Meg back in 2002 with her oldest children…she now has 4 kiddies and lives in Californina.Get ready to read a funny story from my youth… My dear friend Megan Spaulding made me laugh. While we were working in Jackson, She, Anna, and I were talking about the Holy Ghost and how you get a burning in your bosom. All of the sudden Megan grabbed her rear as Anna and I looked at each other with questioning eyes. We asked, “Meg, what are you doing?” She replied, “A burning in your bosom, you know,” as she grabbed her rear again. We busted up laughing and tried to compose ourselves as we explained to her the actual location of her bosom. So a few weeks later in Sacrament Meeting we were singing a song that made reference to the bosom and couldn’t keep a straight face for many minutes. Consequently I will be educating my children about bosoms so they will never be in question. I love Megan!
Hang in There
We went to G&G Parkers tonight for some fun rock climbing, we all got involved. Grandpa challenged Alexis to climb less than 20 seconds with the reward of the last dollar in his pocket. Of course she took him up on it, and made it under the time limit. Olivia had a great time as you can see :-). Grandma was multi tasking and painted her toe nails while watching. Dad and I went around the world together, great fun for all.
Oh Baby
It’s a BOY! Well, I’m so excited to have another brother. I’ve been really excited to find out for a long time and now I want to tell all of my friends. Tonight my dad and mom found out from an ultrasound and bought a present that was boyish. Later on we opened it and found out the baby is a boy. I screamed with joy! I am so happy to finally get another brother. We will now have 3 boys in the family.
Boy Oh Boy!
To reveal the gender of our new little addition we decided to wrap a gift with an outfit that would be obvious. All of the kids were so anxious. Before they opened it each one said they thought it was a boy…good thing! Now we are counting down the days until we get to see our handsome little man. (We’re half way there!)
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The Big News
Today Jodi and I went to Dr. Z and got the news about the new arrival. As he was doing the ultrasound he paused on one shot and then asked us if I wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl. From the shot he had, it was obvious, “It’s a Boy!” he was in the perfect side shot position to get a good look at his plumbing. We are very excited with this news. The name JT has been around since we were first married but we are finally getting the chance to use it. It comes from my good friend Joshua Taylor Strobel, and my last mission comp Elder Travis Taylor both were very good influences in my life.
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Primary Missionary
Today for sharing time I was able to teach about “becoming a missionary”. I read Elder David A. Bednar’s talk to prepare for this. It is such a great message. He talked about how our actions and thoughts should always be as a missionaries. I had an ah-ha moment as I taught today. I was telling the children that we are always a missionary no matter how young or how old we are. As I was telling them this, I thought about how I am a little primary missionary – standing right there teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to these beautiful children. I am proud of that, and grateful I have been trusted to do this. We have been given such simple yet amazing things to teach these children, and they are ready to listen, hear and receive these messages. They are like sponges soaking this stuff up and ready with all of the right answers. One thing about kids that is so limiting is that they know the right answers but don’t always perform the right answers- they need lots of practice I guess. You know what? We all do!
I think I have a fan…
It is so fun to be a mom – especially when you have a fan! Lily is a “mommy’s girl” and I am so lucky. She likes to be with me and gives me endless compliments…it’s really good for my self esteem. Every mom deserves to have this kind of treatment. Thanks Lily for making me feel important and loved – even moms need love too.
Fun in the Snow!
It snowed the first weekend of October – and not just a skiff. It was so snowy we could hardly see on our way to Island Park. Once we got to the cabin, Mason wanted to get to work out in all of the fluff. He begged anyone to come and play with him. None of us were as prepared as him (i.e. coats, hats, gloves)and didn’t want to go out – everyone that is except Grandma Parker. She had mercy on him and went out. They built this cute snowman complete with rootbeer in hand. Mason also created this cool snow bird.
It’s always fun for everyone when Grandpa & Grandma Come!
This past weekend Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin came to our house for a visit. My, oh, my, was there excitement and anticipation in the air. Of course with Grandma around there are always treats involved and she brought a load! I think we are all on a sugar rush. Shopping is also involved when with Grandma, the most favorite trip was to D.I. Lex and Lily came home with beautician heads – they love them. They came home and washed their hair and went to work doing hairdos. Mason was tickled to have gotten a box of dominoes for $.25 and a hand held game for $.10. It doesn’t take much. I was also the recipient of the spoilng – and not from D.I., thanks mom! (Can’t wait to wear my new maternity sweater) Our favorite part was just getting to hang out and play. We said our good-byes Saturday morning and then Grandpa surprised us and came back to get potatoes from our neighbor’s cellar. When that was all done it was time to say good-bye for a second time. Olivia was very sad and wanted to go with Grandpa – he took her on a drive around our driveway and then really had to go. Olivia was very sad and ran off crying down the driveway. It was actually really sweet. Thanks for the memories!