is always there to listen and give advice.
5. She is friendly and puts others at ease.
6. She has taught me gospel principles by word and deed.
7. She has taught me the importance of ‘family first’.
8. She makes me laugh.
9. She is generally always happy.
10. She is very talented in many ways
A few stories or events that stick out in my mind about mom are these… First, I remember mom caring unselfishly for her own mother when grandma could not care for herself. She would carry her around, feed her, cut her toe nails, etc. Service! I went with her many times to elderly people�s homes or to the nursing home to visit the sick or lonely. We would go take treats, help them around the house or yard, or just visit. She always impressed upon me that we should always remember them and that some day we will be old. She always taught us to show respect and to share our talents with others. I remember playing my violin for many of her visiting relatives. This has helped me be willing to share my talents easier – even now. When the orchestra decided to go to California to Disneyland it was going to cost more $ than was available. Mom would wake up very early (earlier than normal even) to bind quilts and earn money for this trip for me. I don’t remember her ever asking me to contribute. – (this is something I am not proud of -I didn’t even try to help earn the money.) She was so excited and happy for me to get to go, because she had never gotten a chance to go there. I remember several times when I was 13 and 14 that mom would say ‘call up one of your friends and we’ll go out for a blizzard’. My friends loved to be around her as much as me. She was always fun to go with and could act just as crazy as us. I used to call her Preachy Pat because she liked to lay it on thick, but many of these preaching moments taught me great lessons. Lessons to be modest, to obey, to choose the right, listen to the holy ghost, pray, and the list goes on. I also love the fact that mom still burns the ditch bank. I am almost positive that I complained every year that it stunk – ironically when I smell that smell now I am filled with pleasant memories of being outside with her. I am remembering so many things and I am getting too long. I think I’ll end now. I hope that some of this will help you out – and I hope I’m not too late. It was fun reminiscing. We have truly been blessed to have the mother we have. She is a wonderful person. Have a great day.

Responses added from Scott, Brad, and Michelle:

Amen to everything. And can I just say that I busted out laughing when you brought up the ditch bank!!! I remember many times of burning the ditch bank. Also, I was so anxious for the time when I could play “Kentucky Babe” on the trumpet at the Senior Citizen’s center with mom like Eric and Brian. And going home for lunch in grade school to have a baked potato with chili. And working with her at Porter’s every day, and seeing how well she treated people and genuinely loved them. And staying up real late playing games…or having her make cookies in the middle of the games. And for talking to the cats (this fits into the number 8 of Jodi’s list)…the list does begin to go on and on once you get started…give it a try.
Mom, we love you! Thanks for being you!

Agree… Lots that could be added. A couple of important one from me…
1) Treat your brothers and sisters nice. I remember Mom telling me about how some day I’d look back at washing dishes with Michelle and how much I’d miss it. At the time, it didn’t make sense. But it certainly does now.
2) Learning to work hard through gardening…Was it just me that feels like all we did in the summer was pick and prepare vegetables? I remember with fondness all of us gathered on a quilt and snapping beans or shelling peas. Each of us had our own bowls. We’d work for hours harvesting and preparing food. Always mixed with the work was talking about what was important or just talking about nothing really important at all.

Great times to remember.

~ Who remembers shelling peas and popping the ends off the beans. Wasn’t it Eric that got the beans stuck up his nose on two different occasions? I remember taking those huge “steroid” beans and flicking them at each other.
~ I also remember working in the garden on a few occasions with mom. She was always such a hard worker. I remember one time there were beetles/bugs on the potato plants & she had us take 2 rocks and beat the bugs off the plants.
~ I remember Mom serving others. That is a wonderful quality. She has such a love of people and wanting to help them in any way possible.
~ I love the fact that she helped us feel how important our heritage is.
It was neat to see the way she loved her brothers & sister, parents, uncles & aunts, great-aunts. I feel as though we all grew to love them as she does.
~ Memorial Days were always special to me. I remember going to visit the cemetery to take flowers to family member’s graves. I remember how she taught us all to show respect to the people by being reverent & not walking on the graves. I loved hearing Mom, Morgan, & Davawn share the stories about Grandma, Brent, Carol, Blair, etc.
~ Practice the Piano & don’t forget to count!
~ “If anything’s worth doing, do it right the first time.”
~ Saturday mornings & cleaning the bathrooms!
~ Mom taught us to be good workers- to do our best in all we do.
~ Mom is a people person! Any one she meets, they become her dearest friend. She seems to know almost everyone in the Rexburg area. I remember going to Frontier Pies with the family after Brian and I were married. It was pretty amazing to Brian & me how many people her and Dad knew. She generally cares about every person. She is pretty Christ like if you ask me.
~I feel our lives are better because of her. She always told us how her Patriarchal Blessing talks about honoring your parents. I know we all have wonderful parents. Aren’t you all grateful for them? I know I am. We have been “born of goodly parents”. I am grateful to them for the way they live their lives and for the examples Mom and Dad are to me!
~ I love you all!
– Michelle

1st place!

Well, today they gave the winners for each grades essays! In my grade I got 1st place! I won a playground ball. Thanks for your support.



Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Good job. I guess everyone could see from your topic, that you were being very thoughtful and thankful for someones elses service. It’s good to be thankful.You wrote it very well too. We are thankful for you!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008 2:38:41 AM

Kassie said…

that is so cool Alexis!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:33:32 AM

Aunt Anne said…

YEAH! Good job! We will have to play dodge ball some time soon!
Saturday, May 10, 2008 8:17:58 PM

aunt jana said…

Lexi you are awesome we need to go play 4 square again sometime now that you have an official play ground ball! Keep up the great work!
Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:18:12 PM

Paul said…

That is great!
Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:31:59 PM

Uncle John said…

Nice work! Throw your ball at your dad for me. Keep on writing. There is great power in the pen.
(and I don’t mean pig pen)
Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:44:56 PM

sami said…

that is so cool…
Sunday, May 11, 2008 9:00:14 PM