Christmas around the World – Sugar City Style

It was time again for the annual Christmas Program for the Elementary School. We had been hearing excerpts from a few of the songs preparing us for the grand event. Our recollections went back a year to when Mason was in this performance by himself. Oh, the dread that he felt. He had to wear pajamas in front of everyone – everyone in the bleachers that he knew would be looking at HIM! After much coaxing and prodding he prevailed and with as little effort as possible went through the actions and tried moving his lips.

This year on the other hand, was another story. He still wasn’t trilled about performing, but there was such improvement. The morning of the program Lily was expressing concern about being nervous and that she hoped she could do a good enough job in front of all those people. I casually mentioned that she should ask Mason what to do. I listened and heard Mason give her some pointers and she felt better. It was cute. They both did a wonderful job. Lily really got into her Spanish dancing and Mason loved dressing up in a ninja costume. Mostly he enjoyed getting to be part of the Chinese dragon’s body, in the Chinese New Year Parade – he even poked his head out when he was all through and gave a hearty wave.

“I think to myself, what a Wonderful World!”

Some Tunes for Stacie

Let’s slow things down a notch and step back to 1992…just for Stacie


Steph said…

Trevin and I were talking last night about our favorite 90’s ballads. That took me back to some good victory dance memories. I loved listening to that, thanks Stephen.
Sunday, December 09, 2007 12:36:10 AM

Anne said…

I love those songs!
Sunday, December 09, 2007 7:39:16 PM

Stacie said…

Thanks Steve!!
Monday, December 10, 2007 7:10:59 AM


Lily loves to dance! ,and she is so good.This year Lily joined dance,she is soon going to do a Christmas recital.Lex is in it too.We would love it if you came, its on December 13,2007 !See you there!


Dad said…

What a sister, selflessly sharing kindness about Lily.
Friday, December 07, 2007 11:57:29 AM

Steph said…

I can’t make it but I will be dancing on the 13th in memory of you guys. Good luck!

Sunday, December 09, 2007 12:21:41 AM

The Ultimate Gift Challenge

Tonight for FHE we made the commitment as a family to follow the admonition of the Savior in Matthew 5:38-39…

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

Our challenge to all is that we treat others kind even when we may not have received the same treatment. I have found that I sometimes treat others how they treat me, that is a vicious and never ending cycle. I know it will be hard but can there be a better gift? Game on…

Crazy Family

We had to make a tough decision for our FHE activity, watch an episode of “Kid Nation” (we are a few behind) or build a ginger bread house. You can see what was chosen, it was a great time for all of us. Lily was a little under the weather so she quietly watched. It was a challenge to keep from eating all the icing and candies before we finished the house. But we managed to have just enough. We also read as a family the “Ginger Bread Baby”, by Jan Brett. It was a fun night for all. A few days later Lily was telling visitors that we built it with Tooth Paste – she must have really been under the weather!

Potty Training Memories

Wrote this for the Baldwin Family Newsletter for the mystery person, thought we’d add it to the blog journal…
This person had a difficult time being potty trained. One day while waiting for dad in the car a number two accident occurred, unbeknown to dad. This person decided to take care of business on their own. They opened up the jockey box, pulled out the registration and insurance papers of the car and wiped away the deed. Being resourceful must be an inherently strong character trait. The stench was apparent when dad returned and he helped clean up the mess, so he thought. A few days later when putting something away in the glove compartment dad found a little treasure awaiting him! Whoops. He thought about comments he could make the next time he got pulled over by the police like, “Well this really stinks!” or “What in the crap?” as he handed over his registration and insurance information. We are proud to report that this person is fully capable of using the toilet like a big person now.

Dad, how hot is Fire?

As we sat around the fireplace tonight Mason and I began to discuss how hot fire is, since we weren’t sure the exact figures we googled it and here are the astonishing facts. Watch out for the dazzling White flames they are the hottest.

The temperature of flames with carbon particles emitting light can be assessed by their color:

o Just visible:977 F (525 C)
o Dull: 1290 F (700 C)
o Cherry, dull: 1470 F (800 C)
o Cherry, full: 1650 F (900 C)
o Cherry, clear: 1830 F (1000 C)

o Deep: 2010 F (1100 C)
o Clear: 2190 F (1200 C)

o Whitish: 2370 F (1300 C)
o Bright: 2550 F (1400 C)
o Dazzling: 2730 F (1500 C)

Cocoa with a Big Smile

Here we go again, blog number 3 about Hot Cocoa or is it more? I just have to share the joy of my new little gadget. We went to visit my parents this weekend and guess what I came home with? A cocoa-latte machine! My dad and mom know how much I love to drink hot cocoa and hooked me up. I couldn’t stop raving about how delicious it was when I went there last time and it paid off (they made me some cocoa with theirs). Thanks dad and mom for my most favorite gift in a very, very long time! The perfect surprise of delight. We enjoyed some this afternoon for Sunday dinner – hey, it’s always time for chocolate. I am going to have to highly recommend one of these babies to anyone looking for a gift to give this season. By the way you can also make apple cider with it, I’m looking forward to that too. Tootles!


Steph said…

Where do I pick one of these up? I have acquired a love of hot chocolate myself. Add a spoonful of Postum and it can’t be beat.
Sunday, December 02, 2007 5:13:28 PM

Stacie said…

Jodi I am so happy for you! I know you were really wanting to get one of those! What inspired parents!! Congratulations! I expect to get a cup o cocoa from it!!
Sunday, December 02, 2007 8:40:06 PM

Jodi said…

Stephanie – Bed, Bath, and Beyond has them and my mom picked mine up at Sam’s Club – although they don’t have them in Idaho Falls. Happy Drinking!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 9:39:49 PM

Journal Entry December 2, 2007

Our family seems to be in a good groove, nothing too major or tragic has transpired in our lives lately. For that we are grateful. Here are a few details of the happenings around here.

Stephen of course still works for AMX International. They have been building an office here in Rexburg (kind of over by Les Schwab). Well, it is finally close to being finished after a year and a half. Stephen is finishing the wiring for the computer network and the hope is to move in before Christmas. I asked him if he is planning on working in the office when it is finished he said he will probably work a half day in the office and a half day at home. It is nice for him that he has the flexibility he so desires! As far as what he is doing in his spare time, he is putting tractors together. He has loved honing in on his mechanic skills. Stephen also loves to work on the web site he created for his family and has recently added a math game for the kids to practice online flash cards if you will.

I am enjoying life in a simple way and I LOVE IT. I have basically uninvolved myself in most of the things I usually involve myself in. I am very happy about it. I like focusing on my household tasks and making after school snacks, and being nicer to my family because I am not overwhelmed with all of the things I have to do. Being pregnant goes by fast when you have 4 kids! I cannot believe how fast it is coming. We are very excited about having another baby and hope we can brace ourselves for the change that is on its way. We are now not going to have any spare seatbelts in our van! YIKES! I think I am getting nervous about the car rides for sure. Speaking of car rides, I have enjoyed driving past the temple as it is nearing completion! It is very beautiful and so nearby! I am very excited about being able to go inside soon. We have tickets for the open house on December 29th.

Alexis is finding that fifth grade has brought on much dreaded homework. She is always happy when on a lucky day there is none! She has been taking dance lessons from Melanie Schwendimann and really enjoys it. She also has taken violin lessons from me since school started she is getting really good. We pulled out the Orange Blossom Special and she has LOVED learning it. In January, she will be taking lessons from a new teacher. I decided it would probably be a better thing for me to just be the mom. Alexis is still the DJ of our family. She is always picking out tunes for the car or hooking up my ipod to the household sound system. She loves having late-overs with her friends and she is also quite good at making earrings out of paper clips.

Mason loves having a man teacher at school! I think it is because his teacher is so relaxed especially when it comes to turning in homework! Whatever works though. For Christmas, Mason has been eyeing up the Star Wars Build it Yourself Light Saber. After school when homework is done and he has free time, he is usually found watching one of the Star Wars Movies. He has even trained Olivia to use a light saber and Lily is always up for a fight. He also loves to read the encyclopedia and dictionary, for awhile he was toting both in his backpack to and from school I was worried he would get a serious backache! Mason has also just finished his first season of wrestling. He learned a lot of good life skills especially knowing it is o.k. to loose as long as you do your best.

Lily just had a birthday and turned 6 I cannot believe it. She is growing up into such a wonderful little girl she can be one of the sweetest persons around. She absolutely loves kindergarten and playing with friends. It is such a fun age for me to watch. She loves to draw on her easel, to make up songs on the piano or sing karaoke. She is also a very great big sister and friend to Olivia. She is also learning to become a good reader and is anxious to figure out words she sees.

Olivia is at the crazy but fun age. We experience melt downs on a regular basis, but we also get to see her silly side and funny nature. She reminds us a lot of how Alexis was at this age. She loves to make anyone laugh. She is a good mom to her doll named, Dolly. I catch her talking to her doll or whatever she is playing with constantly. She is also the queen mimicker. She repeats the words of prayers, as other people are saying the prayer. Her favorite thing to do is watch Super Why on PBS.

There you have it folks the rundown of the Parker Household we hope to be seeing any of you really soon! You are always welcome at our home, we love visitors.