Tonight we all went to the Rexburg, Idaho Temple Open House. It was a beautiful experience. We assembled in the chapel of the nearby Stake Center until we were called to form a line that was taken to a classroom to view a video presentation about temples. Sister missionaries were there to host and introduce the presentation, and community patrons were there to direct all of the many people(some volunteers said that over 10,000 people went through the temple today!). After watching that we began our walk to the temple. Tents had been set up for shelter between the temple and stake center. These came in very handy since it has been snowing and blowing. Alexis, Mason, and Lily were very well mannered and behaved appropriately. As their mother, I was very proud of them! Olivia had a quick nap at the beginning and then woke up and was happy enough the rest of the time through. Alexis said her favorite part was the baptistery – because she was going to be going there soon. She also liked the sealing room. Mason's favorite part was also the baptistery. Lily was amazed by the chandeliers in the celestial room and also loved to learn about marriages in the sealing room and looking in the mirrors that never end. Olivia saw a picture in the women's dressing room of Mary riding on the donkey, great with child. She loved looking at it and continued to ask where Mary was. She also enjoyed all of the beautiful pictures of the Savior. Stephen loved the creation room, painted by Leon Parson. The Grand Teton is in this mural and the other parts reflect the beauties that surround Rexburg. As for me, I really loved just feeling the peace that the temple can offer – even if not dedicated yet. I felt overwhelmed with the reality that a temple is actually in my town – Rexburg, Idaho. My gratitude and anxiousness to attend was manifest through my watering eyes. I never would have thought! I loved being there with my immediate family especially – I am glad that we can be a forever family, I love them all so very much! All of the parker clan was there – except Stacie's family. And my parents were also there. I saw a painting of the woman at the well with Christ and it reminded me of how lucky I am. I have the living waters at my finger tips and I love that we can "drink and thirst no more!" The gospel is definitely the plan of happiness – it is comforting to know that I have a purpose and reason for being here on the earth. I am grateful that I have been taught what this plan is and that I can be with my family together forever someday! When we were finished with the tour, we walked back over to the stake center and refreshments of pink lemonade and cookies were provided. Stephen rewarded all of our family with a yogurt from Mill Hollow Frozen Yogurt because of our good behavior!
The Rexburg Temple
Chicken Fat
Internet in the Kitchen
Here is a nifty way to put your favorite recipes on the kitchen counter without having to print them or search through gads of little food stained papers.
It is called VGA over Cat 5, Using the cabling already in my walls I can push the recipes that I look up on my desktop to the LCD TV in the kitchen. You can also stream movies and audio across another cat 5 cable. See the diagram for the VGA to Cat 5 pin out. Just make one for each end and you are set. Max distance for vga without a circuit board is around 50ft. Good Luck.
VGA Video connector pinouts:
Pin # – Signal Name – CAT 5 Conductor
1 – Red – Orange
2 – Green – Green
3 – Blue – Blue
4 – No Connection
5 – Ground – No Connection
6 – Ground – Orange/White
7 – Ground – Green/White
8 – Ground – Blue/White
9 – No Connection
10 – Ground – No Connection –
11 – No Connect
12 – DDC DAT – No Connection
13 – Horizontal Synchronization – Brown
14 – Vertical Synchronization – Brown White
15 – DDC Clock – No Connection
Steph said…
You’re Crazy! Just look it up! I worry about you getting too relaxed. I hope they have technology in heaven.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 11:52:24 PM
Steph said…
I am having problems getting my blogs to work, any suggestions. I can’t find the log in portal.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 11:54:21 PM
Stephen said…
Steph try to clear your cookies and login again.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 8:03:03 AM
Amy Baldwin said…
Does that mean that you have to make meals then?
Saturday, January 12, 2008 12:43:07 AM
I love Snow
I love all this snow, it is a blast to plow it with my tractor. Makes it it a joy to move snow instead of a burden. Mason and I were smiling the entire time as we plowed through the 12″ of fresh snow. Plowed 8″ at 2:00 and 4″ more at 6:00, Good stuff.
Steph said…
I can’t wait to come play in the white stuff, can I drive your tractor too?
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 12:51:36 PM
Stephen said…
You can drive it all you want, in exchange for some of Trevin’s cool pens 🙂
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 5:18:41 PM
I can’t believe that Christmas is here! The month of December has gone by so fast!I love Christmas , and the time of year.This year for Christmas I want ice skates!
Christmas is a great time of year to spend time your family ,and speaking of family my grandparents came!My results will show up on Christmas.
p.s. I don’t have Mr.Garner but I know two Garner kids
I know ,Brett and Lidia.
and I don’t like Brett!
RILEY said…
Monday, December 24, 2007 5:07:18 PM
Steph said…
Keep you’re eye on Brett, he’ll make a good husband some day. You are a pretty dancer, you and Lily both.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 12:54:39 PM
Answers to Questions
As promised, here are the answers to my previous blog questions. And Stephanie, Yes, I did take the quiz before I read the book and failed miserably!
1. Jesus was born in a country ruled by what people? The Romans.
2. What was the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist? The King James Version speaks of them as “cousins”; however, the Greek word translated “cousin” does not necessarily mean “cousin” or “relative”. The Greek word can just as readily be translated “neighbor, someone from the same village, someone from the same tribe, or someone with the same political or national affiliations.” In other words, the Greek text never calls Elisabeth and Mary cousins, and it is unclear if they were indeed that.
3. How did the shepherds find the Christ child? The followed the directions of an angel.
4. Where did the wise men find Jesus? In his home in Bethlehem.
5. Other than the wise men, who in the Eastern Hemisphere saw the “new star” that announced the birth of Christ? The New Testament implies that no one else saw, or noticed, the star.
6. How many wise men visited the Christ child? The scriptures do not say. Because the wise men brought with them three gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh), some have assumed that there were three wise men; however, neither the number nor the names of the wise men are given in the scriptures.
7. Who did Herod order to be killed in Bethlehem? All children two years or less; that is, all children, male or female, who had not yet reached their third birthday.
8. What false notion is taught in the second verse of the Christmas carol “Away in a Manger”? That Jesus, when a baby, did not cry.
9. What false notions are taught in the first and second verses of the Christmas carol “It Came up on a Midnight Clear?” That angels play “harps of gold” and have wings.
10. What false notions are taught in the first and second verses of the Christmas carol “With Wondering Awe”? The first error is the claim that the wise men heard the angels singing. In fact, it was the shepherds who heard the angels speak; the wise men saw the star. The second error is the claim that the wise men sought the manger. In actuality, they sought the home of Christ; the shepherds went to the manger. The wise men arrived much later.
11. What false notions are taught in the traditional Christmas carol “The First Noel”? First, the hymn inaccurately claims that the birth of Jesus was on a “cold winter’s night”, perhaps in December. If the shepherds were out “keeping their sheep,” it was much more likely spring than winter. Second, contrary to the words of the hymn, the shepherds are not recorded as having seen the star; the wise men saw the star. Indeed, the Bible suggests that the star did not give “great light”; according to Matthew, the star was not universally visible. Third, the hymn claims that there were three wise men; the scriptures are silent about how many there were or what their names were.
Stacie said…
That is very interesting! Thank you for taking the time to enlighten us! I still love those songs even though they are false! But I am just thankful for the scriptures to give us truth!! Have a great day! Hope all is well across town!
Saturday, December 22, 2007 8:55:32 AM
Jodi said…
I also love those songs still…I thought it was fun to notice some “trivial” information about them which I have never noticed before.
Monday, December 24, 2007 6:48:58 AM
Steph said…
Very interesting, I learned a lot too. Maybe I could borrow the book some time.
Thursday, January 03, 2008 11:00:10 PM
The Nativity
I just finished reading a book entitled, “The Nativity”, by Alonzo L. Gaskill. It has given me new understanding of the Savior’s birth. Here is an excerpt from the end of the book that was very thought provoking:
“Thus if the story of the birth of Christ is really the gospel story in miniature, then it appears that we must see ourselves in the story line. We must ask, not simply, How does this story draw me to Christ? but also, How is this story about me and my effort to be what God has called me in this life to be? For example, the announcement in Matthew 1:18 that Jesus’ parents were the mortal Mary and the divine Father, even God, is not simply a passing side note. It is the primary point of the Nativity story and central truth of the gospel plan. Like Christ, we too are of divine origin – sons and daughters of God sent to this earth with a mission. And like Jesus, we have been given earthly parents as guardians and stewards while we are in our youth.”
Here are some questions from a quiz at the back of the book to test our knowledge of Nativity events. I will post the answers in a few days and you can see how smart you are.
1. Jesus was born in a country ruled by what people?
2. What was the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist?
3. How did the shepherds find the Christ child?
4. Where did the wise men find Jesus?
5. Other than the wise men, who in the Eastern Hemisphere saw the “new star” that announced the birth of Christ?
6. How many wise men visited the Christ child?
7. Who did Herod order to be killed in Bethlehem?
8. What false notion is taught in the second verse of the Christmas carol “Away in a Manger”?
9. What false notions are taught in the first and second verses of the Christmas carol “It Came up on a Midnight Clear?”
10. What false notions are taught in the first and second verses of the Christmas carol “With Wondering Awe”?
11. What false notions are taught in the traditional Christmas carol “The First Noel”?
It’s Sledding Time
We got a nice new blanket of snow last night so we took to the sleds at Grandma and Grandpa’s. Grandpa purchased some tub like sleds that are a real treat to ride in cause they are rugged and they are fast. Mason hit the hill before we even finished getting out of the car. We all had a great time and had a nice lunch of custom made sandwiches from Grandma and Hot Chocolate from Jodi (She made it in her handy dandy Cocoa maker) of course the kids did some rock climbing. Good Times.
Never pick a fight with a Tractor
I got up early this morning to put together another tractor, like I usually do in the mornings before work. I was taking apart the crate and when I took the last bolt out it exploded open right at me. I didn’t move because I knew it would hit my little CRV. The last thing that I remember was a hard hit on the head and a tire coming right for my face. There was a lapse of time (I think I may have been knocked cold) I kept working thinking it would feel better in a bit. Jodi came out a little later to have me come in for breakfast and said I was acting a little loopy, and then gave me a crazy look when she saw my face. I think it may have broke my nose but I made sure it was good and straight save me some coin instead of visiting the Doc. Lesson learned is next time let it hit the car instead of me.
Steph said…
Take it easy!
Sunday, December 16, 2007 11:30:46 PM
John said…
Noses heal cars don’t – :)- Glad you are ok!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 8:54:06 PM
Scott Baldwin said…
Welcome to the crooked/broken nose club.
Monday, January 14, 2008 9:29:56 AM