Cheese Pie Anyone?

One our favorite but not very healthy snacks around here is what I like to call the “Cheese Pie”. Just place some cheese on a plate and nuke it for about 1 minute or until it is nice and crispy. Then pour off the grease and eat up! Alexis seems to enjoy it.


Mom said…

Just think of all the grease that is clogging your arteries! Just Kidding.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 3:23:53 PM

Stacie said…

I love doing that! At least I did for an after schoolsnack when I was younger! I love putting it on a tortilla shell too! Try melting a marshmellow in the microwave for about 20 sec. then twist it onto a fork! You get your own marshmellow sucker! Yum!
Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:40:07 AM

Frozen in Time

Check out this spider web I noticed out on our deck this morning. I had to take a picture because it is not an everyday thing for me to see. That must be one tough web to withstand that much weight.


Johnboy said…

Cool Shot. Way to notice the details.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 9:01:50 PM

Stacie said…

Wow that is really cool!! You should send that picture to the paper for the photo of the week! Dad needs to see that! He loves the magic of spider webs! Thanks for sharing!
Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:31:56 AM

Scriptures, Pie, and Hot Chocolate

We invited Dad and Mom over tonight to help teach us how to mark scriptures “Parker Style”. It was a great experience to have Dad call out the Book, Chapter and verse then see the kids scramble to find them. What a great example they have for a Grandpa and Grandma, Grandma was diligently following along in her Portuguese scriptures. Dad would give a short discourse when we read each scripture. I was touched by Mason as he would mark his exactly like I did, making sure to darken the same key words as me. Lily was insistent that she found the page it was on even if she couldn’t read all the words. Alexis took it upon herself to get a head start and was marking her scriptures today during Sacrament meeting. “What greater joy than to know that my children walk in the ways of the lord…”. Jodi made some great banana creme pies and had to show us how great the Hot Chocolate maker worked too. Olivia was having a ball with Grandma telling her (grandma) “your sunny” (funny) and “your toot” (cute). As they were leaving it started to snow just a skiff, so I took advantage of it to cool off my cocoa. It was a great experience for all of us. Thanks Mom and Dad.


Anne said…

That sounds so neat! You will have to share the Parker Style of marking scriptures with us sometime!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 1:22:54 PM

Steph said…

Love the mug! It isn’t very big though. I remember learning to mark scriptures in seminary with dad, how fun. Brooke doesn’t understand and she likes to color in her scriptures too.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 12:31:26 AM

I believe in Tithing

Lily was so cute when at tithing settlement tonight. She trusted us when we told her she needed to pay her $4 tithing. On the way home she said, “It felt good to give my money…it will help people.” It reminded me of Adam and Eve when they offered their sacrifices, “I know not save the Lord commanded me”. If we could all become as a little child we would be so much better people today.

May all your Christmases be White!

I have been begging my children to watch “White Christmas” with me for a week now and they finally surrendered! Tonight was the night, and oh, what a delight. One of my all time favorite Christmas shows. I have to admit that usually I am very happy that there is minimal snow…I am not a fan of the cold and driving on icy roads – BUT, we really do need a little white snow here in Rexburg to help it feel like Christmas. As I listened to the words of the song of White Christmas I realized that I genuinely do like the snow, it is very magical and makes Christmas feel like Christmas. I remember the days of my childhood when we had already gotten out for snow days by this time of year, and the shoveling was out of control. As I looked out the window this week I noticed that my grass is turning green! What’s up with that? Tonight I think I’ll take the words to heart and dream a little of a white Christmas.

“I’m dreaming of a White Christmas. Just like the ones I used to know. Where the tree tops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow…May your days be merry and bright. And may all your Christmases be white!”


Steph said…

I just purchased that movie this year and we have watched it at least 5 times, my kids love it! I think about white Christmas’ too, we are mowing our lawn up here. I can’t wait to go sledding in Idaho. I hope you guys have a white Christmas, love ya’ll.
Sunday, December 09, 2007 12:23:34 AM

Stephen said…

I want some snow so I can plow it with my tractor 🙂 it is a great show….
Sunday, December 09, 2007 8:44:37 AM

Rick said…

We watched that every year with my family!

Sunday, December 09, 2007 4:40:12 PM

Anne said…

So, I am bad. Never watched white christmas all the way through, I always fell asleep, not because it is boring, because movies put me to sleep after 9. My kids want to know what this movie is? I guess we will go rent it and watch it this week. Thanks for sharing!
Sunday, December 09, 2007 7:39:54 PM