See a need, fill a need

Olivia just out the blue grabbed the broom and dust pan and began sweeping the kitchen floor. I was so impressed I had to grab the camera and snap a shot or two of it. She is such a fun little girl, she makes me smile 1000 times a day.

some hip pants there


Mom and Dad Parker said…

More is caught than is taught. You’re a good example, so she finds joy in what you do. Onward and upward.
Saturday, February 09, 2008 12:43:50 AM

Haley said…

That is so cute!!!
Saturday, February 09, 2008 10:10:58 AM

Anne said…

She is teaching us again the power of examples!
Saturday, February 09, 2008 9:34:26 PM

Grandpa Baldwin said…

Awesome! We love having Olivia in our family. She makes us all a little happier, expecially when she smiles.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 6:10:13 PM

Steph said…

Maybe she will teach Brooke a thing or two when we move back. Her next need is a belt or more chocolate cake.
Monday, February 11, 2008 12:27:48 AM

No good deed goes unpunished

Now that is a drift, our house 1500′ aheadThe other morning after a howling windy and drifting night, we heard on the radio that school would be closed. The kids were excited as usual, so we all decided to take it easy and sleep in until 7. I looked out my office window around 7:20 and noticed there were flashing lights from what looked like cars halfway down our lane. I hurried and fired up the tractor to see if I could help out.

By the time I got the lane cleared down to the cars I noticed that it was Joe and Amber our renters. Amber had driven her car off the lane into a huge drift, they loaded their baby into Joe’s car and were just driving off. They couldn’t see me because of all the wind blown snow. I thought I would do them a favor and pull her car out for her. I hooked my tractor to the back bumper and proceeded to pull it out. It was buried pretty deep so it took some pretty good pulling. After about the third time of trying to pull it out the strap snapped and flew right through the back window. I thought to myself “did that just happen?”

I was in shock, I jumped in their car to retrieve the hook from the strap and tied a knot in it. Eventually I was able to get the car out I thought I better park it in the garage since it was still snowing pretty heavy. I finished plowing the driveway out and went inside to break the news to Jodi. I then instant messaged Joe to tell him the good and bad news. I kept thinking of the song from Wicked “No good dead goes unpunished”.

The ironic thing about all this is just the day before Derek our neighbor was snow blowing out my driveway with his big 10′ snow blower. He hit one of my tractor weights that had fallen off my plow earlier this winter. It broke his blower and he had to spend 1/2 day fixing it. I guess it shouldn’t be cheap to help others out.

Barney Dairy Rd

tools needed in idaho


Mom and Dad said…

“It cost something to be a good Samaritan”. It seems like we can spend lots of money and time helping others in need, and that is precisely what makes us more Christ-like. Don’t let it dicourage you from serving others. You’re a good man.
Saturday, February 09, 2008 12:37:28 AM

Anne said…

Wow…sounds like a story for fhe down the road…service teaches us lots of things…keep serving and smiling!
Saturday, February 09, 2008 9:32:31 PM

Lance said…

I did that once but I wasn’t the guy who hooked the strap on, Rick my buddy hooked it to his drag link, I just assumed he knew how to hook up a tow strap it ripped the drag link right off. The only problem was we were up providence canyon 5 miles. So we ran down and picked up a new drag link. Needless to say it was a long night. But a fun one…
Saturday, February 09, 2008 10:07:26 PM

John said…

I was helping a guy pull out his basket ball standard this summer with my truck, and dropped it right onto my tailgate. I still have a nice dent and a good 12″ scratch to remind me of that little good deed. Good work serving. You can’t go wrong doing right. Proud to call you a brother. You do so much for our family in free tech support. Keep on bleesing the world. You are making a difference.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:05:20 PM

Stephanie said…

It wouldn’t be a Parker kind of service with out pain or injury. Your the MAN! Keep serving it’s always worth the risk.
Monday, February 11, 2008 12:36:14 AM

Snowed In

So I am sitting here snowed in with kids home from school, feeling lazy, reading blogs, having fun. I decided to answer some questions about my cute husband and get all ready to feel the love for Valentine’s Day next week. Here Goes:

What is his name? Stephen Sperry Parker
How long have you been married? 13 Years – WOW!
How long did you date? 5 months before the mission, some letters in between, and 3 weeks after
How old is he? 33
Who eats more sweets? If we are not talking chocolate covered cinnamon bears, which we fight over who gets the last one…Definitely me – I’m a Baldwin and he’s Diabetic.
Who said I love you first? I honestly don’t know
Who is taller? Him – He boasts as being the tallest in his family at 5’8″
Who can sing better? I can sing better but he could win a whistling contest with his vibrato whistle!
Who is smarter? Definitely Him! He seriously knows a little about everything, a lot about most things and has a killer memory, especially with numbers.
Who does the laundry? Always me, although he carries the laundry baskets.
Who pays the bills? Me
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, whenever we move he picks his side and I take the other. I just discovered that I am the one who is always closest to the door. (I wonder if he sabotages me because of kids coming in during the night?)
Who mows the lawn? I do and he trims the weeds and fixes the lawn mower when I break it- we make a good team!
Who cooks dinner? Mostly me, but he isn’t afraid to cook. He makes breakfast every Sunday morning, while I get the dinner preparations done.
Who drives? Him, and in this weather it leaves me a little white knuckled and hoarse!
Who is more stubborn? Both! Luckily it is usually about different things.
Who kissed who first? It was a joint effort, one to never forget. We were out at the Sand Dunes playing in the sand and it just happened naturally – perfect!
Who asked who out first? Stephen asked me to the Junior Prom when I was a Junior. I had two great friends who really liked Stephen and would have loved to go with him. I felt so guilty that he asked me instead of them, but was excited about going with him too. In fact – I wasn’t very nice to him for a few months while I was trying to figure out my loyalties. I think he liked the challenge though.
Who proposed? He did of course. We took a drive to Island Park one Sunday afternoon and enjoyed talking and seeing the beauty. While we were talking at the cabin on the hill, He said “So tell me more about yourself when you were younger.” To which I replied, “What do you want to know?” He surprised both of us by saying, “I want to know if you’ll marry me?” I said, “You are doing this right now and right here?” He said, “I guess so.” Ever since then it has been a wild and wonderful journey.
Who has more siblings? Him
Who wears the pants? He likes to let me think that I do, when in reality we know who has surrendered to building 5 houses! Really, it just depends on the issue – we takes turns trying them on.


Stephen said…

She wrote letters weekly while I was on my mission, I thought I was writing a GA, she was always uplifting. Great girl
Thursday, February 07, 2008 12:47:30 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Did you think up those questions all by yourself-what a fun list- I want to do something like that
-who knows maybe I will.

Friday, February 08, 2008 2:28:38 PM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

We’re really glad you married him!
Saturday, February 09, 2008 12:42:25 AM

Anne said…

So fun to learn more about you two! Happy love!
Saturday, February 09, 2008 9:32:00 PM

Amy said…

He is a gem…and a keeper. Hold on tight!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:38:06 PM

Into the Wild

I have been listening to the audio book of “Into the Wild” what a story. Part of me thinks it would be a real fun experience to just leave it all behind and live off the land. Sure would be fun at least for a few weeks :-), but I sure would miss my family and all the fun times we share everyday. I am not finished with the book yet, but so far it sure sounds like quite the adventure. Finished it and it is sure a sad one…but also happy at the same time. To see he found himself in the end, and he found that happiness needs to be shared to truly be enjoyed. Here are some songs from the movie soundtrack.


John said…

Be careful,you are giving paul some wild ideas! I think I could get into it if I was’nt married or if the family was up to it. Just for a month or so.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008 8:45:31 PM

Steph said…

Maybe we should play survivor in the wild and see who goes home first. We could have some serious fun! I would like to read it too.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:17:34 AM

Paul said…

No worries. I would let my family know if I took off! Maybe London this next year……
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 8:41:27 PM

Magan said…

It is a great book!
Thursday, February 07, 2008 3:57:19 PM

Lance said…

I read that book. I think I got it from Paul’s shelf in his room. I like most of it but it sort of makes you mad at the end he just wasn’t real smart. I think it would be alot of fun to just take off for months at a time, or even 18 months thats what missions are for. A positive adventure.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:28:18 AM


Where to begin…Motherhood is a bunch of emotions mixed up and thrown out. Pick a day to decide how the ride has been! I’m sure many a mother can relate?!

Today I went to the doctor 4 weeks away from having a baby and came out 3 weeks away. Dr. Zollinger had mercy on me yet another time and scheduled my induction to have the little lad on February 26. Excitement filled the air along with relief and a sigh of nervousness. Five children under my care and responsibility can seem a bit daunting, but I would never trade it for anything in the world. I feel honored that I am able to be surrounded by such wonderful people. Can’t wait to meet our new addition!

I put Alexis to bed tonight. She asked me if I could read with her, and I declined. Why? Selfishness came because I thought I was too tired I assume. Now I feel bad! She was mildly complaining that I never read with her. I gave her a little lecture on how I spent 30 minutes helping her practice the violin and more time learning how to do digital scrap booking. There – I’m justified…not really though! She is so helpful and creative with a tired mother!

Mason was so talkative and full of questions tonight at dinner. He was excited about finding toothpicks and popsicle sticks to create something. Instead of listening to him, I asked him to take a breather while I tried to have a conversation with Stephen. Why? Selfishness came because I thought I was in need of adult conversation. Now I feel bad! He is so imaginative and patient with a busy mother!

I felt frustrated when asking Lily on numerous occasions to do various things today. I had been tuned out or the task was too hard. Whining and complaining surfaced. I felt like nobody was listening! I vented out loud and exclaimed, “Why am I even here or try to talk, nobody listens.” I walked out of the room. Why? Selfishness came because I guess I thought my words were more important than others. Now I feel bad. Lily immediately ran after me and said, “Mom, we love you and need you at our house. We will listen.” I am glad I took the time to listen to her. She is so sensitive and expressive with an overwhelmed mother.

I was trying to work on scrapbooks today to reach the goal I have set for myself to get caught up. While I was working, Olivia just wanted to sit on my lap. She came on and decided to start touching too many things. I put her down and she began to cry. Why didn’t I just stop? Selfishness came because I guess I couldn’t give up on a project. Now I feel bad. Olivia accidentally bumped my ankle this morning and I said, “Ow”. She quickly gave me attention and asked if I was o.k. She looked at me in compassion and said, “Does it hurt really bad mommy?” Then she took the time to kiss it better. She is sweet and sincere with a distracted mother.

So I did it. I vented. Is being a mother really benefiting me more than my kids? For instance, here I am sent these amazing children to teach, but the things they teach me surpass anything I could have imagined! There is something interesting about what happens in families – the opportunity or choice we all have to become more like Christ. I don’t think there is a better environment for learning about charity than being with the same people over and over seeing us at our worst and best. Sometimes it seems that I have seemed to convey that I am more important or perhaps powerful than my children. As if my worth is more valuable. Intellectually I know this is absolutely not true and yet I continue to have opportunities to practice as I fall short. In reality we are equals! Learning from each other. Bruce taught a lesson once about seeing people with spiritual glasses. I wonder what I would see if I tried some on and looked at each of my children. I’m sure I would feel awed and impressed by the things they will accomplish for good. Sunday we were talking about President Hinckley and someone read a quote from him. He talked about a little boy who used to suck or bite on his tie during Primary, but when he grew up he turned into a remarkable man. Can’t wait to see what great things my children will do.

One last thought… interestingly enough I am not trying to use this entry to say I am a terrible mother. I am just acknowledging how much being a mother is like a roller coaster – quite a thrill of ups and downs. Without giving myself accolade, I know that I have taught my children great things. Some of the reason Alexis is creative and helpful is because of me, as well as Mason’s imaginativeness and possibly his patience (if you know me you understand that comment), Lily’s sensitiveness and expressiveness and Olivia’s sweet and sincere nature all have a little to do with me being their mother. Like Mother Eve has spoken, If we had not know the bad we could not recognize and appreciate the good. (or however she said it)

As I said before, Motherhood is a bunch of emotions mixed up and thrown out. Pick a day to decide how the ride has been!


Stephen said…

I loved reading this as I can totally relate. Thank you for sharing the thoughts we are all thinking but afraid to say.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008 10:44:13 PM

Stephanie said…

Keep doing what you’re doing your kids will be great leaders someday. It’s good to have reminders of what is important. I really enjoy talking with my siblings and their families, some day our kids will do the same because they love each other and they love the feeling they get when they are together. Long live the Forever Family!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:22:20 AM

John said…

Nice thoughts of wisdom. Thanks for sharing. We can all be a little more selfless. Goood luck with the next few weeks. We are excited to meet JT. You are doing a dandy job of Mommying.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 4:44:56 PM

Riley said…

You’re a great mom Jodi, keep it up!!!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 4:45:11 PM

Jana said…

Thanks for you thoughts.. I can totally understand were you are coming from. I am not a roller coaster gal so this motherhood thing sometimes can be a bit overwhelming for me. It’s nice to know that we have our children here to teach us the things we refuse to learn on our own. You are an amazing mother, wife, sister, and friend. Thanks for being all of those for me at one point in my life.(with exception to the wife!!)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 8:23:34 PM

Michelle said…

Boy-that hit home! If any of you ever figure out the balancing act trick please share it with me! You are all great mom’s and I learn from you every time I am with you! It’s sure nice to have people who all are going through the same things-
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:28:54 PM

Dad Parker said…

You words brought tears to my eyes. It sounded so familar to tender feelings of years ago. I love your candid expressions of your feelings. You are great Mom and wife. I’m thankful you are part of us. You are a good person’
We love you,
Dad Parker
Thursday, February 07, 2008 12:28:31 AM

Mom Parker said…

You’re so right, it is easy to see why you a such a good mother and wife. Good luck with the next few weeks. They grow up so fast, and yet somedays it seems so slow. We sure do appreciate you.
Thursday, February 07, 2008 2:24:47 PM

Aunt Susan said…

You should write a book. Believe me- it would be a best seller and make better Mom’s out of most of us. You kids are all the best Moms.
Friday, February 08, 2008 2:31:23 PM

Amy said…

You are one awesome mother Jodi. I have always admired your hard work and diligence at being the best mother and wife that you can be. I really look up to you and all of your talents. All your hard work definitely shows in your children. They are all great kids. Yes, they’re great because of who they are, but they are even greater because of you and Stephen.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:40:51 PM

We did it!

The GangWhat a bunch of troopers, we all slept out last night in the snow cave we dug. I was surprised that everyone made it all night. I have seen scouts that just couldn’t hack it. Even Lily was happy in the morning, and wanted to stay longer. They all want to sleep out tonight again…good thing it is Sunday tomorrow. It was 9F outside but inside the cave it was a toasty 36F. We all had a great time, tough kids there.


John said…

Nice work. You guys are ready to go move into the cabin on the hill and live off the land. That sounds like a great time and some good memories.
Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:13:10 AM

Steph said…

Looks cozy!
Sunday, February 03, 2008 1:26:53 PM

Jana said…

Looks like we needed your help building ours!!The kids pooped out so It didn’t get as big as we hoped! What a fun dad. Still building fun things eh?
Monday, February 04, 2008 11:22:18 AM

Anne said…

What a fun memory!
Monday, February 04, 2008 12:37:03 PM

Dad said…

Lokks like grat fun and good survival skills. You are a great family.
We still can’t seem to send ou own blog, but we can comment on others
Tuesday, February 05, 2008 2:24:59 AM

Stacie said…

Way to enjoy the snow! Good times!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008 9:52:12 PM

Aunt Susan said…

It never occurred to me that we could sleep outside in the winter! It would be a lot safer and quiter here than in the summertime.
Friday, February 08, 2008 2:25:03 PM

Amy said…

I don’t know…I think you’re all crazy. I’ll wait for a disaster when I have no choice but to sleep in a snow cave… 🙂
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:26:16 PM

Let’s Dig a Snow Cave

Mason would clear it as I pushed it outIt was another snow day today for the kids so we decided that this afternoon we would dig a snow cave and sleep in it tonight. It was a blast digging it just like old times in scouts. Mason and I were inside digging and pushing the snow out the door, when we realized that we had pushed the door full of snow. We were trapped, Mason started digging his way out. He made it about halfway out the door and got stuck, I gave him the boot…I pushed him out with my foot on his bunda. It was pretty funny how he popped on out. Alexis and Lily helped to dig the cave too so we are all planning on sleeping out there tonight. We will report on how it goes tomorrow.

Why me?

I got a call from Gwenn Lee yesterday informing me that I had been recommended by my bishop to be a temple worker in the new Rexburg Temple. I thought no big deal I could be a veil worker whenever I go to sessions with Jodi. But when I met with Elder Charles Frost today I guess they had other plans for me. He called me to be an official temple worker. The Rexburg Temple is run entirely by volunteer labor. I have been asked to work every Tuesday morning from 4:30 until 9:00. Wow, I thought to myself, I am old now. I actually wanted to say I couldn’t do it, but I have never said no to a calling and this would not be a good place to start. I kept thinking to myself now I can follow in Grandpa Sperry’s footsteps, I remember he used to work in the Temple in the early mornings too. I also thought to myself, can I do this? That is quite the commitment, the calling lasts at least 1 year. I love to help but sitting still is very difficult for me, I would rather chop wood for 4 1/2 hours as to just sit and greet Patrons. I am excited don’t get me wrong just a little overwhelmed. Maybe the Lord is trying to teach me patience. I hope I catch on quick in this case. I was touched tonight as Jodi told the kids about the new calling, they were all sad that I would be gone in the mornings and not be there to read scriptures, eat breakfast, and see them off to school. She quickly came back and told them I could always have lunch with them at school. She is quick on her feet. Let the fun begin.


Jodi said…

It will be a challenge for you (the sitting still), but you have never let a challenge get you. What a great privilege and honor – glad you are such a great example to our family!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:44:14 PM

Steph said…

You will be so fulfilled. I can’t think of a friendlier face to see in the temple. I will come through one of your sessions and slip you a dough nut or something. Congratulations!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:56:45 PM

Riley said…

I don’t know how to save my blogs,I log-in & press save, but it still won’t save!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:14:35 PM

Anne said…

Stephen this will be such a neat thing for you! I have been thinking a lot lately about how I spend my time, you know picking between good, better and best. This is a BEST for you. Time might go faster for you. Good luck!
Friday, February 01, 2008 11:28:13 AM

Jana said…

That is really neat. You are an example to all of us. Thanks for your life that you’ve lived so that you can have these experiences to share with the rest of us.
Friday, February 01, 2008 2:25:55 PM

Dad and Mom said…

I would be happy to see you greet me at the
doors of the house of the Lord. That is so neat. I hope we can work at the temple sometime too!!!
Thursday, February 07, 2008 2:19:15 PM

We will miss President Hinckley

We heard tonight of the passing of our beloved prophet, President Hinckley. He was a great example of how to live life and live it well. He was kind to all he met and always had something funny to say. A great man never to be forgotten. Play the movie to hear his strong testimony.


Steph said…

Thanks, Stephen.
Monday, January 28, 2008 2:49:21 PM

Stacie said…

Thanks for sharing Stephen!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:24:55 PM

Home can be a heaven on earth!

Today as Mason and I were doing dishes, we could hear Jodi playing the piano and singing beautiful church songs. I was thinking to myself I sure do enjoy it when she plays and sings. Within seconds Mason said what I had been thinking, He said, “I love it when mom plays the piano like that on Sunday”. Needless to say I was touched and felt for a small moment that I was given a glimpse of heaven here on earth in my own home. I told Mason he should tell Mom how he feels…so yes Home can be a heaven on earth!