I’m here

I was born at 6:42 PM and weigh 6lbs 9 Oz. and am 19″ long aren’t I cute as a button. Mom pushed me out in one push. Come and see me!!! Look how small I am…


Stacie said…

Congratulations!!!Way to go Jodi!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:59:06 PM

Haley said…

He’s so cute! I can’t wait to see him When I go to Idaho!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:04:59 PM

michelle said…

what a cutie-we are so happy to have JT in our family! You are awsome Jodi!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:36:16 PM

Grandpa Baldwin said…

We are pleased to welcome JT into the family. JT, you are #18 in the Baldwin family (a little higher number in the Parker family). What an awesome family picture! I can hardly wait until I come for a visit later on this week.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:45:26 PM

Scott Baldwin said…

Welcome to this life JT! We can’t wait to see you in July when we make it up north.

Good work Jodi!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:52:10 PM

Anne said…

Oh he is SSSOOOO cute! I wish I could see him tonight! Get some rest and good luck with everything! Hugs!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 9:00:56 PM

Uncle John said…

Whooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Congratulations! It is such a reverent and awesome time of life to be a new parent. Enjoy the sacred and joy filled moments. We are so excited for you. He is a lucky boy to be blessed with such a wonderful family as yours. He really has no idea how lucky he is. See you soon!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 9:56:37 PM

Amy said…

What a cute little boy! JT looks like he belongs. How fun to have another Parker boy. I’m sure that Mason is excited to have a little brother.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:01:41 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Welcome to mortality JT, We are all excited to see you and play with you. You are blessed with a Mom and dad who will love you and love one another and brothers and sisters and even cousins and grandpas and grandmas who will love and pray for you. You will be surrounded in love and will have blessings that are rare in this world today. Congratulations on a grand entry into mortality!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 12:42:22 AM

Jana said…

Welcome to the family! He looks a lot like Lily. Hope you both are doing well. congratulation’s all of you. What a great addition to your fam.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7:51:38 AM

Magan said…

ONE PUSH! He looks like a Parker! I am glad all went well, we have been praying for you. Can’t wait to see the little guy..
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 4:12:38 PM

Riley said…

Congratulations!!!He has the best OLDER brother a baby could have!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 4:22:11 PM

Steph said…

He’s adorable, I think he looks just like Stephen! Taylor thinks he was named after her so we aren’t going to tell her until she is old enough to handle the disappointment. I remember taking Spanish from Senorita Hamblen with Josh in there. He was super funny and gullible. What a kid! I think it is great to have a namesake. Congratulations on #5, it’s a good number.
Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:07:46 PM

Here I come….

Mom and Dad went to the hospital this morning around 11:00 AM to get me out into this crazy world. Here are some pictures of things as they happen…keep checking back for more.


Anne said…

I am SO excited about JT! I will keep checking back for the update!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:21:41 PM

John said…

We are getting excited for you. We hope everything is going good. Hang in there Jo. It is reward day!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:50:34 PM

Jana said…

What gives your not big enough to be having a baby!Take care of yourself and your poor feet. Come over for a pedicure sometime.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:26:07 AM

Feeling the Love

Isn’t 33 a cool number? I like it – two 3’s. Today the digits rolled over and that is where I’ve landed. Part of me is wondering how I got this old while the other half is excited for the journey which lies ahead. Needless to say, it’s been a wonderful life.

I’ve decided tax return season and my birthday hit at good times! I was the recipient of a very indulgent gift. After over a year about talking and dreaming of a road bike the day has arrived! I cannot wait to put some miles on my new tires that Stephen so kindly presented to me. Alexis and Lily named her, “Zoe”. It’s a good thing there is a little snow out there still so I can concentrate on baby things for a few more weeks, eh? I am dreaming of the day when I can feel the wind against my face and breeze up and down the dry farms. (It has been a long fall/winter)

I also received a new set of scriptures! My other is now being retired to the cedar chest…I got them when I was a junior in high school (16 years ago for Christmas from my dad) At breakfast I told my kids that I felt like a missionary – getting a new bike and set of scriptures. I wondered out loud if there are many 33 year old pregnant women missionaries? I guess not proselyting ones.

My children were so cute and thoughtful. Alexis even bought me a $5 gift with her own money. If you know Alexis she is very particular at where she lets her money go, and she had to work hard to earn that money. Lily had $2 left in her purse at Winco Foods last night and with Alexis’ help she picked out a cute card and bought me some orange sticks. They were all full of hugs and Happy Birthday to you! Mason helped me make the birthday cake and everyone was so great at letting me just take it easy! Birthdays on Sunday are great and relaxing.

After dinner we played a game of Cadoo and I received calls from family and friends. We were even able to participate in the Baldwin Family Home Evening via Skype, pretty cool! Nothing like a birthday to help you feel loved and special.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Happy Birthday Jodi! You are already doing the best missionary work that is done on the earth.
“and if it so be that you should labor (even a little more meaningful) all your days… and bring save it be one soul…” And that one soul is Lily, or Mason, or Alexis, or Olivia, or even Stephen, how great will be your joy with them in the celestial kingdom. You are a great missionary, always have been, and we suspect will always be forever. Thanks for being born!
We love you and what you stand for.
Monday, February 25, 2008 1:07:43 AM

John said…

You and Stephen should bike on down to our house and we will give you a ride home. Happy Birthday. Sorry for not mentioning it yesterday. I feel like a heel. You are a great Sister in law. I am proud to hear Alexis is a tightwad like her uncle John.
Monday, February 25, 2008 1:49:00 PM

Anne said…

YEAH! How fun to get a road bike! Yippee Skippy! Maybe we could do Little Red Riding Hood together some day! (The bike is a little bit closer on the list, so maybe when your baby is a little older, let’s do it!) Happy Day!
Monday, February 25, 2008 4:49:41 PM

Stacie said…

I love the silky pjs! The cake looks really yummy! I am glad to hear it was a good day for you! you need a relaxing moment whenever you can get it! You are a great sister-in-law! All of my sister-inlaws are wonderful! I couldn’t have picked them better myself! I love the way you love my brother! Thanks!
Monday, February 25, 2008 9:29:54 PM

Amy said…

I wish I was turning 33.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:03:57 PM

Steph said…

One year older and one more kid, what will next year bring? Happy Birthday! I love the baby pictures, you look like a great family.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 3:58:27 PM

MZB said…

Happy B-day!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 4:08:32 PM

Amy said…

I still owe you a birthday present and a baby gift. One of these days it will arrive…when I remember to order something… :-). Wait! I’ll write it down, then maybe I’ll remember!
Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:55:19 PM

My First Ebay Experience

I am trying to save up some money to buy Optimus Prime and so I am selling my old Bionicles, free shipping to my family so please take a look it is a great deal.

Click here to see the auction


Aunt Anne said…

I will have to show Will, how much you asking?
Sunday, February 24, 2008 5:10:43 PM

Grandpa & Grandma Parker said…

Sorry we can’t buy any right now, we’d just have to pack them. Nice to see you recycling.
Monday, February 25, 2008 3:53:20 PM

Stacie said…

do they come apart? You’ll have to talk to Quinn about them! I haven’t ever bought him any he is kind of into power rangers! But maybe you could change his mind.
Monday, February 25, 2008 9:32:48 PM

mason said…

they are just like lego’s you have to build them so they come apart and you can build great big ones too by combining all the pieces.
Monday, February 25, 2008 10:09:32 PM

Aunt Amy said…

Mason, you and Jed are definitely related! Jed is always looking for something to sell so that he can buy something new… :-).
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:04:39 PM

I lost my first Tooth

Today while we were doing our Saturday jobs, I noticed that I had a tooth that was getting loose. I quickly told Alexis and she said I should have dad pull it out with his Leatherman. I went and showed him and he pulled out his pliers from his pocket and said, “Are you sure?” I answered yes and he then hooked up the pliers and gave it one good tug. I was a little stunned, but when Alexis showed excitement I decided it was a good thing and began to smile and look in the mirror at it. Alexis let me borrow her tooth fairy pillow that Aunt Michelle made her so I could have the tooth fairy come tonight. I am so excited and my dad said I am brave.


Grandpa & Grand Parker said…

We’re proud of you Lily, it takes alot of courage to let your dad use his leatherman on you. Did the tooth fairy come?
Monday, February 25, 2008 3:56:40 PM

Stacie said…

Cngratulations! How much did the tooth fairy bring you! Simetimes she forgets to leave us money but she always pulls through the next night! Is it hard to eat?
Monday, February 25, 2008 6:40:08 PM

Me again! said…

Nice G”s Stephen!
Monday, February 25, 2008 6:42:28 PM

Jana said…

Pretty cool! Maybe your dad should be a dentist!
Monday, February 25, 2008 7:52:20 PM

Lily said…

I got a $1 bill and 4 quarters – that makes two dollars!
Monday, February 25, 2008 8:26:35 PM

Pablo said…

Daddgum the tooth fairy is rich!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008 10:01:25 PM

Kassie said…

That is so awesome!! I can not wait to see it !! My first tooth I was 7!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 10:47:59 AM

Aunt Amy said…

Lily, I can’t believe you let your Dad pull your tooth out with that big piece of hardware!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:05:56 PM

What a wife!!!

I will show you just one wall, after all this is my closet.Jodi has gone over the top tonight. While the rest of the family and I were downstairs watching “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” We thought Jodi was watching “Becoming Jane” upstairs on the laptop. Instead she had taken on the beast of all beasts. Since we moved in last march I kinda let my closet get out of hand. The day to day items were pretty nice and organized but I had boxes here and there, ties all over the place, computer parts that I just couldn’t through away…the list goes on and on. I think I may be a little bit of a pack rat.

I kept telling Jodi I am going to clean this closet one of these days. Well not anymore Jodi did it for me tonight. I came up to get ready for bed and thought I had taken a wrong turn. My Closet looked awesome and organized! I am still in shock at how much bigger it looks now 🙂 She put everything in it’s place. It looks just great. I am so thankful for Jodi and her hard work. It could be part of that so called “Nesting Instinct” that moms get just before they have a baby. Either way I am happy as can be.

Fifth Grade Program

On February 12th I had a fifth grade program at 7 pm. We sang songs, did speaking parts, and each class did a dance about America. Our class danced to the “Cotton Eyed Joe”. My friends’ class did the “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy”. I also got to do a clogging dance with 4 other girls and one boy, it was to “Finest Land”. My speaking part was, “The fourth plane was believed to be headed for the White House in Washington, but was crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.” I had a lot of fun, wish you guys could have been there.



Riley (your favorite cuz) said…

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 6:57:04 PM

Grandpa & Grandma P said…

Go Lexi its about time everyone knows how great you are.
Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:00:20 AM

Stacie said…

Lexi you are awsome! It looks like a fun program! You make a cute cowgirl!Good job on the spelling! Keep it up!Love you
Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:35:06 PM

Aunt Anne said…

Lexi, great job! It would have been so fun to be there! Love to hear about what’s going on! Keep smiling!
Thursday, February 21, 2008 3:21:27 PM

Aunt Jana said…

Way to go IDaho! you are great! Sounds like it was a fun night, let us know when your next program is.
Friday, February 22, 2008 9:05:23 AM

Kassie ( your #1 cousin who loes stars*) said…

that looks like it was fun!! In third grade we did an American history program and we had to sing songs, and memorize parts. It was a blast!!
Friday, February 22, 2008 10:37:48 AM

PAIGE (Your second, awesome, so cool, COUSIN!) said…

Hey lex I’m going to do a program the day before my b-day!I have to learn a dance too, only I don’t have to dress like a cowgirl.I also have to memorize a part. GREAT JOB!Love ya!
Friday, February 29, 2008 8:09:42 AM

American Idol Wannabe

I was fixing Lily’s hair for church Sunday and she informed me that she was going to be on American Idol and get three yeses from the judges. She even has her song picked out. It is by Gwen Steffani, “The Sweet Escape” – she hears it on the radio and it’s her “favorite in all the world”.

These photos are from a photo shoot that Alexis and Ashton (her friend)did of Lily on Saturday.


Taylor said…

whoa lily im not that brave!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:01:16 PM

Grandpa & Grandma P said…

Go Lily, we would give you a yes!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:02:48 AM

Stacie said…

I’ll be watching for you Lilly!
Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:37:02 PM

Aunt Anne said…

Lily I would call in lots of votes for ya! I love the photos!
Thursday, February 21, 2008 3:23:15 PM

Aunt Amy said…

That is so funny…move over Angelina Jolie…your twin is going to overtake you in about 15 years!
Saturday, February 23, 2008 12:00:00 PM

The Only Thing Better Than Hairspary, That’s Me!

We have a ritual daily request from Olivia after breakfast these days. As soon as the older kids leave for the bus and the counter is cleaned up from breakfast a little voice comes over to me and says, “I wanna listen to ‘Hairsray’.” I usually always indulge this pleasure as it is just as fun for me to listen to the soundtrack. I sit at the computer and scrapbook and Olivia (Lily often joins in)walks around and around the kitchen table for the entire soundtrack to finish (o.k. we do veto a few of the songs because of bad lyrics). Today Lily kicked things up a notch and made a Hairspray Walk. They drew pictures and placed them around the table and asked me to stop the music randomly. Pretty fun morning fun.


Grandpa & Grandma P said…

Olivia you and Lily are so cute and such good friends aren’t you lucky to have big sisters and a great mom too.
Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:04:52 AM

Stacie said…

That looks like a lot of fun! Way to go mom!
Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:38:34 PM

Aunt Anne said…

I love listening to Hairspray songs to! Sounds fun to me!
Thursday, February 21, 2008 3:24:53 PM

Kassie said…

That is so cute!! I think that Olivia will be a Musician one day!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 10:50:25 AM

Our Southern adopted grandparents

We met friends from my dad’s mission (he taught them the gospel and baptized them) the last time we were in Texas. They are now our official adopted grandparents from the south. They send us letters and gifts quite often now. We sure do enjoy them, and the gifts are great too. Thank you grandma and grandpa Wright from Gilmer Texas.