Grandpa Gussy

Today I came across a photo of my Grandpa Baldwin. It made me get watery eyes and have happy thoughts. He was one of my favorite people ever. I thought I would share some of the memories I have of him:

At my house: As a little child it was always exciting to have him and grandma come and visit. We only had a three bedroom house, and all of the bedrooms were in use. So, my room was the room that had a double bed and therefore I got to sleep on the couch when they came. I didn’t mind at all, especially after all of the thanks and compliments I got for doing it.

For fun Grandpa would take one leg and one arm and have my dad take the other side. He would then take us over to the door and wack our rears against the door – it always generated lot of smiles and laughs! I think I just loved having the attention.

Also, whenever any of us children would leave the house when he was there he would call out, “Remember who you are, and choose the right!”

At his house: Grandpa and Grandma lived in a small, remodeled chicken coop behind my Aunt Serena’s house in Blackfoot. The ironic thing about that is he despised chickens! He hated eggs or eating chicken. If you passed them under his nose he would get a funny face.

When younger my grandpa upon seeing me would sing “Jodi Podi, pudding and pie – kissed the boys and made them cry…”

He would also take you on his knee and bounce you up and down to our delight.

When I grew up a little and started singing and playing the violin he would make me perform for a pink peppermint candy located always in the same pink dish.

He and grandma served 3 missions…one of them was on a Salt Lake Church History mission. I went down with the orchestra to perform at Christmas time and they came to see me. After that, he always greeted me as his favorite violinist.

The Saturday before Christmas all of the extended Baldwin Family gathered for the annual Christmas Party complete with a visit from Santa Clause! I thought this was just great. Grandpa would always read or tell the story of little orphan Annie and give every family a box of oranges.

So you might be wondering why the title, “Grandpa Gussy”. Well, he would call any of us grandkids gussy as he probed us and teased us with his cane. It became quite a game – especially for the great grandchildren, mine included.

On the frivolous things: One thing I joke about inheriting from Grandpa was his capability to be grouchy. Maybe I should say it is a learned trait – who knows? He could be get grouchy at times, but not as often as he was funny.

He was a good story and joke teller. One of my favorites was about a missionary that went to someone’s house and saw a bowl of peanuts sitting on the table. He was told to eat them up…after the visit they thanked him for eating those peanuts, because they weren’t able to do anything except suck the chocolate off of them.

On the important things: I still remember his request for me to read the Proclamation on the Family with Stephen often.

He had a wonderful testimony of the gospel which showed through his actions. When we sang Families Can Be Together Forever at a special Family Home Evening the night of his viewing, I couldn’t help but get excited about the truth of those words. I knew he would be happy in heaven seeing his family like that.

Grandpa was also very strict about being punctual! He did not like it when people arrived late for sacrament meeting or any event for that matter.

I love this man and am so glad that I was able to learn from him and get to be a part of his family. I love you Grandpa Gussy!


Lex,Mason,and Lily said…

We love you too Grandpa!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:18:32 PM

Amy said…

I don’t think you’re Grumpy! I loved Grandpa Gussy too. He was always so kind to me and teased me just as much as everyone else. It made me feel that I belonged to the family.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:40:57 PM

Scott Baldwin said…

Great post Jodi. For a long time I called my kids goose. Then I converted to goosey. Now, I call them gussy, in honor of Grandpa. What a wonderful man!
Saturday, February 23, 2008 2:28:18 PM


YES!!! Details do make a big difference. Today I got my van detailed. It was at the point of repulsion!!! Even Olivia noticed the stench. We had random caked on candy in hidden places, and who knows what in other places, not to mention the dirt. Now, I am in love with my van and want to be in it all of the time. They took out the seats and even cleaned the tracks and the windows and knobs are shining bright in the sun, again proud to perform their functions. I am doing a very happy, happy dance and would be proud to take anyone for a ride again. Clean is always in for me! Let’s go for a road trip!


John said…

Lets do the road trip soon. We are game. We could use the same treatment on our van. I am glad you are dancing for joy. We are getting excited to meet JT.
Friday, February 15, 2008 3:15:33 PM

Stephanie said…

Take a road trip up to Portland. We’ll show you what the locals do for fun.
Friday, February 15, 2008 9:58:21 PM

Mom Parker said…

That’s one of those small things that really makes a difference. I love clean too!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008 12:37:02 AM

Anne said…

Sounds NICE! I love having the car clean! Enjoy every last minute of it, life seems to get to cars quick!
Monday, February 18, 2008 1:50:58 PM

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

From Jodi to her main squeezeWe all got a little something special today for valentines day. The kids even received one from the Wrights (a great family that I baptized while in Texas) tons of fun.


tio pablo said…

mason I expect some Spanish from you now that you have Spanish For Dummies! vale! lo puedes practicar con tu padre.
Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:17:18 PM

Dad & Mom P. said…

We loved the squeeze. It reminded us of Aunt Dot, maybe Jodi’s getting a little “fiesty”, go Jodi. I need a book like Mason, speaking Portugese for Dummies.
Friday, February 15, 2008 2:13:55 AM

Anne said…

Looks fun and love the squeeze!
Friday, February 15, 2008 10:19:30 AM

Stacie said…

Stephen, do you still not have a robe!
Saturday, February 16, 2008 9:48:33 PM

she’s big like i didn’t know

She came last night (the Valentine Fairy) and gave me a valentine. And she turned our milk pink. Yesterday after school Lexi told me about her, I even got to talk to her on the phone. She’s nice and really quiet. My mom took a picture of the Valentine Fairy and she looks big like I didn’t know. I thought she was going to be small with wings. We fed her cookies and left her two notes. Alexis knows her and is her friend and that is cool. She even looks like my sister, but she has a heart crown and it’s really beautiful. I want her to come again next year. She is really kind. We woke up at 6:28 am to see is she really came – and she did! Alexis also made pink heart pancakes for breakfast and dad mad pink coconut syrup – it was very cool. I can’t wait to go to school and see all of the valentine’s that people are going to give to me. I am giving out Barbie Island Princess Valentines.


aunt jana said…

Wow! Cool we have never met her either maybe send her our way next year! She sounds like she was very nice to you this year.
Thursday, February 14, 2008 10:42:11 AM

michelle said…

Lily-you are so lucky-I think you are having the best valentine!
Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:45:49 PM

Aunt Amy said…

The Valentine Fairy didn’t show up to our house until this afternoon. I guess she got caught in the snowstorm down here last night… 🙂
Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:43:57 PM

Aunt Anne said…

So fun!
Friday, February 15, 2008 10:20:29 AM

My first day as a Temple worker

It was an early morning today, I woke up at 3:15 AM to be at the temple by 3:45 AM I was the second person there. I was greeted by the temple security he checked my recommend and then welcomed me to the temple. I then walked back to the temple workers dressing room…it was kinda a fun feeling to have our own special little dressing room. After getting into my white clothes I was met by Brother Boyd Cardon he is our shift supervisor. We were given some instructions and then the workers started to flow in like water. It was amazing to see how many volunteers it takes to get the temple ready for patrons, and how early they have to get there. Most of the workers showed up between 4:30 and 5:30 AM, with the first session starting at 6:00 AM. There was also an entire college ward that came for a 6:00 AM baptism for the dead session. What an amazing place I kept thinking to myself. Everyone there was there by their own free will and choice, with no monetary reward. Every 1 1/2 hours I would get to change from the baptismal entrance to the main entrance. That gave me a little chance for moving around and keeping me awake. The time flew by and before I knew it the time had come for me to leave the temple and enter the busy day. What a great blessing it is to be part of such a great cause. I should update my saying to say, “Most good deeds go unpunished.”


Mom & Dad said…

Wish we could of been one of those patrons coming in. What a special way to start your day. We will have so many blessings we won’t be able to count them. We are so thankful you have that opportunity. We are proud of you.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:43:48 AM

Stephen said…

Well thank you, that was a fast response too.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:56:45 AM

Stephanie said…

That’s awesome, Steve. I hope I will see you there someday soon.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:31:58 PM

John said…

Thanks for helping to protect the sacredness of the temple. You are a good man. The early bird gets the worm.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:47:47 PM

Amy said…

That’s totally cool that you’re a temple worker! Were you called by your Ward or by your Stake?
Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:08:18 PM

Stephen said…

I was referred by my bishop and called by the temple presidency.
Saturday, February 16, 2008 4:20:03 PM

Temple Dedication

Today at 11:30 am I got to go see the dedication broadcast at our Stake Center. I went with my dad, mom, and brother. For about 45 minutes we waited for it to start, it felt like a long time. My favorite talk was by President Monson. He talked about how a little girl’s mother died and left seven kids. He went to the viewing and the littlest recognized him. He got tears in his eyes and she told him not to cry because her mom taught her that her family was forever – and her mom always told the truth. I am glad I got to go! It made me feel special and that Heavenly Father loves me. I want to go to the temple someday.


Haley said…

I was so jealous when I heard a couple in are ward got to go!!! I even more jealous now that I hear you got to go!!!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 2:55:13 PM

Grandpa Baldwin said…

We are very pleased with you and your testimony, Alexis. We are happy that you were able to participate in the dedication of the Rexburg Temple. I, too, can’t wait until you can go.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 5:24:22 PM

Uncle John said…

I will be there at your wedding in the temple someday. Keep on planning and working towards it. It is one of the best goals a person can have.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:20:58 PM

Aunt Amy said…

That’s really great that you were able to go to a Temple Dedication. When they dedicated the Timpanogas Temple by us, Bridget wasn’t even born yet. I had her a few weeks later. So you’re really priveleged to be able to go.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:46:39 PM

Aunt Anne said…

Lexy, that sounds so special. What a neat experiecne for you that you can look back on all through your life…and cherish. Whenever you see the Rexburg temple it will be a wonderful reminder of the spirit you felt seeing the dedication! I hope you will always cherish the memory!
Monday, February 11, 2008 10:10:45 AM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Alexis, you are a fine young lady. I’m happy that you work so hard to be a good person.
Monday, February 11, 2008 3:54:40 PM

Rexburg Temple Dedication

I went to the dedication of the Rexburg Temple at my Stake Center. We had to get there early or else we would not get to go inside. There were lots of cars so we had to park far away and walk…I fell down on my bum. When we got inside we able to get front row seats! We got to see the prophet, President Monson. It was cool and I had a good feeling. I got to take my handkerchief that I got for Christmas from Primary. We waved it back and forth saying words. I am glad I got to go. It makes me want to go back to the temple someday.


Haley said…

That’s so cool!!! Especially the hankerchief part!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 2:58:43 PM

Grandpa Baldwin said…

Mason, It would have been awesome to have been there with you to waive a while handkerchief. I’m glad that you want to return to the temple and that you had a good feeling about your experience. I’m sure we will get to go with you when you are getting ready for your mission in a few short years.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 6:05:27 PM

Uncle John said…

Great Job Mason. Bummer about the Bum. I hope you never forget the day you had today.

Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:23:14 PM

Amy said…

That is really cool Mason. I haven’t even seen President Monson in person. You have and you’re younger than me!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:51:02 PM

steph said…

I still have my handkerchief from the Timpanogos Temple dedication, what a great feeling.
Monday, February 11, 2008 12:31:42 AM

Aunt Anne said…

Wow…I wish I could have been there with you! I got to go to the San Diego temple dedication and it was the first time I felt the spirit so strong. I am grateful that I can go to the temple with Uncle Lance and feel that spirit often. I know you will enjoy it too when you go to the temple.
Monday, February 11, 2008 10:13:29 AM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Mason, I’m glad you got to go to the dedication. That great feeling is one you always want to remember so you’ll be able to go back to the temple someday for even more special feelings. We’re proud of you, and the great young man you are becoming. Keep helping your mom and dad too.
Monday, February 11, 2008 4:01:37 PM

Riley said…

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:07:12 PM

Come to God’s Own Temple, Come

“That the work of gathering together of my saints may continue, that I may build them up unto my name upon holy places; for the time of harvest is come, and my word must need be fulfilled. Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory, when I shall come in the kingdom of my Father to reward every man according as his work shall be…” Doctrine and Covenants 101:64-65

Last night Lily and I were able to attend the Rexburg Idaho Temple Celebration. It was indeed astounding! I could not believe how amazing it was. It was made up of random people from 84 wards in our temple district performing. Alexis was chosen to be one of the many, many children to carry sheaves of wheat. We were curious as to which Apostle would be present and to our delight we were privileged to have Elder David Bednar and Elder Russell Nelson along with Joe J. Christensen attending. Before it started Lily and I ran to the bathroom and upon returning the entire Hart Auditorium with people filled to capacity was completely silent, mind you there were also many children there. We discovered that the apostles of the Lord had entered the room, the reverence felt was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Elder Bednar urged the youth and children to always remember this moment and pray as we attend the dedication tomorrow that we will feel the spirit and remember what is was like to witness the newly called prophet in our presence. As the performance got underway it was definitely a celebration done so tastefully. They were able to get all of the emotions stirred as they told of the settlement of the valley up until the present. From the sprinkler pipe dance (representing the help rendered from college students at the time of the Yellowstone Fires)to the thunderous noises and commentary of the eruption of the Teton Dam and many more. There was also fiddling, barber shop choruses, and sacred hymns! John Bidwell directed this and he did an excellent job! I came home uplifted and inspired to be a better person. As I looked out on the youth that were performing I thought of what an amazing memory this will be for them and how they are the future that will carry on the traditions made here by the saints who sacrificed so much. What wonderfully fun people, it was also wonderful to see how much fun can be had in a simple, unworldly way. I am grateful Alexis was able to be a part of this celebration. She was so excited to tell me that she was three people away from Elder Bednar as she was walking out…I am sure she could feel how special he was as a called witness of Jesus Christ.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Thanks for the special commentary on the dedication. That’s so neat that Alexis was able to take part. I wish all the sweet saints here could have been there.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:51:58 AM

Jana said…

I loved that event also, it was a Celebration indeed.
And a celebration that has been long anticipated by the Saints in our beautiful Valley. Kudos to Lex!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 1:33:39 PM

Haley said…

That is all so cool!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 3:01:15 PM

Steve Baldwin said…

Thanks, Jodi, for your testimony and example; it is powerful. It is very pleasing to know that the temple is important in the lives of your family. We would liked to have been there to celebrate and look foward to coming home to go to the temple.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 5:33:02 PM

John said…

What a blessing to live in the Last Days with Apostles, temples, and wonderful members to celebrate with. Thanks for sharing your experience Jodi. You do a good job capturing the event into words.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:14:57 PM

Anne said…

It sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
Monday, February 11, 2008 10:09:26 AM

Father and Son

Tonight while Jodi, Lily and Alexis were at the Temple celebration Mason pulled out the model car he bought last summer at a garage sale. We have been talking about building it for months, the time had come. It was a little tricky since we were missing a few key pieces like the right front strut assembly. We made one out of the extra plastics. It was fun to spend time together one on one. Mason was just so excited the entire time.