Okie dokie peeps! Today was good, but as always really long. I have decided that the days here are super long the nights are short and the weeks go by really quickly. It is crazy to think that I have already been here for a week!
Today my first shift was in Casas with Nicole and Nik. I have been dreading going back to Casas since the first experience there. I’ll be honest I prayed a lot to get though the shift, but I survived! It was actually really fun, today we went on a field trip to a private golf course/tennis club/pool area. It was beautiful! I wish I could take my phone to shift so I could show you pictures! Lo siento. The kids spent about an hour on a playground at the resort. All we had to do was watch them or push them in the swings. We even got a plate of scrambled eggs with ham and a juice as a snack with the kids. They also got a Kinder chocolate egg. Sadly, we didn’t get the egg and we couldn’t drink the juice because it was strawberry, (A forbidden fruit to volunteers, due to the use of HUMAN feices as fertilizer.) and the juices here are just blended fruit.
We ended up leaving the playground around 12 and the drive was about 40 min. so we were late to lunch. Good thing we get a 2 hour break!
For lunch our cook, Catilina, made us this really good cake out of these ritz cracker things and some sort of sweet milk sauce. It reminded me of tres leches. I feel like I write a lot about food…
Anyways, my second shift was at Esperanza with Megan. I would say that is one of my favorite places to volunteer, if not my favorite. The kids are fantastic and there is always something to do.
There is a girl from Esperanza that is 19, and she is one of my favorite people. She loves to swing. I have decided pushing any of the kids in swings is my favorite part of working here. They are so easily entertained and loving. This same girl will always tilt her head back and smile at me while I push her and it is the cutest!
I am also very fond of taking the kids out of their wheelchairs and holding them. I figured that out today actually. They love to be held, even if they are 15+.
Also today the Tia spanked one of the girls, in a loving/teasing way, while we were changing her. It was really funny.
Wednesday is our shopping and deep clean day at the OSSO house. My jobs were to clean the downstairs bathroom and help wash all the fruits and veggies from town. We get so many!! I love it.
I have become Heather’s shadow and I totally spend every dinner helping her cook just so I can eat something good. She is so nice to let me help and share her food! Heather is the oldest volunteer here; she is 32. However, you would never know because she is really chill and adventurous. After she is done volunteering here she is moving to Peru for a little less than a year. Her stuff is already sold and in storage! Back to food..we made this really beautiful avocado, mango, lime, red onion salad tonight. Amber also made these absolutely fabulous brownies tonight! I am surrounded by amazing cooks. I told them I will make them pizza or something before I leave.
Tomorrow I go to TRINI, the one place where I actually get pictures of the kids, so check back for those. I love and miss you all! XOXO 🚶
There are some workers behind our house on the OSSO site that are building the Rossero’s (the directors since 2001) house right now. They always play volleyball at lunch so I creeped and took a pic.
Here are a the fruit and veggies that I got to wash today!
Look at the size of those carrots!!