It’s Potty Time!

We have spent the past week diligently trying to teach Olivia about Potty Training Basics! It really helps that we have 5 people on potty patrol. When Olivia goes, whoever takes her gets a treat too! She is doing really well, it seems she can pee on demand. In fact she has even been staying dry at night! We even experienced our first “plop” a few minutes ago. Olivia got the “shining star student” award last night when I asked her to go put a pull-up and pajamas on. She said, “And go potty too?” I said, “YES!” (I almost forgot) She came and told me she was finished a few minutes later. To my delight, she had gone to the bathroom, put her pull-up on, put some p.j.s on, and even dumped her “potty” into the big toilet and then rinsed out her little toilet! Can you say, RESPONSIBILITY?

We have had a few mishaps, but nothing too major! Just thought I’d share in some of our positive highlights.


Aunt Anne said…

Yeah Olivia! I am so proud of you!
Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:18:09 AM

Mom & Dad Parker said…

Your are such a big girl now, you will be a good helper withyou new little brother
Saturday, February 09, 2008 12:55:23 AM

Aunt Amy said…

Wow Olivia! You need to teach Abby a thing or two about responsible potty time!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:55:55 PM

Scrapbook Venting

I know that I am probably one of the only girls out there who doesn’t enjoy scrap booking. The truth of the matter is, I love looking at my photos – especially if they are of my kids! BUT, I get way too overwhelmed trying to keep up and making the books look good enough to my critical eye. I decided I don’t have the patience or find enjoyment in it – it isn’t one of my outlets obviously, it just causes me grief. I get frustrated if I cut a paper the wrong size or put a sticker in the wrong place. I have noticed, however, that I like creating things on my computer and I love to journal (the blogs have been helpful for that). So I’ve decided to try my scrap booking using Adobe Photo Shop CS3 (on my computer), my sister-in-law, Amy, inspired me to try it – we’ll see how it goes. I have just organized all of the many photos of all of my children- my goal is to get the last two years caught up before I have a baby. Pretty lofty goal considering the previous comments, huh? I am actually farther behind than that, but I thought I would try something attainable. (ha ha ha) Here I go … cross your fingers for me! I have 48 days left – Hope I can come up for air.


Stephen said…

You can DO IT!!! 🙂
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:17:48 PM

Steph said…

I have heard good things about online scrapbooking, you are my inspiration. Taylor still doesn’t have a scrapbook with journaling. Sad eh.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:49:04 PM

Anne said…

You can do it! Keep moving forward!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:18:26 PM

MZB said…

You will love ADOBE/PHOTOSHOP! I really have enjoyed
doing scrap booking now, because there is no mess and I can walk away.
Monday, January 21, 2008 3:08:58 PM

lex said…

cool 🙂
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 4:40:10 PM

Amy said…

At least with digital scrapbooking, if you have the wrong size of paper you can resize it. If you put a sticker in the wrong place, you can move it. Although it’s not as hands-on, it is easier to control. And if you really hate a page, you can just recreate it!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:44:22 PM

The Official Farewell

It is now official. Mom and Dad are now Full Time Missionaries. They fly out at 7:00 AM tomorrow. We had one last little shin dig tonight with two rounds of desserts. Mom’s homemade cheesecake and then a round on ice cream and hot fudge. We are sure going to miss all the fun get togethers. As you can see they have their bags packed and are ready to go. Good luck Mom and Dad…


Anne said…

We wish we could have been there. We will miss all the fun get togethers too!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:24:36 PM

MZB said…

Best Wishes to the Parker’s. I know they will be missed.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:53:08 PM

It’s Pearl Time

I finally broke down and purchased a “BlackBerry” the Pearl to be exact. I tried out the XV 6800 but couldn’t get used to the sliding keyboard. Too many days on a Treo I guess. I am still holding out for the Treo 800W which is due in a few weeks. Until then I am enjoying this little Pearl. It is a whole different game than what I am used to, but seems pretty intuitive. Mason seems to love it because of all the games you can get for it.


Paul said…

Nice! I am hoping to get a new phone myself. I am thinking the chocolate but the blackberry looks pretty nice.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 8:58:20 PM

Stephen said…

I never thought I would like one, but it is great, reminds me a lot of my Ipod.
Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:39:45 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

Have you told Brad that you purchased one? He’ll be giddy!
Saturday, January 12, 2008 12:38:23 AM

Child of God Potatoes

Here is a shout out for John’s seminary object lessons. If you click on story search under Tools to the right on your screen, you’ll be in object lesson heaven. Today I tried out the “Child of God Potatoes” in Primary. It was a hit for young and old alike – they all had fun looking at their potato and then trying to find it again. It was fun to hear how they thought a potato could be like a child of God – in the end they all understood the message. Can’t wait to use some more this month…I am planning on using “What’s this tool” next week to talk about divine destiny and then “Lap Circle” the week after that to teach about agency. Take advantage of this great help for your next lesson, or FHE. People will think you are clever at John’s expense!


Steph said…

Thanks Jo, I am excited to use that link.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 4:22:29 PM

John said…

I am glad you are using it. Keep up the good teaching.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008 4:40:38 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

I should tell my kids about the link for their FHE lessons…Bridget would love it!
Saturday, January 12, 2008 12:45:53 AM

yum! and cute!

I love strawberries. But I also love Strawberry Shortcake. She dances,she is pretty,and she has red hair. (I mean literally!) We have a lot in common too! We both dance, we both are pretty, and we both love red hair! I don’t just like her either but I like her friends too! I love you all,



Steph said…

Our friends just bought us a DVD of Strawberry and her friends. I think they are cool too.
Thursday, January 03, 2008 11:06:30 PM

Aunt Amy said…

Lily, you are one funny Chick! And Abby misses you too. A month or so ago she asked if Lily could come over and play. I had to remind her that Lily lives in Idaho. We hope to see you sometime soon.
Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:53:51 PM

A Gift that meant a lot

I was just sitting there minding my own business the other day, when my Parker sister-in-laws came in the room and exclaimed “Happy Birthday”. (My birthday isn’t until February) They carried with them a very cool music/picture stand. I was very shocked because this came out of no where. I was very delighted because for years I have been meaning to get a nicer stand. I was very touched because friends had thought about me and knew I would love it. I can count on one hand how many surprises I have received in my life, so this is extra special. This is a gift that I will treasure for many reasons. THANKS TO THE PARKER GIRLS!


Stacie said…

Jodi, You deserve it! Thanks for teaching Paige and being a good example to her!! I figure the better examples to better she will be! Thanks again!
Thursday, January 03, 2008 8:39:13 AM

John said…

You are the music in me! Happy birthday!
Friday, January 04, 2008 5:39:25 PM