Happy to eat my pink peppermint cany. They never taste as good as they do when I’m at Grandpa and Grandma’s house.I woke up this morning from a restless night and with a killer headache. I told Stephen that I needed to sleep in a little. He helped keep everything under control so that I could rest a bit. A GOOD HUSBAND helped me out!
This morning I noticed I had some bananas that were going bad. In an attempt to save them from the garbage I decided to make a quick batch of banana bread. Yummy, yummy, yummy I’ve got love in my tummy! Smelled GOOD and tasted GOOD.
JT decided to eat at very convienient times today! We were able to get to church on time and without too much stress! GOOD TIMING!
We got to church and I heard a GOOD TALK. I was in the mother’s lounge listening to the other ward’s sacrament meeting. A cute girl from Chile was talking about her conversion story. It was very touching. She said several times that she had a GOOD life before she was baptized, but now it is so much better. She was so grateful for the sacrifices that missionaries make to take the gospel truth to people all around the world. I thought about Bruce and Sharon and what GOOD things they are doing for others in Portugal.
You know, there are some GOOD PEOPLE in Sugar City. It has taken me some months to embrace this fact, but it is true. I have enjoyed getting to know their GOOD HEARTS.
Speaking of GOOD PEOPLE – Our friends, the Galers, stopped by to drop off something that Scott got for me while in China. I was reminded how nice it is to have GOOD FRIENDS.
We took our family to Blackfoot tonight for a Baldwin Family Home Evening. It was GOOD to see aunts and uncles and cousins and my Grandma. My Grandma is a silent giant who has done countless GOOD DEEDS all of her 93 years of life. I loved to see her happy smile tonight. She is very gentle and kind. Two characteristics I wish I had more of.
While I was at Grandma’s house, with the help of Lily we found the pink dish that holds the peppermint candies! (remember my nostalgia with these from my Grandpa Gussy post?) I was happy to indulge myself to eat this GOOD TREAT.
What a GOOD LIFE I had today.
And now it’s time to say, GOOD NIGHT.
This was the coolest toy ever! I loved playing on it when I was a kid. Doesn’t look too safe though! |
“Don’t eat Pete” game. |
Pin the tag on the missionary Mason! |
Olivia helping give out the treats. |
Grandma using “skype” to talk to my dad and mom. |
Mom and Dad Parker said…
GOOD FRIENDS and GOOD FAMILY are two of the Lord’s sweetest “tender mercies” that we prize in this life. We are blessed with both abundantly.
Monday, April 21, 2008 12:45:32 AM
Stephen said…
It all starts with a GOOD Wife 🙂
Monday, April 21, 2008 9:11:54 AM
jana said…
I agree with both of the comments above, you are an amazing wife, friend,example,and sister to me thanks for being so GOOD to me!
Monday, April 21, 2008 11:47:18 AM
Anne said…
Jodi my life is GOOD because YOU are in it! So glad that you had a GOOD day! Hugs!
Monday, April 21, 2008 12:58:36 PM
Steph said…
I love the Galer Family too. Tell them hi for me. It’s really is a GOOD life. Thanks for reminding me.
Monday, April 21, 2008 1:53:14 PM
Pam Thornock said…
Jodi (and Stephen), I wasn’t sure where the best place was to comment with a big THANK YOU for capturing Tara on Idaho’s 6 o’clock news for us. We hope to catch up to your technical expertise if and when we can keep Tara home long enough to teach us a thing or two. It was great having Tara home for a week. We had many good family times, and look forward to the day when we can record them in a family blog site such as this. I also want to let Jodi know that I just got called as Primary President in our ward and it appears she’s into Primary, so I may be calling to pick your brain for ideas. I’ve served in every part of Primary over the years, and I have loved it. I hope I will love being the President as much as being with the children.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:58:40 PM
John said…
You are a GOOD writer and a GREAT person. Thanks for sharing.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:17:24 PM