Arc Eye

Yesterday we decided to build a bike rack so we would have a place for all of our bikes. Our kids wanted to do what John does with his kids during conference. We have been at their home on many conference weekends and he always makes a fun project for the kids. As I was rounding up all my welding tools so we could weld it, I couldn’t find my welding helmet. I asked Jodi to run over to Dad’s and grab his while I get things all in place. I remembered that when I was younger I would weld sometimes without a helmet. With this in mind I proceeded to weld the frame work together. I noticed I couldn’t see for a minute after I finished but thought it will go away with time. I didn’t realize how much welding I had done until Jodi arrived with the helmet (she ended up having to get it from Dad’s new shop since it was packed up).

I placed the helmet on and finished the rack. As usual I was trying to do too much in too little time. I ended up running into the house and changing my clothes in order to make it to Priesthood mtg. I noticed at the mtg my eyes starting to hurt a little but thought it was just from the smoke from welding the galvanized steel on the rack.

As I went to bed my eyes started to hurt even more so I flushed them with Saline and went to bed. Wow was I in for a night. As soon as I closed my eyes to go to sleep it felt like I had a pound of sand in my eyes just grinding with every eye movement. I got up and flushed them again and tried to sleep, but nothing helped. I took some Ibuprofen to see if that would help, but it didn’t seem to do anything. Eventually I was able to hold my eyes with my hands and was able to get to sleep…but that didn’t last long. I woke again around 1 AM because of one of my frequent night sweats. I felt like I was laying in a bath tub it was so wet. As I opened my eyes to flush them again I thought they had been glued shut with super glue, the burning felt the same as when you get the fumes of super glue in your eyes. They hurt 10x worse than when I went to bed only now they hurt when my eyes were open or shut. I flushed them for about 20 minutes but they still just burned.

At 2:30 AM I decided a shower may help them, so I showered for about 45 minutes. They still hurt, but I just forced them shut and let them drip with the flushing of my tears. I kept thinking of the words to the song, “One heart in the right place”, “There’s no telling how much the sunrise means, to the one who had a terrible night” that was me for sure. The morning finally came. I think that was the worst pain I have yet to experience.

Education is not cheap – I learned my lesson! Sure you can weld without a helmet but you will pay the price. The delayed effect is what gets you, I thought I was fine but the damage had been done.

Arc Burn – A burn resulting from brief exposure to intense radiation.

Symptoms tend to occur a number of hours after exposure and typically resolve spontaneously within 36 hours. The sensation has been described as having sand poured into the eyes.


Jana said…

Man you are the same big brother I grew up with too impatient for the right equipment! Glad you are feeling well again. I bet the bike rack looks great!
Sunday, April 06, 2008 3:12:37 PM

John said…

There are two ways to learn. Thanks for saving us some future pain. I am glad you are doing the conference tradition. We actually did not do anything this year. I did repair the tether ball and air up some balls but we had a pretty mellow year in terms of projects. Take care of the eyes. You only get one set and there are some pretty cool things to look at out there.
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:48:58 PM

Anne said…

OUCH! I hope you get some sleep tonight, sounds rough. Next time use a helmet!
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:49:14 PM

Lance said…

Sounds like fun I feel you’re pain I had to have metal that was melted into my eye remove 3 times now. Twice they had to drill the rust out of my pupil. You would think I would learn my lesson. It felt very similar. Not very fun take it easy. Hope you start to feel better.
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:50:05 PM

Dad said…

When you arc weld without a helmet, keep your eyes closed. Hope you haven’t done any permenant damage.
take good care of your body, it’s the only one you get.
Monday, April 07, 2008 2:32:28 AM

Steph said…

I know what it is like to have night sweats, take 400mg of vitamin E around 6 pm and it will help, that is what Dr. Barton told me and it works. As for your eyes, be careful with them, I had fluids build up under my cornia this weekend and it was a scary thing to think about loosing sight. Take better care of yourself so we can have a healthy, fun, Stephen for a long time. Love ya!
Monday, April 07, 2008 9:53:47 AM

Aunt Susan said…

Do you bowl and are your hands and feet about grandpa’s size? If so, have I got a deal for you.
Monday, April 07, 2008 12:36:05 PM

Stacie said…

Crazy boy! take care of your body. God only gave you one to take care of! I glad for Jodi that you have a place for your bikes though!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 11:50:02 AM

Oops – I had a "blonde" moment!

For all those planning on attending JT’s blessing…I am sure that I was the last to figure out that JT IS IN FACT getting blessed on a fast Sunday, which means we’ll probably be fasting! Therefore, we are postponing the food get together until AFTER church (4 pm), so all of you righteous people can participate. See you all soon….by the way, no disrespect to all of the blondies!


Anne said…

I guess we can’t always get it right, right?!? Anyways! We wish we could be a part of JT’s special day! We will not be there in person, but in spirit! Good Luck with everything and love ya guys!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 9:58:59 AM

Jana said…

I hadn’t even thought of that until now so you’re not alone! I guess we all have blonde roots!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:41:23 AM

John said…

What is Fast Sunday?
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:47:48 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Which fast Sunday? Tiffany and I are coming to Idaho on the 13th. I would be so thrilled if that is your fast Sunday. 801-641-3169
Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:05:58 AM

ketchup or catsup?

Here’s what it is:
n. A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.

Where the heck did it get it’s name?

“Word History: The word ketchup exemplifies the types of modifications that can take place in borrowing both of words and substances. The source of our word ketchup may be the Malay word kēchap, possibly taken into Malay from the Cantonese dialect of Chinese. Kēchap, like ketchup, was a sauce, but one without tomatoes; rather, it contained fish brine, herbs, and spices. Sailors seem to have brought the sauce to Europe, where it was made with locally available ingredients such as the juice of mushrooms or walnuts. At some unknown point, when the juice of tomatoes was first used, ketchup as we know it was born. But it is important to realize that in the 18th and 19th centuries ketchup was a generic term for sauces whose only common ingredient was vinegar. The word is first recorded in English in 1690 in the form catchup, in 1711 in the form ketchup, and in 1730 in the form catsup. All three spelling variants of this foreign borrowing remain current.”

So now I’m curious, What exactly is “in” my bottle of ketchup?

Here are the ingredients that are in the bottle located in my fridge:
Tomato concentrate (water and tomato paste), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, (uh-oh Dr. Oz will not be happy), vinegar, salt, onion powder, spice and natural flavoring.

HUH…there ya go, a lesson about ketchup (that is how it is spelled on my bottle).


stacie said…

very interesting Jodi! Thanks for the tid bit of info! You are my encyclopedia! Thanks!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 8:47:37 AM

Anne said…

Thanks for the information! See, you learn something new everyday!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 10:02:00 AM

jana said…

wow you are always full of knowledge thanks for sharing!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:49:05 AM

Steph said…

I knew it, I was spelling it wrong all this time. Opus had ketchup for dinner last night he by-passed the fries.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 2:44:23 PM

John said…

Thanks for the lesson. Next Week is Mustard.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:31:09 PM

Aunt Susan said…

what about catchup? That’s what you all make me feel that I have to do!! Love to all,
Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:02:39 AM

Passing on the knowledge

Mason and I spent some quality time under the hood today. It was such a fun time to share with Mason teaching him what an Oil filter was, and how to remove the drain plug without getting oil on your hands. He topped off the wiper fluids in all the cars while I changed the transmission fluid in the van. We later serviced the tractor, he learned what a grease zirk was for and he is getting pretty quick with the wrenches too. He reminds me a lot of me when I was his age, takes a little nudging to get him out there but once he is there he is on the job. He sure loved the creeper too.

That covers some of what dad taught. Now for Mom, tonight we planted the starts for our garden this summer. Alexis and Lily are going to try their luck with watermelon. I am just excited to get some tomato’s and jalapenos for making fresh salsa. We planted 72 starts of all kinds of good stuff. It was fun to feel the spirit of Mom as we planted these tender little seeds. She taught us so much about little things that become great later on. Thanks Mom and Dad.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Thanks for passing on only the good stuff. Children are such great work and play companions. There’s something special about covenant relationships.
Sunday, March 30, 2008 11:26:13 AM

Jodi said…

I am glad you have good parents that taught you so much, what a blessing! Thanks Bruce and Sharon…
Monday, March 31, 2008 2:27:05 PM

Anne said…

Sounds like some good times with the kids! Enjoy every moment…the best way to endure to the end is to enjoy to the end!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 10:00:41 AM

Jana said…

Very cool, way to pass the torch along…I am a bit nervous about the garden bit we have never really had much luck with those so hopefully mom’s got the soil up in her spot all seasoned so we will have an abundant crop this year so the kids can learn to work too.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:44:02 AM

Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry

JT One Month OldWow – What a month! What did my family ever do without me around? I am the most popular person around here – boy are they all proud of me. I am filling out some of my clothes too!

One of my past times these days is tooting and burping (just like my brother). Only mom thinks it is definitely more appropriate for me to do it! Sometimes my family has to ask around to see “who did it” because I can make sounds just like the big guys. Big sounds can come in small packages.

Oh ya, Dad finally got to witness and partake of one of my “showers” – he now feels like he is part of the club.

And tonight I got to go on a date with mom and dad. I even pleased them by drinking up my entire bottle!

Life is good here…


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Go get ’em, JT.
Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:35:22 AM

Stacie said…

He fits the mold! What a great thing to have a new baby in your home! It adds a special feeling to the home I think!
Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:06:57 PM

Anne said…

Oh, he is so cute! I wish I could hold him! Give him a little hug for me! Keep on keeping us updated!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 10:03:12 AM

jana said…

he is too precious! glad he is here.Mason has a lot more to teach him!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:47:44 AM

Steph said…

Someone better step in and teach him manners before Mason teaches him everything he knows. What a handsome little guy. Matt and Parker can’t wait to come play with him and Mason.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:34:35 AM

Anything to save a buck or $300

Jodi ran in to grab some milk and came back out to the car and told me that there was no way she was waiting in those lines. Today at Albertsons they had Kellogg’s cereal on special for .57 cents a box. When she told me about the deal, I just couldn’t resist.

So Jodi took the rest of the family to finish off the errands while Mason and I ran in there and grabbed 4 cases plus 7 more – you had to buy them in lots of 7. As we were standing there in line we noticed a few people had apple jacks, we couldn’t find them anywhere in the store. So I had Mason wait in line while I scoured the store for any stray boxes. I was able to locate 5 of them and rushed back up to the cart to check out.

It was quite the experience. Now we have 70 boxes of several different flavors of cereal. The total savings was almost $300 well worth the waiting in line. Plus I loved the rush of it.

Kindness Matters

Tonight I was touched by the kindness of my good children. Lily was on the couch feeling a little under the weather with the chills. I asked Alexis if she could use her warm red blanket and that started the chain. She gave her that blanket and then went looking for another, when Mason saw the need he immediately grabbed his blanket that he was using and gave it to her. Olivia then grabbed her blanket and offered it to her. Before we knew it she had about 5 blankets on her. Kindness really does matter and was shown tonight. Thank you Alexis, Mason, and Olivia. This was a tender mercy moment for me.


We are out of school again!(no surprise)It is bad weather in Idaho!


Amy said…

What? On March 27th? I wonder how many days in June you’re going to have to make it up… :-). Be wary of Spring flooding too.
Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:45:20 PM

Jana said…

I know we need the moisture and all but please tell the farmers to think of the children!! (and their mothers that have been inside for the last 6 months) It could be worse right?!
Thursday, March 27, 2008 9:13:40 PM

Team Effort

I was impressed with how well Alexis, Mason, and Lily worked tonight. We had to pack our food storage out of the cold storage area to the storage room. It was getting too damp and cold in the cold storage. They setup a chain to pack the 25 and 50 lb bags of wheat, rice, beans, and oats. In all we packed over 2000lbs of food in just a short time. Great Job kids.


Stacie said…

Way to go kids! Take care of that wheat its piceless you know!
Monday, March 24, 2008 10:31:32 PM

Jana said…

Wowzer you kids are strong! Way to work em. We know were to get some goods when we run out!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 9:39:13 AM

lily parker said…

thank you dad you are the best!! i want to hlp you
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 10:26:42 AM

Anne said…

Looks like some great team effort! Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 3:22:34 PM

Dad said…

Lily you are the best 6 year old helper in our family thank you.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 9:29:51 PM


“I’ve got a crush on you, sweetie pie, all the day and nighttime hear me sigh. I never had the least notion that I could fall with so much emotion…because I have got a crush my baby on you!” I love this song sung by, Frank Sinatra and Barbara Streisand!

Do you remember your first crush? I was in first grade, but it wasn’t until around fifth grade that I think it meant something. I was so excited when I got to be partners in the square dance for the end of school program with guess who, my crush! I thought it was great until I slipped and fell during the performance.

I wonder what it is that made us feel so twitter pated…is it that we think this person is so cute, we like the attention, or that we feel cool that we can talk about having a boyfriend? Probably all of that and more. One thing I know for sure is that boyfriends do not equal worth! I think I always have know that, I feel bad for girls that have to learn that the hard way. Anyway…

Now here I am as a parent experiencing the “crush” through my child’s perspective. It is fun and cute, BUT I find my protective mothering instincts kicking in. We have been receiving phone calls from a boy for Alexis almost every Friday night, and he is a sixth grader – sometimes he even leaves a message! I know I was not that brave back then. I find myself wondering if this kid is noble, nice, and good enough for my daughter! HELLO – I know it is fifth grade, but I am a planner!

It has been really funny to watch Stephen’s reactions too – he keeps telling me to make sure I keep things in check with Alexis and she knows the proper boundaries for fifth grade romance! Too funny – he is mildly freaking out, even though he understands how it goes when you’re that age. We made a deal with Alexis – if she could feel comfortable showing us notes that she receives and writes she is “in check”. In fact, I told her that maybe I’ll write a note for Stephen and we can read each others.

She really is a great girl and apparently someone else thinks that too.

Crushes – “puppy love: temporary love of an adolescent”, you’ve gotta love ’em!


John said…

Love is a crazy thing. I hope Alexis just loves her Dad and Mason for now. It is crazy to see the girls growing up.
Monday, March 24, 2008 2:09:29 PM

Dad Parker said…

I remember my first crush in the fifth grade. I was the only boy she invited to her birthday party. I felt really special with all those girls.
Monday, March 24, 2008 4:28:32 PM

Jana said…

WOAH!! I don’t know what I would do if that were Hannah…I am glad you can go through all this then pass on your wisdom to me when that time comes which I fear is far too early now days!
Monday, March 24, 2008 4:49:19 PM

Stacie said…

Good luck with that! Paige had a boy give her a pet shop for Valentine’s. Luckily she doesnt really like the boy! She says they are just friends! He lives across the steet and walks by our house with his friends! Kind of funny! Paige doesn’t like him back thank goodness! It is Kate I am worried about! She kind of likes boys! Argh! Rick is getting his gun ready to clean here for the boys though! (Have you heard the country song?)
Monday, March 24, 2008 10:34:12 PM

Anne said…

Lexy is growing up fast, watch out! I guess we just take it one day at a time, huh? Soon we might miss the simple crushes!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 3:23:13 PM

Amy said…

Luckily we haven’t had to deal with that yet. Oh wait a minute, yes we have…with Bridget calling boys!
Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:49:34 PM